Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spring Greetings from Ireland

26 Feb’11

Good day to all, family and friends,
The sun shine, the skies are blue and spring is in the air!
There is a wind but that is part and parcel of living on an island that is a bit bigger than the Free State!
The birds are singing their hearts out and the daffodils have really moved at great speed during the last week and our 1st tulip will be open in about 2 days!
There is this expectation of great things to happen, the air is clean and we cannot wait for the burst of colour and flowers all around us! It has been a long and difficult winter and every bit of good weather is extremely welcome! Temperatures are rising and the days are wonderfully longer!!!!
It is COUNTING day in Ireland after the Election of the 31st Dóil ( parliament) of the Republic and we hope and pray that the outcome will be good. We are at the bottom of every aspect in financial and political turmoil thinkable and whatever the future brings, it has to be better!
I have been off sick with a most horrific Lower Respiratory Tract Infection caused according to me by an allergy- what the cause may be is still to be figured out!
I am a walking cortisone advert and after 10 days of intensive treatment there is some hope! I only cough now every 90 minutes for 15 minutes and not every 15 minutes for 90 minutes!!!! 2 different courses of antibiotic completed and every possible nebulizer circulated through the alveoli’s!
I was suppose to teach CPR at the hospital but my colleague had to cope all by herself – good experience for her but less in my pocket, we do get paid separately for this service we provide!
Not being at the hospital I have no idea what is happening there and believe that all is on tract!
Gerlof is boasting about his granddaughter but I have to admit that I feel exactly the same about our grandson, there has just not been another one like him!
He had his 1st haircut last weekend and received a certificate with a lock of hair attached! His Oupa was so upset, but his mother declared categorically that her son will not look like a ‘Knackers’ ( traveller) and therefore the hair needed to be trimmed!
He presents you with gums and no teeth at present and his parents fear that he will wake up one morning with a full set of teeth! He moves like lightning –crawling properly for the correct development and say about 20 words! He is just 10 months old! Ready to make life difficult for his surroundings! I personally think children are born more advanced as years ago!
March is approaching and our plans for the new garden layout are still on the books! To be able to achieve perfection we will have to have at least 2 loads of top soil delivered and then the compost worked through and the planting of all the different bi-annual and perennial plants as this will have to be a semi final attempt for our cottage! Wish us well! It will keep Barry busy for a while!
As we walk through the bottom field we came to realization that we do miss the geese terribly and maybe we will get a gander and 2 females...but that is still just talk it brings us back to not being able to leave when we want to and that is the main reason why we got rid of them! Never happy unless miserable!
We also had a very tension full week behind us. Sharon Barry’s niece living a bit longer than us here in Cork with her twin sons notified us on Monday about the severely ill Nicholas. The twins are just 15 + yrs old. He presented with a headache on Sunday evening and went to bed after taking 2 Paracetamols. Woke his mother up at about 2am and said the pain is unbearable! Between Drs and hospitals ? Meningitis diagnosed and when that was excluded test revealed an aneurism with brain haemorrhage- he was severely ill but thanks be to God the Neuro team did the necessary and he is after brain keyhole surgery on his way to recovery!
He is most probably one of the youngest people ever to have had a brain haemorrhage in Ireland. His twin will have to be investigated but we are so thankful that it all turned out satisfactory and although still in hospital is making good progress.
We plan an inauguration Hymn singing service for early in April in thanksgiving to this wonderful purchase!
On top of that as you know by now tomorrow is the best day of my week and the wonderful expectation of food for the soul is a very comforting one! It will also be the last time I will have to take the keyboard to church! Hallelujah!
Birthdays! Laurel will be a year older tomorrow and Angie the 28th! Happy Birthday to both of you!
The troubles in the North of Africa are very disturbing and with petrol the price it is I wonder what the future holds!
We think of those families in Christchurch whom have been affected by the earth quake- I know that there are cousins living in New Zealand I am just not sure exactly where- we hope and pray that they are all well!
It brings me then to the end of my letter with thanks to all those who did make an effort to write a few lines and tell us about their daily living – I love hearing from you!
For some or other reason I was not able to open the wedding album from the Australian couple! What a pity!
Photos of the children are also most welcome and lovely!
Do take care and stay diligent with security!
Spring greetings from us in Cranleymore!
Barry & Christina

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Groete vanuit 'n wakker wordende Ierland

19 Feb’11

Goeie dag allemaal, familie en vriende!

