Saturday, July 24, 2010

July greetings from Ireland

Saturday 24 July ‘10

Good day to all, family and friends!

Not much has changed since last week weather wise as it is dripping again today, light mist rain, but warm!
Yesterday was a very good day and we cannot complain!
The grass grows and the fields where the farmers had the hay cut stands already high with green green grass!
The flowers cannot take this amount of rain and looked like drowned specimens of some distant fauna and flora planted before the great flood!
The strawberries has come to an end after many weeks of producing excellent fruit!
The rasberries and black currants are starting to ripen and I will cook some jam ! The apples 7 in all, are still hanging and growing ,we are watching them like hawks!
The rhubarb is no more as our dear geese family tramples all over them with little respect! We will have to move them to a safer spot!
I have a busy week ahead of me, work wise, as every surgeon tries to get as much done before the hospital closes for the August maintenance week!
I will have 2 weeks off and would only then have used up my accumilated leave of last year!
Some 3 weeks ago I lost all the fillings out of 1 of my molars, I say ‘all’ as the Polish dentist just keeps on patching the broken parts. But this time it is not to be saved, and I have my appointment with a proper dentist. I have never had a tooth pulled , do not like the injection as I can feel and hear it so clearly in my head,wriggling between the roots of the teeth and against the jaw bone, but without it I will not make it so at 10am on Monday morning I will have my 1st tooth pulled since childhood!
I know of a young man that will be going for an interview this coming week, Christiaan I will be thinking of you and hope it will go well!
Gerlof and Sandra are already in SA and Arnolda & kie seems to be on their way to Perth and then driving to Melbourne!Some distance and we hope that you will enjoy it and that all will go well, When is your departure date?
Nine from Kokanje and her grand daughter ,Nine from Canada are also going on a trip,every-one seems to be on the move,we, on the other hand are staying put the livestock is keeping us from leaving for much longer than 12 hours!!!!
Last Sunday we had the privilegde of having Finbarr and family visiting and we just cannot get enough of our grandson Lukas! He was 3 months old yesterday! He is such a lovely child!
Birthdays for this coming week: Oubaas(Gerhard) in Mazibuku Zambia will be a year older on the 26th,Megan Josling and Thilo on the 27th and Frik on the 31st!
Many happy returns!!!! May it be a lovely memorable day for all of you! Thilo will be somewhere in the USA! Enjoy!
Some time later!
Just back from a pleasurable attendance to our local argricultural show! Charlie is the chairman and Charlie is a member of Corboy congregation. His parents, Sam and Mabel Murphy are part of the foundation of the church, Sam (83yr)and Victor(86yr) are brothers and they went to school in the hall next to the church and it is very important to them that we attend functions like the show. Victor is the president of the Argricultural Show in the Midlands! Sam’s grand daughter studied Forensic something and work in Leeds for the Court pertaining to drugs, any kind of drugs and she rides the horses and do show jumping and we have since we attended the church made an effort to watch her jump and she was jumping today, we were just too late to see her but the show jumping is really lovely, these horses are so big and the jumps so high your heart nearly stops every time they go over an obstacle.
We bought every possible thing with apple and raisons in it! Our evening meal will consists of the ‘brack’ , a fruit loaf, we bought at the Rectory which had a sale for the Boy scouts this morning and apple strudle and raison bread! A little piece of everything!
The animals were beautiful, cows with calfs,bulls, sheep, goats. We should have had Madam and her 7 goslings there but ....we will arrange something for next year. There were enough chickens! Small and large and ducks of all kinds and colours! This is really a rural country show! Undescribable! You have to attend to appreciate it!
