Monday, July 29, 2013

Showery sunny greetings from Cranleymore

Good day to all Family and friends, Well we enjoyed the summer while it lasted! The drought lasted 4 days and was relieved with a few showers of flooding magnitude! It is at present fairly dark outside but still lovely and warm! The grandchildren just left-after being with us since yesterday 10.30 am! We enjoyed it thoroughly but we are exhausted –Lukas never stops for a minute until he conked out last out and slept 11 hours in one shot – baby Eli is best child ever- make sure we know that he is hungry or have a wind other- wise he can lie on the floor/carpet on a blanket for hours talking to himself! Barry was very busy with Lukas and I think will have had exercise more than he had in 6 months! I did not sleep yesterday –got back from work, left for church and when we came back they were here! On the political front there is a lull as most of them are on vacation which is a great blessing Yesterday we were very blessed by a sermon from a SA Dutch Reformed Church minister living in Port Arlington - Rasmus Erasmus with his wife? Ethelda, a doctor in the same town-. Elethda is from Bloemfontein and Rasmus from ?Ventersdorp! You are ever so welcome –even though you might have been here a long time! May some of the younger people might remember them from University days! I was in the pew and Joy played the organ! Our new additions to the household Patches and Spottie have now become used to their immediate environment – Barry cordoned off the front yard with chicken wire and they have free run of the entire front garden which they enjoy immensely! The kittens also enjoy having Lukas around, he played with them and they complied with his every wish! The garden looks good- we are waiting for the gladiolas to come to flower, the roses are lovely so is the Hydrangeas! The vegetable garden as always a great joy! Our potatoes is coming to an end but we have been having onions in abundance- the carrots stay in the ground until we need them and the peas are flowering –so is the tomatoes- The grape vine has 20 bunches hanging – hope we will have them ripe before the cold comes- Some apples fell when it was so hot and dry and there are believe it or not at least 10 pears on the tree! Jet the black visiting cat was bewildered when he tried to get in with the little ones he still comes to feed but is now a bit careful. The other animals, birds, foxies and who knows what else clean the feeding area during the night! Birthdays! Some I missed last week as I thought I will be off on Friday to write my letter- 27thThilo in Saudi & Megan Josling, 31st Frikkie, & Dr Gert Maritz! 1st August –Gerlof & Renate in George?! Happy birthday to you all May the year be very good! We also think of all who are not well, those who are getting better and those who need lots of care which include Anke, Attie, Hennie, Brandon & hope Joleen is feeling better after the beauty treatment! Georg we hope your plans for Siberia? Yakutsk is going well! We hope that those visiting SA will remember to drive carefully and enjoy the family and friends! I greet you from a showery –sunny pleasant summer day in Cranleymore Remember safety- your own and your surrounding- as priority! Barry and Christina