Dit is 2 weke gelede wat ek laas my vingers aan die letterbord geslaan het om met julle te gesels, sommige het gewonder en gevra maar ander het seker ‘n sug van verligting gegee!
Vandag is ‘n pragtige dag en maak op vir al die dae tussenin wat koud en nat was! Helder blou lug met hier en daar ‘n vlies wolkie die helder son skyn wat selfs al effe warmer word , temperatuur buite 9 grade wat regtig iets goeds voorspel terwyl hulle sneeu in Noord Engeland en Skotland verwag! Wat dit werklik aangenaam maak is die afwesigheid van ‘n snerpende wind!
Lente is om die draai en ons was heerlik verras met die besoek van 2 hase wat mekaar die hof gemaak het in die agterveld! Ons het gedink dat daar nie meer hase oor is nie en dit was pragtig om hulle te sien baljaar! Dit was nie al nie, ons moes noodgedwonge dorp toe gister oggend en daar staan meneer jakkalsie in die onder veld van ons buurman,baie parmantig en ons wonder toe waar hy vandaan kom, gelukkig aan die een kant dat die ganse weg is want anders het ons ‘n probleem gehad!
Ons het ook die plesier van ‘n grootgrys gestreepte kat wat al jare kom kuier maar nooit naby gekom het nie tot sowat 3 maande gelede, ons het maar altyd die oorskiet kos vir die voëls buite op die muurjite gesit maar kom toe agter dat daar iets groter as ‘n voëltjie dit geniet en sowaar daar sit hy toe onder die heining met sy blink oë en wag vir die versnapering, intussen het hy al so mak geword dat hy nie meer weghardloop as ons die agterdeur oop maak nie en wag net tot ons in is voor hy oor die gras hardloop en kom smul. Nou het ons ook intussen die porsies vergroot en die oorskiet vleisies en worsies wat by die werk in die asblik land word nou vir hom voorgesit en hy het intussen spek vet gework verlede Sondag aand daag hy nie op nie , en die kraai kry die kos die volgende more, Maandag aand wag ons in spanning en toe kom ‘n ander besoeker , ‘n yslike groot muis, dit was nie ‘n rot nie maar net ‘n welgevoede muis, hy het natuurlik die valletjie in die skuur gemis en leef heerlik op die oorgeblewe gans kos en natuurlik wat die kat los! Woensdag geen kat en nou begin dit aan my knaag, hy is siek, of dood, sommige kere kom hy effe later maar meeste aande sit hy reeds en wag teen ½ 7 wanneer dit ons aandmaaltyd is. Donderdag sien ons hom uiteindelik na 8uur onder die heining en dadelik weet ons iets is verkeerd. Hy hinkepink stadig tot by die muurtjie en ons sien dat sy regter voorpoot nie ingebruik is nie, moes seker ‘n trap van ‘n kar of iets weg hê maar hy leef darem, Gisteraand het hy weer nie opgedaag nie en dit maak my sommer sielig voel! Later die aand gaan kyk Barry en hy moes tog opgedaag het wat alles is opge-eet! Ons hoop maar dat hy sal herstel, en as hy aan iemand behoort dat hulle na hom sal omsien!
Die voëltjies van Ierland kry die beste voeding in ons agterplaas, Hulle is spek vet en gesond,blink in die sonlig, hulle sit net soos apies op die takke in die son vroeg in die môre! Hier het ons ook ‘n ongeval gehad, sien Woensdag oggend die voeltjie opgepof op die muurtjie sit en onder sy krop iets soos ‘n kostruksie ring en hy gaap na lug, toe ons nader gaan worstel hy weg en Donderdag oggend vind Barry hom toe teen die heining dood! So gaan die natuur sy gang!
Ons het nog niks aan die tuin gedoen nie behalwe wat ons in Oktober geplant het en wat nou vinnig opkom! Die kroukusse lyk pragtig maar daar is geen perses onder hulle nie wonder wat van hulle geword het, die affodille en tulpe groei mooi maar dit sal seker eers in blom wees teen middel-einde Maart!