Tomorrow is Sunday the best day of the week and Stephen our Minister is back, Last week was somewhat of a disaster. The man who came, first used a book out of another ‘Bible’ He called it the ‘Good News Bible’ I was not so sure about it but the books name is Judith!
I do remember that when Finbarr had to attend his cathecism classes I had to buy a different Bible with 5 extra books in it and I think that was the Bible he was using which meant that no one could follow the reading , That was enough to upset the older generation and then he did not use the microphone and those with impaired hearing were totally left out and that is not on! We could rather have sung 20 Hymns for the 40 min!!!!! The lesson in itself was good but I wonder who heard it!
Stephen will surely hear about it tomorrow!
We go to church for fellowship and to hear the Word of the Lord explained and prayer but when you upset these Irish that are absolutely set in their ways it leaves little harmony although they stayed very polite! The month of August is Stephen’s holiday month and we are then entertained by 4 different preachers I sincerely hope that it will go better!
Those you are not interested in the Goose saga exit now!
The goslings are growing so fast, like mushrooms! By the hour! They are back in their own quarters and settled without problems. Wednesday morning when Barry opened the door and checked on the other 2 hens sitting on the eggs he found all the eggs in the nest of Naomi out of the nest, He could not understand it and put them all neatly back, but later in the day he checked again and she was standing at the back of the nest not sitting at all! He thought that she might like to go out and opened the partitions. Both of them went out but when they came back Mary went to sit on her eggs and Naomi also settle with her on the same nest. It was a catastrophy and we had to get her our of Mary’s nest back into her own!. A hour later we noticed that she is not sitting on the nest but standing at the back. It was now late in the day and Barry decided that he will leave it till the morning! The next morning she flew out of the nest with an egg broken! That was when we realised that she must have realised there is no life in the eggs and abandoned them. 9 eggs lost! Some just plain rotten and others never developed! Very sad! Mary is still sitting and we hold thumbs that she will make it to the end!
The goslings have now started to develop feathers and it is so wonderful to be so near to this process of growth and development! They are a bit top heavy and their tailends are pulling them down which looks very funny, but they are correcting themselves and eventually get it right !!!!
They graze now as a group, Madam, as mother Scruffie who received a few blows agains his heads when he pecks the little ones, Ruthie who lost her chicks some time ago and Naomi the last hen to loose her brood!
Looking after this lot is a fulltime job! We make notes of all the growth points and hope to properly record it for the future! Behaviour as well as problems encountered!
These birds are very strong and trying to move one of them out of a nest is no joke and another time she just flew over the fence wihtout a problem, past Barry and his stick!
The next episode in story will follow soon!
The day turned out to be wonderful! The mist were replaced by bright ,warm stinging sun shine, blue skies and some cloud but brilliant over all! 22 degrees!!!!!!!!!!
The bird population have suddenly increased triple fold and at certain times we could easily have 40 little birds on the wall outside the kitchen! Very lovely!
The Tour de France is coming to an end tomorrow and we will miss it! We followed the entire race with great interest! Headbutting and all!
The whole cabinet is on 2months holiday and all the important reports which should have received their attention have been published and they are shying away from the responsibilities brought to the front through the reports, by shining in their absence!
Parents who are arranging weddings, enjoy it ! Those who have to study, DO IT WELL! Those who are expecting, stay well! Those who are sick, or not able to move as fast as they are used to, get well quickly! Haya I am thinking of you!
I greet ye all from a lovely sunny afternoon in Cranley more!
Barry and Christina

