Sunday, November 25, 2012
Frozen greetings
Sunday 25 November’12
Good day to all, family and friends,
You had a breather there for a while , I was in 2 minds if I should write or not but it came clear to me in the last half hour that I should, after listening to Songs of Praise and the wonderful music coming out of the mouths of young boys and men.
It is just after ½ 5, 1° outside and winter has arrived in all good measures. The last 2 mornings I had to pour my water bottle on the glass surfaces of my car to be able to just get a peep outside with the engine running and every possible method switch on to clear the lookout field, but not only that, I first had to open the car door which was frozen solid yesterday morning, most of my water was poured over the door frame and door handle to get in!
The evergreens in my garden are just about making it; the Lupines in flower have astounded us –frozen stiff in the morning but after thawing – looking fresh as ever. Nothing else of colour in the garden at the moment. The bulbs have pushed their first points above the ground early and we hope the winter cold does not bring disaster.
The trees are bare, the colours now all on the ground in heaps of fallen leaves. We do have a problem here with black ice- it looks like wetness on the roads but in fact it is ice and 3 nurses were in car accidents this week because of this dreaded ice –one was admitted to hospital but fortunately not seriously injured – but an accident can happen so quickly. All, early morning accidents, on their way to work.
At work things were not always pleasant as the CEO realized that the Nursing Home operating at a loss and that the surgical side of the hospital is at present carrying the whole enterprise. Notice was given to the residents and staff were given the option to stay on at reduced pay and working where needed or to leave.
In the interim the surgical ward runs in overdrive - every-one trying to do as much before the New Year as possible.
Being one of the oldest staff members I was approached to work Christmas Eve and new Year’s eve- I do not mind as Finbarr and family will arrive on the 26th and we will have Christmas all over again.
In general and on the political front- disaster upon disaster.
The Indian women who died after a determination of her pregnancy was denied when she was in the process of aborting at 17 weeks, has caused an uproar all over the country and has reach the headlines worldwide.
The report on the issue has been made public this weekend with the most ridiculous suggestions ever. This is now in order to avoid something like that happening again. In the mean time her husband demands a public investigation into the death of his wife.
The heads of European countries cannot come to an agreement in the EU re the finances of the member states and all the time and money spend on talking to no avail. Where is it going to end?
Yesterday’s rugby, now history- brought a smile to the Irish and some relief to the supporters of the Boks. Wales suffered badly!
The Thursday before I went back to work we visited a South African Couple who left SA 17 years ago and lives in a lovely small town, Lainsborough, next to the Shannon. He collects ‘smalls’ and his house is filled with every possible article in ceramics and pottery. He also has a fig tree and I had 2 figs- it was like tasting nectar as well as Cape gooseberries. I also had a saucer of his home made biltong-very good.
Since I have been back to work there has been no rest- last week was not too busy but this last week work increased and next week I will be working 4 nights.
Today as always, the best day of my week and we are ever so thankful for the return of our minister and his wonderful gift of scripture explanation. Joy was playing the organ and I was singing.
Birthdays gone by and those to come:
Hannelie 19th, Bianca , Paul & Mendel 21st, Jeanne 22nd. Renate (Paul & Hannelie’s daughter) 23rd – tomorrow Jeanette, 29th Nine –Arnold’s daughter Johann Reinecke 30th, Izack 1st and Elmarie 2nd.
Happy Birthday to you all!
It was wonderful to hear from Arnolda and Paul her brother!
Thank you to all the other who always manage to comment on my letters- most appreciated.
Apart from Blackie, that is now dictating Barry’s life – and as fat and shining as a cat can be – the birds are the joy of our lives!
Exams nearly over and now the waiting for the results! Hope it will go well. Congratulations to MariJanke with her successful job hunting.
There will be a good 2 weeks between letters as I am working next weekend!
Our prayers are still with Nine and Stephan and hope they are coping!
Be alert, diligent and careful at home and on the roads!
Greetings from Barry and Christina out of a frozen Cranleymo
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Vuur warm groete
Sondag 11 November’12
Goeie dag allemaal, familie en vriende,
Dit was ‘n droewige week vir die familie in Pretoria en ons is in gees en gedagtes veral met Stefan en Nine en dan almal wat so nou betrokke was by die maande van moedige veg van die kleinste mensie denkbaar. Tog is ons dankbaarheid groot vir sy verlossing.
Dit is net so na ½ 3 en na vanoggned se briljante sonskyn en 3 grade op pad kerk toe-sit ons byna in donkerte.Die pragtige blou van vroeg dag is nou toegewikkel in ‘n dik kombers van grys en wit wolke massas en die temperatuur draai net so by 6°.
Ons moet darem onthou ons bly in die Noordelike halfrond en hier is alles moontlik selfs die onmoontlike!
Gister was ‘n dag volgepak met opwinding vreugdes en lekker eet.
