Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Goeie dag aan familie en vriende,

Hierdie week is Englels and dus moet julle maar bietjie verder lees om die nuus te kry. Hier gaan dit goed ..dit reen alweer, na soos hieronder beskryf ,3 pragtige dae van sonskyn, blou lug en geen wind nie!!

Verjaardae in my boekie is min, Martie in

Kempton verjaar 26ste en ons bid haar toe ‘n geseende jaar met susksesvolle studies!!!

Gerlof dra ons gelukwensinge oor aan Marie Janke… ‘nevermind’ die 4 B’s ek dink sy was uiters dapper om die jaar te herhaal !!

Ons het ook jou reis verhaal geniet, Gerlof en bly julle is veilig tuis.

Nine is alweer op pad en ons hoop sy geniet haar kuier in Natal.hessie hoop jy voel al heelwat beter! Haya werk jou gmail adres?Gerhard en Gerda in Mazibuku …moed hou met Afrika!

Bly Leopold is weer terug op die lug!

Ek werk hard en ten spyte van ‘n heerlike vakansie…geniet ek dit weer om die siekes en ellendiges te help.!

Sal graag wil weet wie skryf matriek eksamens of enige belangrike toets of prakties!

Baie groete


Monday 25 July 2008

Good day to all,

Just put away the ironing board…hoping to write a few lines before I have to go to bed again..the only thing about working night duty is that you seems to be more in bed than otherwise..Going back to work after nearly 3weeks of leisure and spoiling was not easy but within the hour the holiday was long forgotten. The hospital has been very busy at times .thing seems to be improving slightly recession and all.

I came home yesterday ,had a cup of tea , got ready and left for church, played the organ and had an excellent sermon sang to God’s glory and came home. With the closing of the Olympics I decided to stay and watch ..napped in between but saw most of it..played 2 games of scrabble and watched a movie went to bed after 32 marathon hours of being awake!!!!

After nearly 5 weeks of the most unsettled weather and plenty of rain and disasters of flooding we woke on the 20th with sun shining brightly, it was too good to be true!!

As the morning grew the weather forecast became brighter and brighter and soon we were on the road to another agricultural show , one of the biggest in this part of the country drove through spectacular scenery with lakes on both sides of the road and even mountains in the distance,

The show in Virginia(not the Free state) was held in the middle of town, unreal!!

Most difficult part was finding parking but with patience in hand we drove very slowly with the other 20 thousand visitors towards the allocated parking plot also in the middle of town. The usual stalls held by the travellers and the Pakistani’s were not allowed inside the grounds and filled both sides of the main road, quite festive with balloons and music blaring loud and clear.

Entry fee was cut because Barry boasts always that we came from SA to watch the show and I got in ½ price! Hundreds of horses cattle sheep and other 4 legged creatures were to be seen. One bull was so enormous his backside was the size of an elephant as black as the aces of night but beautiful!!! It took a while to get to the hall where the hobbies, food, flowers and vegetables were displayed and that was an education in itself. Carrots the size of walking sticks, parsnips not far shorter…the cabbage heads were 3ft(1meter) in diameter. There must have been 40 kinds of potatoes all cooked and cut because it is in the cooking and tasting that the prize lies.

Farm machinery beyond description, so enormous that you have to have a ladder to get into the tractor. The mechanism of the milking cows in working right in front of you a tanker for the milk parked next to the stalls and the milk going directly into the tanker via tubes etc. fascinating. while the cows could not be bothered. Being poked and washed and combed at the same time

Every possible instrument for making farming easier was there, remembering that the farmer in this country is usually one man operations, there are no labour force here.

As it was a special day I was treated to farm made ice-cream velvet and as I long as I was licking I was thinking of Gerhardus,who LOVES icecream.

The Clydesdale horses was specially exhibited because of the part it played in the farming history of the country..they are so big but so good natured.

The poultry was also very well attended and we saw chickens we did not know existed. We were specially interested in geese as we have an idea of turning part of the lower field into free ranging 2 legged non flying bird enjoyment!