Groete uit 'n druppende Ierland

Saterdag 17 Julie ‘10

Liewe almal, familie en vriende,
Og maar ek is maar dom, het nooit geweet van die program wat my Afrikaanse brief sonder rooi strepe sal laat en ook nie die s van ‘ons’ by die volgende woord gaan aanlas nie, dit is so wonderlik, baie dankie Marthie!!!!!!
Hier gaan dit woes, ons maak op vir die 6 weke wat ons nie reen gehad het nie en alles is druip nat, As dit vir 3 ure nie gereen het nie dan jubel ons, die buie is hard en geweldadig so dat jy nie voor jou kan sien as jy op pad is nie. Ons blommetjies is vrot van al die water, ek het gister, toe daar ‘n straaltjie sonskyn deur die dik donker wolk massa breek, gou ‘n paar verpletterde blomme uit gepik maar vanoggend lyk alles weer erg bedremmeld!
Gelukkig het die boere hulle hooi gesny en gebaal voor die weer gedraai het, die slurrie is ook klaar gegooi en die gras kom reeds weer groen deur! Ons tamatie plant het te swaar vir homself geraak en takke het afgebreek met groen tamaties aan. Ons het ondersteunende stokke ingesteek maar die wind en reen verwoes alles!Eet nog steeds elke dag 5-10 heerlike aarbeie!
Almal by die hospitaal moes per geslote stembrief ons keuse gaan aangee vir die 5% korting op ure en salaris en sal onveranderd bly tot en met 2014, ek sal helaas nie die vreugde van die einde beleef nie want ek sal reeds permanenet tuis wees, daar ek op 65 moet aftree en dit is oor 3 jaar! Nogtans is ons dankbaar want die afgelope jaar was die korting 18% en dit het baie van ons sleg gevang,veral die jong gesinne!
Ek het Barry saam gesleep want ek wou nie alleen ry nie en toe sommer bietjie by Woodies gaan inloer ,dit is iets soos Dion’s of Game en uiteindelik ‘n Strimmer gekoop,ek dink dit word ‘n ‘weed eater’ in SA genoem. Alles moet altyd van die beste gehalte wees en dit is letterlik nou jare wat ons kyk en kyk en maar elke keer om draai en weg loop want die goed is net te duur maar gister was die spesifieke maak en grootte wat Barry nou al lank na kyk byna ½ prys! Ongelooflik!Nou kan ek my skaap skêr weg bêre en net vir spesiale geleenthede uithaal!
Ons was, as ‘n nasie, in geweldige verdriet gedompel nadat 7 jongmense en ‘n man van 65jr verlede Sondagaand net na die Sokker in ‘n wreede motorkar ongeluk oorlede is. Jongmense het geen begrip van die gevare wat ‘n motorkar inhou nie, dat die hoeveelheid passasiers en die spoed wat jy ry jou doodsertifikaat kan beteken nie! 8 Jongmans tussen die ouderdomme van 19-23jr het almal in ‘n Volkwagen Passat ingeklim en iewers heen gery na hulle op ‘n groot skerm na die sokker gekyk het.Volgens die polisie was alkohol nie ‘n faktor nie. Hulle het eers op ‘n draai en soliede wit lyn ‘n ou dame in haar kar getref, haar voor wiel totaal weggery, nie gestop nie en 200meter verder die volgende kar getref, 7 van die jong mans en die bestuurder van die ander kar is dood. Die jongman 22jr oud wat die Passat bestuur het lewe nog maar daar lê baie jare van groot ellende vir hom voor! As dit nou maar ‘n les vir die res van die jongmense sou wees,kan ‘n mens dit nog hanteer, maar................
Ons was 10 Suid Afrikaners bymekaar om koffie te drink gister oggend, 2 van die groep was van Kempton Park en was net op besoek, net een Dokters vrou was daar, Cynthia, en die res van ons reeds geruime jare inwoners van die eiland. Ek het Adrie Vosloo, een van die dames wat ook daar was byna 5jaar gelede gesien, hulle woon nou in Cork en sy het kom kuier. Ek ken haar die langste want ons was in dieselfde kerk in Malahide! meer as 6 jaar gelede! En daarna het ons weer by die kerk in Mullingar bymekaar gekom! Soos gewoonlik gons dit as ons almal tegerlyk praat maar ai tog, dis darem so gesellig!
Politiek en finansies is nie meer nuus nie want orals gaan dit maar beroert! Ek weet net dat Ierland seker die duurste land op aarde is om in te woon en kos intekoop!
Ons moes die gras sny en teen 8nm gisteraand het ons 5 ure reenvrye weer beleef en het gou ingespring en saam,saam het ons gou weer die grasperkke onder beheer gekry! Groot deel word nou nie gesny nie want die ganse is voorlopig daar gevestig!
Barry lees sy koerant en kyk terselfdertyd golf, gister was dit maar ‘n baie onaangename dag vir die spelers met wind sterkte van 40mpu.Oornag voorloper darem ‘n Suid Afrikaner maar arme Ernie sit nou op die rant en kyk , hy kon die afsny punt nie haal nie!Hier en in England praat hulle nog steeds van myle en ponde en voete en duime! Eendag sal hulle wel inhaal!