As die weer hou sal ons in Maart die nuwe beddings aanlê en ‘n nuwe formaat tuin hê met meerjarige plante agter en dat die seisoen plantjies voor! Die mandjies moet ook almal hernue word en dit is groot werk want daar is 13 in getal! Ek sien tog so uit daarna!
Ongelukkig sit ek nou vir langer as 2 weke met ‘n ellende van ‘n verkoue wat sinusitis veroorsaak het en toe direk longe toe is en nou het ek die gevreesde ‘lower respiratory infection’ in die ou dae bronchitis genoem en het die geborrel toe hier vir die laaste 8 dae so erg dat ek toe ten spyte van antibiotika wat ek reeds Sondag begin drink het moes Dr toe, dadelik op hoê dosis kortisone geplaas en ten minste klink ek nie meer soos ‘n kokende ketel nie maar as die hoesbui kom gaan dit sleg!. Moes vanoggend my heerlike warm bed verlaat en op ‘n stoel in die woonkamer gaan sit met ‘n kombers om my want sodra my kop die kussings raak ( wat reeds hoog opgestapel is) begin ek hoes tenspyte van ‘n goeie nag rus, het die hoes my byna versmoor sommer uit die bloute!
Hoop maar dit klaar op want Maandag moet ek CPR klas gee vir die hele dag! Dit vereis baie fisiese aksie wat natuurlik die hoes aan die gang sit! Dus ek verstaan presies hoe Gerlog gevoel het met sy lang verkoue en toe neus en ja Sterimar is beter as neusdruppels en as jy dit maar van die begin af gebruik gaan dit gou beter!
Die politiek van ons land hang in die weegskaal van ‘n klomp mense wat werklik baie min weet van hoe om ‘n land te regeer, net 2 het sover die moed gehad om hier te klop en ons stem volgende Vrydag! Ek dink ek moet ‘n rebel wees en vir Siin Fein stem hulle praat regtuit en het nognie geleer hoe om stories te vertel nie! Die ander party leiers is ervare storie vertellers! Van finansies weet hulle almal maar bitter min en daar wag nog baie ellende op ons!
By die hospitaal is daar vordering en daar word gebreek en gebou vir ‘n vale, Die koerante was vol berigte en advertensies van die nuwe onderneming en ons hoop alles kom tot vrugte dra! ‘n Nuwe ongevalle afdeling is besig om ingerig te word en sal eersdaags in gebruik geneem word , die sale wat nou jare toe staan word weer gemeubileer en sal hopelik weer vol wees met pasiënte en natuurlik sal verpleegsters werk hê!
Verjaardae is verby en ander is aan die kom! Garth in Kanada en Renate Röhrs in Stellenbosch! Veels geluk en mag daar nog vele goeie jare op julle wag! Ek glo nie Garth het al ooit ‘n brief van my gelees nie maar Arnolda kan maar die wense oordra as hy weet wie ek is! Retha moet ook maar die wense aan Renate deurgee.
Adelbert ek het die fotos van die 14de Feb baie geniet nie dat ek ‘n benul gehad het na wie ek kyk nie maar daar was tog sommige gesigte wat bekend voorgekom het,weet nie van waar nie ....maar.... dit blyk ‘n goeie oggend te gewees het!
Môre is soos altyd die aller beste dag van die week en hopelik sal dit die laaste keer wees, of miskien voorlaaste keer wat ek my klawerbord moet kerk toe neem want die orgel is bestel en aflewering neem 2 weke dus daar is hoop! Ons beplan ‘n gemeente sang diens in onthulling en dankbaarheid vir die nuwe orgel! Natuurlik is dit ook sielsvoedingsdag en og mense, het ek dit nodig, verlede week het ek 5 nagte aanmekaar oor die naweek gewerk en kon onmoontlik nie ‘n diens bywoon nie, dus is ek erg honger!
Nou ja, vir die wat nog lees ,ons is dankbaar dat ons nog met julle kan gesels en bande so kan behou! Paul( in Van der Bijl) stuur asb baie groete aan jou pa en ma. Ek het ‘n briefie geskryf maar weet nie of hulle dit ontvang het nie! Baie dankie ook aan Tjaart wat gereeld kontak maak!
Ek groet vanuit ‘n baie vroeg lente ontwakende Ierland, hou julle oë oop en wees altyd versigtig!
Liefde groete
Barry en Christina