After 4 hours of intensive looking and admiring and listening to Irish country music we took to the main road. In a very smart hotel we had lunch..the whole works…garlic rolls, roast beef with roast potatoes and trifle with special coffee to end this celebration…we had to walk miles back to the car which was a good idea as I would have fallen asleep behind the wheel.

As was our habit we took a different route home which always turns out to be a delight. Well the sun shone and the day turned out to be the best we had in August in every way.

My vegetable garden has been mowed down as it seemed to be the best way of handling the situation of overgrown spinach eaten by slugs and weeds waist high. The only things left is the raspberries which is only starting to bear fruit now.

The flowers has had it in every way and with the weather deteriorating I am not going to venture into any thing new for the last weeks of autumn.

The good weather lasted 3 days and today has been grey and wet.!

I have been summoned to attend to lunch

Thank you for the letters and pictures I just love it all.

Hope you will take care of yourselves.

Irish regards

Barry & Christina( Stien etc….)
Maandag 18 Augustus

Goeie dag almal,
Ek sal maar liewer niks se van die weer nie want dit gaan nie die beste nie…elke oomblik byna sekondes wat die son deurkom word as ‘n wonderwerk beskou. Verspoelings is aan die orde van die dag en baie plekke is baie swaar getref.

Ek het my eie reenmeter geprakseer en weet nou ten minste hoeveel reen val in 24 uur. Nie dat van enige waarde is nie maar ek het nog altyd aarvan gehou om te weet hoeveel dit reen en hier is geen reen meters nie.

Ek skree my hees as daar ‘n SA op die skerm is en aan iets deelneem maar heelaas kan hulle my nie hoor nie en maak ook geen verskil nie. Wonder soms hoe van hulle gekwalifiseer het. Met die Iere gaan dit nie veel beter nie. Die Britte vaar goed en uitstekend in die roei items wat vir my baie mooi is…die veld items is goed die paal spring baie spannend. 5 meter nou net deur Russiese vroue atleet as nuwe hoogte aan geteken na 3 pogings.

Verder is my vakansie byna op ‘n einde en ons het die eiland plat gery en pragtige natuurskoon gesien Was ook heel noord .Ragley, Mullaghmore, Bundoran en uitgekyk oor die baai van Donegal en in die verte die Atlantiese oseaan ervaar. Ek wou so graag my tone in die water kry maar moes in die end dit maar opgee..het netnie naby genoeg aan die water gekom nie.
As die son skyn ry ons en hulle voorspel bietjie beter weer vir more en Woensdag…sal sien watter rigting ons inslaan!

Gister was ‘n pragtige dag! Kerk toe met gas prediker ‘n afgetrede Belfast predikant wat duidelik en in die mikrofoon gepraat het en al die oue van dae het goed gehoor en ‘n goeie boodskap met hul saam geneem.daar was besoekers en hulle kon almal goed sing en met dawerende gejubel het ons die diens afgesluit. Florrie wat so3 maande gelede op sterwe na dood was is net ‘n geraamte maar tuis en vier hul 50ste huweliksherdenking die 20ste.maar omdat dit in die week is het die kinders toe alles gereel vir Gister . Dit was ons eerste uitstappie na ‘n Ierse fesie. Ek het ‘n voorlesing gedoen uit die Bybel en die singery aan die gang gesit. Die kos was heerlik en die poeding uit die boonste rakke ek het net geproe want ek word dikker as ek net aan kos dink!!!!!!! Barry ,mens sku en heel benoud het darem 3 ou mense van die kerk as gesleskap gehad en het dit toe darem nie so vreeslik gevind nie.

Vir ‘n paar weke het ek gevoel dat daar fout is in die onderkaak maar kon niks sien nie –teen Woensdag het die pyn my ergter getref en ‘n afspraak by die tandarts is toe vanoggend nagekom. Woeste ontstekeing in die tandkas..omdat ek te lank gewag het en sal nou vir wortelkanaak behandeling gaan volgende Woensdag as die ontsteking opgeklaar het ..Moet nou Erythromycin drink want met die Penicillen allergie en en asma en die hart moet alles goed oorweeg word voor dit voorgeskryf en gedrink kan word . Dus moet ek maar met my seer mond loop tot dit beter word..en die antibiotoka drink teen my sin.