My week van vakansie het gevlieg en ons het darem een dag redelike weer gehad en Carrick on Shannon toe gery. Isabel hulle het dit pragtig opgeknap met ‘n ekstra voet brug oor die rivier en nou kan die verkeer tenminste oor die brug ry sonder om bang te wees dat jy ‘n voetganger gaan omry! Hulle was druk besig om alles mooi te maak vir die Netjies Dorp kompetisie. Die klein ou kerkie was vir die eerste oop, mooi skoon gemaak,en binne die die gebalsemde lyke van ‘n man en vrou. Hy het toe sy op 46jr gelede oorlede is in oneindige verdriet vir haar die kapelletjie opgerig , haar lyk laat balsem en haar daarin gebere kan jy se en toe hy oorlede is het die gemeenskap sy lyk ook gebalsem en nou is die 2 kiste daar te sien,1867!
Al die winkeltjies se straatkante is geverf in al die kleure van die reenboog met hangmandjies oral, baie baie mooi!
Vandaar is ons na Ballinamore wat naby die grens van Noord Ierland is maar ons het maar nie die noorde ingery nie want hulle is effe opgewonde raak op die oomblik en jy weet nie wanneer jy oor ‘n klein bruggie of in ‘n kronkel paaidjie paadjie veilig is nie want die dwase het reeds soveel skade aangerig deur petrol bomme te gooi en ontploffings veroorsaak dat ‘n mens liewer nie nou daar besoek afle nie!
Van Ballinamore is ons na die woud gebied van Killeshandra , pragtig,veral die tyd van die jaar, ons het middag ete in die ‘Horse Shoe’ Hotel in Belturbet genuttig, genoeg vir 3 dae ge-eet, en via Virginia en Old Castle huis toe gekom! Die pad tussen Old Castle en Castle Pollard waar die bome ‘n se oorgroei ‘n tonnel vorm was donker en sonder jou ligte aan was dit mooeilik om te sien, die groei is so ruig dat die son skaars daardeur kan skyn! Reg in die rondte!
Ons het vanwee die slegte weer nie weer rond gery nie en hoop om gedurende Augustus darem ‘n beosek aan Cork en Sligo te bring!
Môre is Sondag en ons het ‘n besoekende prediker en ek kon dus die Psalme en Gesange kies! Sal dus more weer lekker sing! Verlede Sondag moes ek Stephen, ons predikant wat baie goed kan sing, laat weet dat die ouer garde nie die moderne liedere gesing kry nie en dat ek nie eers gaan probeer om dit op die orrel te speel nie en toe kies hy gelukkig iets anders wat ons toe heerlik kon sing! As die gemeente se gemiddelde ouderdom tussen 60- en 80 is ,moet jy maar by die bekende bly!
Totsiens aan almal wat nie belangstel in die gans saga nie.
In al ons berekeninge en ons begeerte om die beste vir die gans kinders te gee , het ons vergeet van Madam wat nie van verandering hou nie. Die skuif na die pragtige nuwe kamp en die A-formaat huis word toe ‘n fiasko en Woensdag oggend is hulle weer terug in hul ou kamp!
Ons het Prins Scruffie en Ruthie toe maar in die nuwe kamp gejaag en hoop maar dat as die nader kleintjies uitbroei dinge effe makliker sal gaan! Barry was op een stadium wanhopig en ek moes mooi praat want anders was almal, ou ganse en kleintjies die hek uit! Ek het dit in storie formaat as iemand dit wil lees!
‘n Mens besef nie wat ‘n geweldige werk die versorging van gans kinders meebring nie, Ek neem aan dit veel makliker in die Vrystaat is maar hier is dit te nat en die weer te onvoorspelbaar om hulle net aan hulself oortegee!
Dit wil ook voorkom asof dit die tyd van die jaar is wat hulle vere uitval en die wêreld lê wit van die vere! Veral die ouer dames wat op die neste(klink nou erg verkeerd,(? Nes/nesse/neste) gesit het!
Die kleintjies groei vir ‘n vale en geniet die vryheid van die groot kamp maar slaap nou weer in hul ou slaapkamer in die donkiehuis!
Nog 2 weke dan behoort daar nog klein gansies te wees en 2 dae later nog! Hier is ‘n pluimvee mark wat rond gaan en ons sal maar sien of die man van hulle vir ons sal verkoop!
Gerlof en Sandra is oppad SA toe en ek hoop hulle geniet hulle besoek ter dee! Heerlik omtehoor van klein Isabelle ons kry ook môre besoek van Finbarr Amanda en klein Lukas! Kannie wag nie!
Aangetekende verjaardae is ons neef Werner die 20ste en dan onthou ons ook ons liewe tante Poppie wat die 23ste sou verjaar het!Werner ons hoop dat jy ‘n pragtige dag sal beleef en nog vele jare gesond en gelukkig sal wees!
Sommige jong mense wag vir hul jaar-end uitslae en ander is halfpad deur die jaar! Aan almal wat nog studeer , alles van die beste en ons weet dat die uitslae van die ander goed gaan wees!
Haya ons hoop van harte dat die voet opersie ‘n sukses sal wees! Vinnige beterskap! Nine wanneer is jou vertrek datum!? Hoop jy en Jong Nine ook julle reis sal geniet!
Arnolda en al die trou planne, dit hou jou goed besig ! geniet dit!
Ons groet en hoop dat dit met almal wel is
Barry en Christina vanuit Cranleymore waar die son skaam skaam deur die wolke probeer breek!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Greetings from a wet Ireland