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Warm Ierse groete

Sondag 21 Julie 13 Goeie dag aan almal, Familie en vriende, Vandag is bewolkd seker omdat ons eergister amptelik as ‘n ‘droogte’ gebied verklaar is! Volgens Ierse weerburo standaarde moet daar reen elke 15 dae val en sou dit nie gebeur nie dan heers daar ‘n tyd van droogte! Intussen floreer ons en geniet elke oomblik van sonskyn, hitte en blou hemel! Ons het S O M E R! Ons was laas warm in 2006 sedertdien was daar miskien ‘n paar dae wanneer die son geskyn het maar hierdie weelde van sonskyn as jy opstaan tot jy gaan slaap is briljant! Die dae word egter nou vinnig korter en die lang aande krimp! Alles het ingehaal na die lang winter en het opgemaak in groei en ruigheid! Ons moes vir die 2de keer die heining buite sny want ek kon nie die aankomende verkeer sien as ek by die hek wag nie! Die tuin staan groen, geel en pink, baie vrolik en die pronkertjies het begin blom en lyk pragtig! Die rose is besonder mooi en soms kan ek hulle ruik wat verruklik is! Ongelukkig is daar ‘n baie onaangename ‘klank’ wat bly hang nadat die yslike groot vragmotor met karkasse hier verby gery het en die stank klou aan die klein haartjies in jou neus vas vir ure! Gelukkig gebeur dit net so elke 3de dag! Ons neem ontvangs van Patches en Spottie Dinsdag en ons sien baie daarna uit om weer ‘n dietrjie of 2 in die huis te hê. Die klomp wilde katte wat nou aangegroei het tot 3 sal moet plek maak vir die 2 wat kom! Jet is al baie mak en parmantig- Stompie is nog baie skrikkerig en die ander wilde kat ‘n grote kat kom net nou en dan ek dink dit is die ma van al die ander hulle lyk op ‘n druppel soos elkander. Die voeltjies is pragtig en al die swaeltjies is reeds besig om vet te word vir die vlug terug! Een verdwaalde swaeltjie sit op die draad sonder maat en ons voel jammer vir hom- weet nie waar sy familie is nie! Die Aborsie besigheid het maar ‘n bitter smaak in baie mense se monde gelaat om verskeie redes en as ek moes stem was dit ‘n defenetiewe ‘NEE’ Al die ellendes in die Ooste en die lewensverlies is ‘n groot jammerte- In Ezekiel lees ons van God se wraak teenoor Sy mense wat hom verlaat het en mens wonder of daardie wraak nog steeds aan die gang is? ‘n Mens sou dink dat die mense van die land meer versigtig sou wees wanneer dit by water kom maar ons het meer sterftes sedert die warm weer begin het van verdrinkings as motor ongelukke, moorde of kanker. Elke dag hoor ons van ‘n jong persoon wat of in die see in die moeilikheid geraak het of ‘n kwarrie gat wat swemmers eis! Riviere met strome is net so gevaarlik en die ellende is alkohol speel so ‘n groot rol in al die verdrinkings! Die groente tuin is ‘n plesier en ons eet al die afglope 3 weke ons eie aartappels- uie en die ertjies groei wild! Ons appels het begin val van die hitte en die druiwe stok floreer met 20 trossies aan! Die tamatie plante staan soos reuse bome langs die skuur en ons hoop dat die tamaties net so weling gaan wees. Barry is vasgenaal voor die TV met die Britse ‘OPE’ die enigste tyd van die jaar wat hy hom so rustig gedra! Ons predikant is met vakansie en besoekende predikers kry ‘n kans –so vér so goed- die man wat my tot in die murg van my bene gegrief het is uitgelaat hierdie jaar nadat ek opjeksie gemaak het- Volgende Sondag het ons ‘n SA predikant Rassie Erasmus en die hele SA gemeenskap sal seker opdaag om te luister! Ek het die voorreg gehad om die orrel te speel en het met groot vreugde die Here geloof vir sy goedheid! By die werk gaan dit beroert! Meeste van die Dr’s is met verlof en inkomstes is laag, ons CEO het Tiroiied kanker en is gladnie gesond nie- hy weier ergter om vir Chemo behandeling te gaan – hoekom weet ons nie maar ons het nou ‘n –Co Owner en ek glo dat die hospitaal weer eendag op sy voete sal kom! Ek het presies 30 dae oor voor ek veronderstel is om te stap maar ek is ook die enigste een wat altyd gereed is om uittehelp –dus wonder ons of hulle my tog as ekstra sal aanhou en sal roep as die nood hoog is.Vind Donderdag uit as ek met die HR hoof ‘n afspraak het! Ek het my Pensioen brief gekry en omdat ek 4 mnde te laat was ( moes voor my 55ste jaar begin PRSI betaal het) kwalifiseer ek nie vir die ‘Contributory’ pensioen nie maar sal wel iets kry en hopelik sal Barry ook nou kwalifiseer-Die Here was nog altyd goed en ek glo dat ons wel ‘n goeie aftrede sal kan handhaaf! Ek moet uitvind van pensioen in SA! Die klein kinders is pragtig en Eli groei soos ‘n koolkop! Lukas gaan Sept voorskoolse klas toe sal dan 5 dae van die week ‘skool’ toe gaan! Ongelooflik! Verjaardae!Ons onthou Tant Poppie op die23ste en Werner wat gister sou verjaar het>Leandri Du Toit verjaar vandag,Herrie Cooper die 24ste,Oubaas die 26ste Veels Geluk aan julle almal! Ons dra gereeld vir Attie aan die Here op vir volkome herstel , ook vir Hester vir genade , moed en volharding! Ons dink ook aan Hennie en aan almal wat siek is, Brandon wat weer ‘n probeer kans geklry het en vir Nanette vir krag en geloof! Vir die wat uitsien na hul SA besoek –geniet dit en wees tog baie versigtig op die paaie! Vir die wat tuis bly wees altyd gereed vir die gevaar wat om die hoek skuil – ry versigtig en hou veiligheid bo-aan jul lysie! Ons groet vanuit ‘n heerlike warm Ierland! Barry & Christina

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Warm summer greetings

14 July 13 Good day to all family and friends, I have had little chance to even look at the computer never mind writing letters. If I was not working I was outside! We have had 2 weeks of the most wonderful blissful summer weather reaching 32 in the sun and in the shade 29- I cannot describe the joy that is present in the mood of the people and off course in ourselves. To sleep with only a light sheet covering you early morning and not to wear a cardigan is out of this world! For the 1st time in many a year we are wearing summer clothes every day from morning till bedtime! Barry is dark and need a new passport-I do not have so much time in the sun as he as I have to sleep in the day while working at night! Least to say we are ever so thankful for our summer!!!! This is actually only a brief note to let you all know that we are well! Today being Sunday, the best day in my week –brought me to the organ this morning and it was a joy to praise the Lord that way! The garden looks good- in full bloom, the vegetables patch has started to produce potatoes and there are surely a few things that taste better than new potatoes freshly dug up, washed and boiled. The countryside is wonderfully green lush and beautiful-the farmers are cutting hay and every-one is very busy! With the hot weather there is also been an alarming amount of unnecessary drownings which leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. The debacle about the Abortion Law caused worldwide news- and the junior Minister for the State had to resign as minister as she voted against the law! Other than that the problem at the hospital is ongoing and the CEO has Thyroid cancer and his last blood test was not good and he refused radium treatment- His partner has become co-owner and that spells bad news. The grand children are beautiful, growing so fast and little Eli a darling laughing and gurgling aloud! 2 months old 2 days ago! The wild life consists now of Foxies, 2 black cats, a hedgehog and baby swallows that fledged on Tuesday We do think and keep Attie daily in our prayers and believe that complete recovery will be achieved with the Lord at his side. We think very specially of Hester and the children for strength and courage. There have been many birthdays and I fell far behind, May you all have a blessed year. Pauli, Mader, Esther, Sonja and Marietjie Murray a new SA lady we met. Thank you to all who wrote a letter, who send photos, those who gave advice and all the lovely emails! We do hope that all those who are not well will be feeling better, that those who are going to travel will be careful on the roads and never to let your guard down regarding safety. I greet you all with summer sun and blue skies Barry and Christina