Die tuin bestaan haas nie meer nie. Ons het die appels gepluk 4 ge-eet en die ander gestowe met vla en dit was heerlik. Die aarbeie is daarmee heen en die ertjies uitgetrek en die laaste pluksel gekook. Die spinasie staan nog maar dit so nat jy sak omtrent weg! Die tamaties het ‘n fungus en lyk baie eienaardig ..weet wat gaan word van die groen tamaties wat hang nie daar is nie son om dit te laat ryp word nie.
Die hangmandjies is total vermorsel deur die reen en die kappertjies het mooi gelyk vir 4 weke maar staan ook nou end se kant toe.

Ek glo ons somer is op ‘n einde die blare begin verkleur en die koue is in die lug ..September kikker die weer gewoonlik effe op maar ek dink ons het die beste weer in Mei beleef!

Ek is terug in die tuig Donderdag en sal weer gewoond moet raak aan my omgekeerde lewe.

Die Engelse uitslae is uit en ons weet niks van Marie Janke se uitslag nie…
Hoop gerlof en Sandra het ‘n lekker gevakansie gehad.
Leopold ons sou graag wou hoor hoe tant Poppie se 100ste verjaardag verloop het
Verjaardae vir die week sluit Paul in Kanada in en my vriendin Racelle in Dublin. Goeie wense vir julle!!!!
Elke briefie, maak nie saak van watter kant dit kom nie word gulsig gelees en baie gewaardeer.Isabel …baie baie lanklaas van jou gehoor!!!!
Ek groet
Met ‘n dapper wuif vanuit ‘n deurdrenkte Ierland(dit stort reen tans buite)
Barry en Christina(Stien ens)
Goeie dag almal

Engelse week en ek het net nie die moed om alles in Afrikaans oor te skryf nie..dus verdra maar die Ingels .
Eerstens Veels Geluk aan Frikkie en Elmarie se Gerhard die 12 de.Vrolike dag vir jul almal!!! Ook dink ons baie spesiaal aan my liewe broer Gerhard op die 15de.

Die tuin is ‘n moeras ,ek kannie eers by die ertjies kom om te pluk nie die petunias het in die hangmandjies gevrot ek sny uit maar dit help nie meer nie. Die aarbeie het ‘n nuwe plaag, vlieë!!! ‘n sort van ‘n ‘wasp’ !!! Ons het darem bietjie daarvan geniet, sal moet ‘n tonnel kry vir volgende somer…om so te sukkel is ook nie meer lekker nie!!!!
Alles groei so maklik maar die plae is onoorkombaar!
Weet nie so mooi van die somer nie…dit is meer weer soos in November…wonder wat gaan word!

Nou ja die briefies is altyd heerlik om te lees. Nine kyk mooi na jouself. Hester ek hoop jy voel beter.
Liefde groete

10 August 2008

Good day to all,
Just back from a magnificent visit to another part of the Midlands!

The country changes as far a s we drive from where we live into hilly area with lakes between the hills –you come over the hill to look down onto another mass of water..surrounded by natural forest and of course wildlife.
The road that took us to Moynalty was like a fairytale… the canopies of the hundred year old trees were interlinked above the road and at times you drive through a tree tunnel of ½ kilometre every colour of green present..

The original plan was to go to Tullamore show ,the most famous and largest argricultural show in the midlands. The Taoiseach(prime Minister) would have cut the ribbon to open the show B U T.. guess what…for the 2nd year it had to be cancelled because of heavy rain!!!!!!! And therefore we could not honour them with our presence!