10 July ‘10
Good day to all, Family and Friends!!!!

A mist rain is the forecast for today with heavier rain later in the day, although very pleasant! It comes to mind that our summer existed of 6 weeks bliss and as in ’06,’07,’08,’09 that rain might be a dominant factor for the rest of the summer!
We are just back from shopping, no, not food, that we do only every 10-14 days but to construct a new nursery for the goslings!
Also some railway sleepers as we want to change the format of the garden and best to start now and have everything ready for early spring and summer! And even have some pleasure out of it for late summer and autumn!
The garden has been a feast for the eye, the tiger lilies are in full bloom 4 on one stem and there are about 12-14 plant, just too beautiful! The petunias struggle a bit with all the rain but get new life every time the sun does make an appearance! Our tomato plants have the tomatoes but the problem is to get the tomatoes to grow bigger and get colour!!!
I just devoured 5 enormous shining strawberries picked about 1hour ago! Very delicious! The old strawberries plants which were discarded against the fence early this year are giving us a tremendous amount of pleasure once again! This is the 4th year we are having fruit from them!
The new plants we bought last year are the Garden show is even better! Excellent fruit!
The roses are still very lovely and we are enjoying the beauty of every flower! The dark blue nearly purple Clematis against the pink of the climbing rose with sweet peas in between is lovely and bright!
All the gladiolas are up and they usually provide long stems filled with flowers! Can’t wait!
About 3 years ago, for those who do not remember, I cultivated some orange trees from pips, last year we put them outside and they flourished and then something started to eat them and they all died! Diligently I started again early March with the pips from my grapefruits and oranges(I am addicted to them) the old fashioned method of germination in a saucer and cotton wool, 5 of them are now about 2 cm high and 7 germinated ones planted directly into the garden and 5 more in the saucer ! I talk them every day and encourage growth and love! Barry has declared me insane!
Garden birds consists of mothers feeding the young, we should charge them for the worms that are being removed from our garden! Great to see the young birds flap their wings begging for food!
I am on Holiday for a full 10 days!!!! Had all wonderful plans ,for if the SUN shines With the Labour relations Court intervention we are due to go back to original hours less 5% and original pay less 5% from the 19th July, in order to avoid a full scale strike.
We had it in mind to go to Sligo so that I can get my feet wet with sea water as well as a visit to one of our favourite places Carrick on Shannon!
With the soccer coming to an end the Vuvuzela’s has made their way to Ireland in full scale! For the young, the annual Pop Concert weekend called OXYGEN is on and they live in tents and plod around in the mud for fun! According to the News presenter every tent are in possession of a Vuvuzela and there are 75,000 people in attendance!!!