Die kinders was op besoek en omdat ons hulle nie baie sien nie word daar omtrent altyd ‘n Kersmaal voorgesit en gister was dit skaapboud met gebakte artappels ,soet wortels, blomkool,broccolli met wit sous en kaas bo-oor gebak in die oond.
Poeding vir jonge heer was roomys met warm sjokolade sous en die groot mense- appeltert met room. Gladnie goed vir die middel nie maar ‘n mens mag darem so nou en dan die perke oortree.
Dit was ‘n heerlike ervaring om die kinders hier te hê en dan ook die goeie nuus dat Lukas volgende jaar ‘n maatjie gaan kry. 3 Jaar gelede was ek in die dieptes oor die nuus dat ons ‘n kleinkind gaan hê en so met die tyd het hy die punt van ons harte geword. Hy is mal oor sy Oupa ek het waarde maar alleen
waar dit hom behaag.. Hy het so groot geword in die 2 mnde wat ons hom nie gesien het nie, dat dit byna skrikwekkend is hoe lank hy is. Hy praat soos ‘n 4jarige en kan goed argumenteer en sy saak stel en is so sterk soos ‘n os.
Hulle woon nou in ‘n groot en gerieflike huis en is baie gelukkig.!
Ons woon nog steeds op die stukkie grond wat die liewe Heer vir ons beskik het en waar ons vreugdes ongekend is. Die voêltjies in groot getalle kan jou oneindig besig hou. Ons het ook die valk sien duik en gelukkig het die kwikstertjie net betyds uit sy pad gekom maar teen die venster vas –hy het ietwat bedremmeld bly sit en uiteindelik weer weg gevlieg. Duidelik dankbaar dat hy nie ‘n maaltyd geword het nie. Blackie dink hy behoort aan ons –kan byna praat en noudat dit alreeds donker is net na 5nm sit hy voor die deur en huil om ons aandag te trek. Hy is nou spek vet en sy jas blink! Daar is nie nog ‘n kat in die land wat soveel aandag ontvang as die besoekende kat wat nie eers ons s’n is nie.
Gruwelikke moorde wat hier op die eiland plaas vind en dit maak ‘n mens wonder waar dit alles gaan eindig ook die vreeslike moorde wat in SA families voorkom. Hier het ‘n jongman ‘n jong vrou vermoor en haar in ‘n drom gedruk en in sy agterplaas begrawe. In Walis is ‘n ander Ierse vee-arts vermoor en sy is in stukke gesny en op verskillende plekke begrawe. Onbegryplik.
Ek wil liewers nie eers die politiek noem nie- gister was Referendum stemming om die konstitusie te verander vir die regte van die KIND...
Nadat die kinders weer die pad huistoe gevat het, het ons na die wedstryd Ierland teen die Bokke gekyk maar die 1ste helfte het die Bokke –waarvan ons niemand ken nie- nog ‘n slapie in gekry en teen halftyd met die telling Ierland 12 en SA 3 kom daardie spul wilde beeste terug, en mensig hulle het omtrent die Iere vertrap- letterlik en figuurlik- ek weet maar min van die spel af- maar ten spyte van SA se wen was dit vir my ‘n lelike wedstyd.
Die tuin is nou in ‘rest mode’,al die bolle is geplant en sommige kom alreeds op om sekerlik verbrand te word deur die ysige koue wat nog gaan kom. Ek het omtrent 12 lemoen boompies wat uitgeplant moet word en 4 wat oorgeplant moet word in groter potte. Ek het ook 2 doringboompies wat Christiaan (Potgieter) vir my gegee het voor hy SA toe is. Ongelukkig het iets die een boompie se blare bygekom die ander een lyk nog baie goed.
Ons appelboom- gegroei van ‘n pit- staan nou trots in die tuin. Ons enigste peer vir die jaar 2012 het afgeval en ek het hom nou in ‘n ere plek –hy is miniatuur en klipsteen hard. Hy sal lank hou.
Vandag was weereens die beste dag van my week-ons eie predikant is terug en hy het begin met ‘n reeks preke uit Galasiers- suiwer skrifuitlegging-wat wonderlik is-ons het dit baie gemis!.Ek het nou 3 weke agter die orrel gewees en volgende week is dit Joy se beurt.
My vakanise kom hierdie week op ‘n einde en ek werk die volgende 2 naweke en is nie seker of ek by skryf gaan uitkom nie.
Sandra sit reeds in die trein op pad huis toe en ons is bly dat sy nog by haar ma kon kuier. Jammer om te hoor dat MarieJanke sukkel om werk te kry- het sy enige ander lande oorweeg?
Verjaarsdae: Annalize verjaar die 14de en ons wens haar ‘n pragtige dag toe. Attie op die plaas in die Noorde verjaar 16e.
Lekker verjaar!
Aan almal wat eksamen skryf en vir die wat wag op uitslae –mag dit goed gaan.
Baie dankie aan almal wat briefies geskryf het en ja daar is werklik baie van julle wat bietjie kan laat weet hoe dit gaan.