Last evening there was a down pour in Dublin 56mm in 40 min …the heaviest since 1986 when some or other tornado Charlie went by.
They are so use to rain but still have no clue how to handle it! When it rain like this all gets polluted and drinking water has to come from a bottle then...we have never not in the last 3and ½ yr drank water from a tap in our house! Just not the safe thing to do!!!

Our holiday has been quite exciting up to now and my writings ever so many times interrupted


To tell you more about our adventures we have to go back to Tuesday last week.A visit to Mullingar where we were booked to have out eyes tested- in itself nothing but for the 2 of us a trip (I work in Mullingar and drive there 4x a week) as husband and wife. While I was in with the ophthalmologist Barry had to give his details and what happened I still do not know but he refused to have his eyes tested. He had to give out phone number and could not remember it –he has never had the need to call me or the landline –so it is nothing odd for him to forget the number but the young girl made out as if he was stupid or something…and her “tone” was not respectful…in anycase..we left, I highly embarrassed and Barry very unhappy..he said she showed no respect for age!!!! They also demanded €30(R300 +/-) as a deposit which we were told would not be necessary anymore as he has a medical card.But that is their practice and that is it. We parked the car and walked many miles all around town to see if anything has changed since our last visit 6mths ago but all seems to be exactly the same. My main aim was to find big enough sheets for the new bed…and were fortunate to visit a store that had a authentic “SALE” and got 2 sets for the price of one.
Got home exhausted…stiff from the walk and very thirsty..4hours later.
Wednesday we went to Longford the nearest town to us to look for an optometrist to test Barry’s eyes in accordance with the medical aid card. There was only one in town and they were very helpful. Completed the necessary form, let Barry sign it and promise to send it away. It will be posted back to us in due time and then he can make an appointment and no deposit is required. He was very happy with that and now we are waiting for the form to be returned.
Thursday it rained continuously over all the country and we played Scrabble!
Friday something else happened and we never left the house but enjoyed some sunshine later the afternoon in our lovely garden. O yes….Eircom came to fix the landline which was not working for a week.
Saturday with dark clouds and bouts of sunshine we decided to leave for my favourite town Athlone…situated on the banks of the Shannon . They also have that enormous store B & Q which covers many square meters.
Back into the town and enjoyed walking along the river.Went into every clothes shop looking for a light cardigan for inbetween weather…but to no avail every shop caters only for the young ones and I will have to go to the over 60 shop here in town to find a cardigan.
Sunday started off well. I choose the hymns and the visiting preacher was happy with my choice and we sang to the glory of our God with a very good message, food for our souls! Showers was promised and flooding worse than Saturday
The afternoon looked a bit brighter and off we went to a place northeast of us 56km that is halfway round the country! To look at a process of yonder years “STEAM THRESSING” there were about 4 of these old steam machine working very interesting. Surrounded by a massive flee market 300 stalls).a policeman doing his walkabouts checking on the travellers(known as ‘tinkers’) for stolen goods their speciality are tools…anything under the sun(clouds).
Hill up and hill down looking at everything till we got to the 500 + Massey Ferguson collection of tractors from the very first to the last on the market I have never seen so many tractors together in one field!!!

Today started off dark and very wet..warning of flooding with heavy showers!!!
After tea at 1.30pm we decided it is bright enough and the sun made its appearance every now and again and it is time to move. A picturesque drive to the south of where we live and on the highest point we stop to take a photo BUT the batteries were flat and the others in the charger at home!! I was near to tears. The view was magnificent.
We drove back home with the showers just behind us we could see it in the rear view mirror. Safely inside the heavens opened..and it rained …cats and dogs!!!!

You must be tired from all this but I hope you enjoyed the trips.
Also received some lovely photos from Angie… It is always lovely to hear from you all.

Hope you have drier weather where-ever you are!!!
Take care and greetings from house to house
Barry& Christina

PS. Photo of Athlone included

4 Augustus 2008

Ek het verlede week effe gemis want ek het bietjie hard gewerk netso voor my vakansie!

Baie dinge het intussen gebeur en ek sal maar voor begin.