We are presently touring through France with the cyclists and the map! Beautiful country side! Would like to go and tour there in person one day God willing Also spending some time in Scotland, looking at the golf!
My Birthday book announces that Pauli(presently in Hoedspruit ) will be a year older on the 13th! Have a good day Pauli!!!
For those who are not interested, Exit now!
The story of our Livestock!
The goslings are 10 days old and have more than doubled in size; They eat continuously and are very cute! One of them has a black line from his eye continuing onto his/her beak which indicate a little Toulouse in him which comes from his/her father who has the black spot on the wings! We did not sex them!
They have their own personalities and follow the mother in everything and she guides them with subtle cluck noises. They will have to be moved to another pin and that was what the purchases were all about this morning! We plan to construct an A-frame house which will protect them from rain and keep them separate from the other geese! We took a chance yesterday to let them out of the ‘nursery’ in the afternoon. There was jubilation and a lot of flapping of wings and a welcome like none for the 7 goslings from Scruffie, Ruthie and Mary who got off her eggs for her daily graze and water, everything settled down and we thought, well , so far- so good and suddenly Prince Scruffie decided this is a threat and he better get rid of them quick, he grabbed one of the little ones by the head and were about to start shaking it when our screams let him go of the gosling and we quickly had to separate the little ones and their mother from the other geese, realising that they are still too small to be let out!!! The gosling was fine and they scurried as fast as their little legs could carry them back into their shelter! We have to prepare the ‘nursery’ for the next lot which will be hatching in less than 3 weeks. The geese and goslings have been occupying our whole life! You constantly have to monitor them watch for any problems, sickness or weaknesses. They are not allowed to get wet until they develop proper feathers! Also not allowed to swim yet although they do get into the drinking dish and sit there in the water sometimes 3 at a time! Any-one who wants to see these goose children of ours let me know and I forward updated pictures!
It has been the best therapy for Barry, he has no time to feel sorry for himself after the angiogram!
Our grandson Lukas grows as fast as the goslings! He is a lovely child and we hope to have them over next weekend! I get an update of what he looks like about 2x a week! I boast of course like ever grandmother does and show the pictures to all at work! They love to see how he develops!
While down in the bottom field yesterday afternoon, a ‘horse fly’ stung me this is the 3rd time in 4 weeks and every time I re-act more violently than the previous time! Erythema appears 5cm in diameter and at least 1cm in height, red, hot and very itchy as well as burning like fire! I am scared that one day I will not have enough time to get to my antihistamine in time! Or it will take too long to start working! Will have to get some Solu Cortef Injection to keep at home for the reaction I cannot cope with! Dr is too far away for such emergencies. Who else is this allergic in the family?
Suddenly the heavens opened and Barry had to rush outside to get the little ones into the shed! So that was their outing for the day!
Tomorrow is Sunday, the best day of the week nourishment for the soul and I still play the organ! All Hymns and Psalms practised well!
I have nothing more to say except that a photo of Isabelle will be appreciated!
Do take care
Lots of love and regards
Barry and Christina in Cranleymore