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Irish Greetings

5 Feb’11

Good day to all, family and friends!
Today 5th
Nine in Kokanje! Happy Birthday and may the year be full of wonderful experiences and surprises!
8th Feb
Belinda in Roodepoort!
Happy Birthday to you! We pray that your year will be magnificent!
Kathleen in England
...and a Happy Birthday to you! Hope you will have a joyful year with little Isabelle and Tim as company!
Philip Josling 12th
Rachelle please convey our best wishes to Philip!
Brenda in England 13th!
Josie, please convey our best wishes to your Mom!
I have got a felling that somewhere the clockwork of nature has had a hiccup!!!!
Chicago is under the snow! Australia had the floods and now the Hurricane, South Africa had good rains and floods!
And off course we must not forget Ireland that can have all 4 seasons in one day!
Temperatures during the last week went up to 12-13, no sun thou but plenty , ooooo, plenty of wind! And rain as accompaniment! Storm-like winds, trees down, and a woman was killed by a freak accident when she walked along the pavement and a tree fell on her and killed her! This is a warm wind but not pleasant to be in!
The garden is transforming into yellow and purple crocuses and looks lovely! The daffodils and tulips are about 4” above the ground! The birds are singing in the trees and it is so beautiful, the robins, the thrushes, and the black birds it is like a symphony outside! Barry still supplements them with peanuts and oats! I will have to prune next week if it stops raining as all the rose trees are pushing out there little buds!
The severe cold killed 2 of my orchids they just became like jelly, the old one is so faithful and still have 6 flowers on since October it had 32 flowers on 3 stems!
The baskets will be dealt with early March!
On the political front the country experience voting fever as the Dail (parliament) was dissolved on Tuesday 1st.
We can only hope and pray that who-ever come into power that the corruption and enormous salaries will come to an end Our Prime Minister earned more than Barak Obama and his pension will be of great comfort to him for the rest of his life!
In the mean time we the working class are struggling to make ends meet since the new USC payment has come into effect! The first politician has called at the door and she can be glad I was asleep as she would have had a difficult time with me! Barry was very polite but put his point over with conviction!
At the hospital things are moving fast! Mr Mark Gordon, with his Northern accent seems to be a very able financier and the CT scanner as well as the MRI scanner will be installed next week!!!!! That is surely one of the greatest assets that the hospital will have as the nearest one is a good 50-75 km away!
The new Emergency Department is already being created with inner walls taken out and cubicles being installed- The admission ward is in progress and the future will bring a 125 bed Nursing home single rooms with en suite and all possible facilities for the elderly! To be finished in 4 years time!
The new theatres are being constructed and will be in use before July. The hospital being built in the early 60’s does not have piped Oxygen and that is being installed in the High care Units at present!
We still push O2 cylinders around to where they are needed!
They also caught me for a sucker again when they left me and a carer with 13 patients one night of which 3 came out of theatre after 7pm 8 medical cases of which 2 were confused and needed constant observation and to round the lot off a re-admission of an Autistic child who had a tonsillectomy and went home and never ate or drank anything, dehydrated and in a collapsed state we had to infuse this impossible child with fluids and IV antibiotics, I claim that pain management in a child is of the utmost importance but ......... we coped and that is my problem , we always cope till one night and then there will be no- one helping us in court if something goes wrong and we did not cope! I there-for have now an appointment with the new boss to discuss our problems at night and to show him my letter of concerns written last Oct and the managers answer to it as well as my report regarding the unsafe patients: nurse ratio at night!
I might have no job there-after but I feel I have to do it!
The AGM at church has agreed to the purchasing of an organ and now it is so exiting and we can’t wait for its arrival and installation! It is not big but a real church organ (digital) but with pipe organ sounds!. Tomorrow is as always the best day of my week and after a difficult week of work behind me I cannot wait for the soul food we receive from a very gifted preacher!
The children and Lukas were here last Sunday and that was also wonderful, the little man is too cute and has this little finger that inspects everything and picks up everything he lays his eyes on!
He has no problem with grey matter and has his parents running rings around him!
That brings me to the end of this week’s letter and hope that you are all well!
Thank you so much for all of you that send letters during the week it is always so lovely to read about you all! We are awaiting the link to the wedding photographs of Sam and Emma!
Watch every step you take, leave no place for carelessness and may it go well with you all!
Warm regards from us in Cranleymore!
Barry and Christina