Barry dag toe die werker is weg nadat ons hom die vorige Vrydag betaal het…Maandag het dan opgedaag en geen werker en Barry bring toe die turf self in die skuur in ‘n magtige taak maar teen 2nm het hy alles in die skuur… Die middag word die gras toe gesny, net voor die reen uitsak…o ja, dit is somer hier maar dis meer winter as somer.Ek moet eerlik wees dit word net soms bietjie koud , ons gemiddelde temperature is tussen 17-20 wat baie aangenaam is.

Dinsdag is die sluise oop en dit reen tot en met 5nm toe ek opstaan toe kom die son uit! Barry het rustig verkeer met ‘n koerant en na die “Galway races” gekyk, dit is nou die elite perde resies geleentheid van die jaar en duur van Maandag tot Vrydag….alle vroue modes word daar ten toon gestel..self die bes gelede man! Eintlik gaan dit oor die perde…’n SA Jokkie het ook goed gepresteer.

Woensdag daag meneer toe op. Barry moes vinnig dink wat nog gedoen moes word.Daar was ‘n stuk van die voor muur aan die binnekant wat nog gepleister moes word en die is toe gou gedoen. Die stoof wat in Okt verlede jaar uit die huis geneem is en op die stoep gestaan sedert dan word toe met ‘boer maak ‘n plan’ van die stoep afgerol ,die stoof weeg ‘n ½ ton, en na 2 ure is die toe in die skuur. So tussen deur sak daar elke keer ‘n bui uit en moet werk gestaak word.
Donderdag lyk toe nie te sleg nie die wolke hang laag maar dit skrik Barry glad nie af nie en die bedding buite die nuwe muur word toe ontklip en gelyk gehark en gras saad gestrooi. Hoop net die klomp idiote stop nie op my gras nie. Hulle gebruik ons indraaipad en voor die huis vir ‘n u-draai en om hul fone te beantwoord. Dit is nou ‘n’soft verge’ en hulle se wiele sal lekker wegsak! Maar dan is my gras daarmee heen!
Vrydag laat toe weet dat goeie weer kan net 24 uur duur en dit het deurentyd dan sag dan hard gereen en tussen deur moes meneer toe die ander kant van die heining snoei! Nou kan ons deur die heining sien waarvan ek gladnie hou nie…net die beeste kan insien maar nogtans dit was ‘n goeie beskermer teen die noorde wind wat baie koud kan wees. Willens en wetens wou Barry toe die muur verf .en het ook begin nou le al die verf aan die voet van die muur want die reen het heerlik gespoel.

Intussen werk ek aaneen want skielik is ons so besig dat die teater tot 10.30nm nog besig is…almal is moeg en kort van draad en elk nou en dan vlieg die hare .ek is bly ek werk in die nag…daar is tenminste vrede tussen ons klompie, dit was ergter harde werk..moeilike gevalle en baie probleme. Ek laat ergter niks my onderkry nie en soggens lewer ons die ellendes ,as rustige gekontroleerde nie bloeiende pasiente aan dag personeel oor.

Intussen het die nuwe kliniek oopgemaak netso neffens ons met die oorgewig minister in aksie. Ek het rustig geslaap. Ons het darem die hoof nuus gehaal.
Nabetragting van die akkreditasie besoek was hoof onderwerp van elke geselsie. Administratief was daar ‘n paar hak plekke ‘Health & Safety’ het erg kort geskiet maar hulle wou nie luister toe ek gepraat het nie..nou pluk hulle die vrugte! Hulle kom glo weer terug ,weet nie presies wanneer nie, maar dan moet alles in orde wees!
Intussen het die hospitaal toegemaak vir Augustus se eerste week. Gewoonlik doen hulle dan die nodige herstel werk in teater en waar dit nodig is..en ek het dan nog ‘n week nadat hulle terug is,nog vakansie!!!!!