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Irish Summer Greetings

Saturday 3July’10

Good day to all family and friends!
After a month of the best summer weather ,the driest June in 50 yrs, according to records, we are experiencing somewhat milder weather and showers, temperatures still in the low 20s but more humid than during June!
The garden is a feast for the eye! Every rose bush has the optimum flowers on, the tiger lilies are bursting to open, the ‘Jacob regops’(African ? I forget the English name) are bright and beautiful with their yellow and orange flowers! The petunias are not fond of rain and suffers a little but still beautiful all the sweet peas are in full flower, and the tomatoes are as big as plums! We only have 7 apples on the one tree after it was covered with blossoms, 2 trees have no fruit and of course the pear trees only have leaves!
The swallows fledged on Tuesday and have taken shelter in the turf shed away from the noise of the geese! They fly around during the day but all still get together at night to sleep!
The red robins which were growing underneath our noses in a tucked away nest on the electrical pole have also fledged and are being fed by mommy with vigour!
We were very sad and nature can be very cruel but the eggs that were laid by the pigeon were stolen by the magpie, there is no evidence of life in the nest when we realised that the pigeon is not flying in and out anymore, Barry took the ladder and looked!
For those who did not understand the Afrikaans letter last week we can with great thankfulness say that 2 of the grafts done 15 yrs ago for Barry, is patent only 1 is 70% blocked but a complimentary branch is feeding that part of the heart at present and after nuclear studies, which will be done soon, the cardiologist will decide on the next step, in the mean time he has been taking his medication regularly! And feels fine!
Haya could you let us know how Kobus is getting along! Our thoughts and prayers are also with Nanette whose son is very sick in ICU Milpark hospital! Brandon is continually in our prayers! Nadia , we hope that you and the little bit is keeping well!
We have been very busy at the hospital and have now come to the stage where the salary cuts will have to be reviewed! In liaison with the unions and the Labour Relations Court there will be a ballot taken, 9th July, on 5% cut from original hours worked before the recession hit us so hard and will continue until 2014 which means that I will never go back to my original earnings in my working time as I will be retired before that becomes a reality! BUT God has been wonderful and always remains faithful and in spite of recession and lower wages we are still able to cope well and have something left over!
Our grandson Lukas is ever so gorgeous, grows by the hour and is 10 weeks old! A constant joy to his parents and of course his grandparents!
Birthdays coming up! Haya on the 5th and Hessie on the 6th! Congratulations! May the year ahead be filled with great things!! Lots of surprises and joy!
For those who are on holiday enjoy it! Those waiting on results, everything of the best!
The next few paragraphs will contain geese news and those who could not care Exit now if you have not done so already!
It is with great JOY and Jubilations that we can announce that we are the foster parents to 7 gorgeous little goslings!!!! They hatched successfully on the morning of 30th June and are 5 days old today!!! They all survived and Madam is a model mom!
They are all perfectly formed, run after her and eat grass as well as the supplement food we are giving! 1st it was our mixture but this morning we purchased chick crumbs with the correct amount of nutrients and minerals! It is so difficult to tear yourself away from them but life goes on and we have to live our own lives as well, we found that hours goes by watching the wonder of nature!
We do have a problem with Ruthie, the hen who just could not raise her 2 sets of chicks! She is desperate, cries out all the time if she cannot see the little ones and just wants to get in with them, at present we are keeping Madam and chicks separate, Prince Scruffy is very protective of the little ones and he and Ruth are patrolling the camp on the outside like foot soldiers. They hardly graze or go for a swim, hiss like venomous snakes if we just come near the camp!
Naomi and Mary are both broody, Naomi more so than Mary, Mary is still somewhat restless, she was the last hen to lay an egg there in late April. But Naomi has not moved off her eggs since Tuesday! We are not sure what we are going to do with all these geese children but if all go well we might feed them up and get them ready for the butcher for Christmas! Terrible thought but our place is not big enough to keep 100 geese run around and they cannot be covered by their paternal farther, therefore they will have to go eventually! Some of the nurses have booked to have 2 or 3, but we will just wait for the 2nd and 3rd lots to be out before starting to give away or sell!
The feeder we bought this morning will prevent the mother from walking all over it and give the little ones a change to eat in peace! Water needs to be clean and we will wait until they are a bit bigger before we get the watering gadget! Barry gives them clean water 2x a day! I include a photo of the goslings!
Now it is time to say goodbye, always lovely to hear from you!
Thilo and Trish How are you?
Take care, the grandparents in England can send an updated photo of their most beautiful granddaughter!
Have a blessed Sunday
Midsummer July greetings from Cranleymore!
The Dunnes