Ek pos nou maar elke 6 weke ‘n dik koevert aan Br Mendel want hy hoor andersins niks van ons nie. Is darem in kontak per SMS Arnolda en Garth- hoe vind julle dit om Oupa en Ouma te wees? Miskien het julle van die aarde afgeval? Ons wat reeds die verhewe status bereik het - hou nooit op praat oor die wonderwerke nie –maar julle is dood stil..............!
Nou het ek niks meer om te sê nie en wens julle ‘n goeie week of meer toe. Onthou dat veiligheid van uiterste belang is tuis en weg –ook op die paaie!
Ons sit heerlik warm voor die vuur en stuur dus vuur warm groete vanuit Cranleymore.
Barry & Christina
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Cold sunny greetings
Saturday 3 November’12
Good day to all, family and friends,
Just in from our Saturday trip into the village for the necessary provisions for the weekend. The temperature reads 6° but the wind factor brings it right down to 3°. Except for the days that it have been raining we had frost every morning- beautiful bright sunshine mornings but by 2 in the afternoon it is steadily growing darker with dark ominous clouds hanging low- at times too heavy and then it pours, a moment later the bright sunshine finds a pathway thought the darkness to brighten up the heavens –not lasting long though, and then we are back to the same regime.
Officially winter only arrives on the 1st of December but in our world it has already arrived. Tuesday-night we had good rains 20mm. I empty the rain meter every Thursday as that was day it was installed and the top layer was still frozen at 12midday.
We are watching a lovely program on BBC Autumn Watch- those who are far away may be able to access it via the web – the photography is magnificent.. They also discuss ECO dilemmas and disasters like the Ash tree with the fungi that is killing the trees-.
The bird life in our garden has been battered by a few deaths in the last few weeks – we were worried that it was the cat, we have never seen him go after any birds but you never know we do not watch him all day long as well as some death occurred while he was on his 3 day trip away from here but we have a visiting hawk and the Magpies are vicious by nature. The latest bird we found in the strip of garden in front –looked like it was dropped from on high.
Very sad but on the other side we also saw the pheasant yesterday wandering up and down on the other side of the fence- too beautiful- so in spite of us giving left-overs to the foxes there are still other wild life about.
The garden is now just spot-spot green where the evergreens are still alive the rest has turned into dry stalks and other to jelly.
The most wonderful sight is at church where the leaves have almost all fallen and we drive into the gate over a carpet of the lovely coloured leaves. The autumn colours are brilliant and the wonder of nature just too majestic for words.
Tomorrow is as always the best day of my week and tomorrow the very best for a long while as our own minister is back in service and we cannot wait to hear him preach again.
I am behind the organ and the Hymns well known by now played through on my keyboard. We will also have our monthly tea at church and for that we enriched the purchases with lovely goodies. I am not good at baking and the homemade cakes are much better than what I can dream of making.
On the political and financial front, it was a very sad week.
Sean Quinn, a self-made millionaire –who started off as a young man with a loan of £100, 40 odds years ago, has been jailed yesterday for non compliance with court orders to divulge where he stowed the billions he got from the bank during the Celtic tiger- just after he got the money the disaster hit the finance world and the banks collapse but he got away with the money
Investing it in oversees businesses- India and Russia. The people that offered him the money and enticed him- walks the streets scot-free and without a care. Men that have molested young girls and rapists are posted bail and they go free but where it comes to money the justice system has a total different rules setting.
It is true that he did wrong –he admitted it himself but the receiver or liquidator would not give him a change to retrieve the money or listen to any reason and now he, as 66yr old, with heart problems, slept behind bars and will be there for another 12 weeks.
In the mean time the fiasco of our bank debt will not go away and the Taoiseach and Angela Merkel had another chat which the outcome of –is never fully divulge to the people.
Even sadder is the fact that cyber bullying has caused the death of 2 teenagers within 6 weeks from each other, one of 15 and the other would have turned 14 this week. Not having young children in the house any more I am not sure how this works but please if there is any-one out there with young people that have access to computers and smart phones –be aware. It happens before your eyes!
We want to congratulate every-one with their Birthdays and I have only one name on my list and that is of the young father in Melbourne, Sam Kruger! Have a wonderful day and a very good year!
Every-one studying and writing exams- -we wish you just the very best!
We also remember Sandra’s Mom who is not well and most of all Nine, Stefan and baby Christiaan. Also the near family that is so involved with this baby’s illness and fight to survive.
Joy who is most probably already in SA – hope you had a safe journey and enjoy every minute of this trip.
I have another week off and have eventually unwound.
My concern for all of you regarding safety at home and on the roads or where-ever you may find yourselves is that you will stay alert.
Thank you to all those who answers my letters so diligently- even those who by accident remember to write. We are really waiting on an update on young Evie! Just now she is walking and we did not even know about it! So many of the children grow up –big news when they are born and then it withers down to a note here and there or maybe some news from some-one somewhere.
I greet you from Cranleymore where the wind makes the sun feel cold!
Barry and Christina
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