Saterdag het die son uitgekom teen 2nm nadat die wereld byna weggespoel het ..dit reen altyd hier maar wolkbreke ken hulle nie en baie plekke het 6vt onder water gewees,die riviere het hul walle oorstrooml en alles saamgevat…dit was werklik baie erg!!!!Dit was hoofsaaklik in die suide en suidweste van die eiland, ons woon gelukkig op ‘n helling en die water kan weg hardloop maar selfs hier het my kar in ‘n goeie 8” diep poel gestaan. Barry het my ‘wellies’ reg gehad by die deur ingeval die water nog so diep staan as ek werktoe moet gaan,maar dit was gelukkig weggedrein teen ½ 8.
Sondag oggend het die ander nurse vir my verslag oorgegee en ek was gelukkig vroeg tuis , en kon darem nog die Psalme en Gesange goed oefen in die kerk voor die diens.
‘n Besoekende hulp prediker van Howth/Sutton gemeente in Dublin, Mićeal (uitgespreek foneties-Mehol)Bolger, het die diens waargeneem, goed gepreek maar hy wou nie die mikrofoon gebruik nie en die ou mense kon hom nie hoor nie!!!maar ons het lekker gesing!!

Vandag was amptelik my eerste dag van verlof en ons het lekker laat geslaap. Tee in die bed gehad en toe opgestaan ‘n geweldige luukse vir ons!

Ons het die pad gevat en eerste stop was buite ons naaste groot dorp waar daar ‘n ‘carboot sale’ was altyd baie interesant..maar die keer is ons daar weg met al ons geld in ons sake. Met die padkaart se hulp ry ons toe noord na Cloone naby aan die noordelike grens met Noord Ierland om na ‘n ‘agricultural show’ te gaan kyk.
Al die paaie is nie aangewys nie en ons ry toe ‘n effense draai maar deur asemberowende mooi landskap berge!!! Hier sien ons mos nie berge nie en dit was so anders…die plante groei en omgewing total verskillend van waar ons woon 60 km terug. By die skou gronde aangekom was dit ‘n tipiese boere gemeenskap…beeste, perde, skape, honde, bokke, ponies, donkies, pluimvee, eet stalletjies en roomys karre,
Die plaaslike radiostasie was op diens en later die middag was ons vergas met ‘n ‘western country’ singer…wat baie mooi was. My kniee wou nie meer nie en uiteindelik na 4 ure is ons terug in die kar , Die son het toe sterk geskyn en dit was baie warm..21 grade…vroeg oggend was dit baie bewolk en elke nou en dan het daar ‘n goeie paar druppels geval om ons te laat besef dat dit Ierland is! Hierdie keer neem ons ‘n korter roete huis toe maar nog steeds baie mooi!! Verby vele mere en pragtige natuurlike woude. Barry het dadelik van moegheid aan die slaap geraak op die bank en ek gryp toe die geleentheid om gou te tik!
More word ons oë getoets .hoog tyd want ek kan lank al nie meer sien nie..Barry kry nou alles verniet ..hy het sy mediese kaart gekry en betaal nou nie meer vir enige mediese onkostes nie.Wonderlik.!!! Ek kry afslag 25% wat baie help omdat ek ‘PRSA’ betaal. Weet nie waarvoor dit staan nie maar is soortgelyk aan die SA blou boekie…..Welsyn of so iets.
31 Julie was Frikkie se verjaardag!
Die 1ste Augustus was met 2 verjaardae aangeteken op my kalender. Gerlof en Renate (Br Mendel) Ons hoop dat dit ‘n pragtige dag was vir aldrie van julle!
My innige simpatie met Hessie wat nou gebroke is in vele plekke … smeer Arnika aan en suig die pilletjies dit is goed vir die been seer! Nou sal jy seker nie weer perd ry nie …kyk maar liewer hoe die ander dit doen ! Gou gesond word en hoop dat jy nie te seer het nie!

My nuus is op en ek glo dat julle nou op hoogte van sake is. My komper het ‘n hewige infeksie van ‘n ‘Embedded virus’ Hy word behandel vanuit SA en Dublin ..daar is nog tekens van vergifting maar ek hoop van harte dat dit uiteindelik sal opklaar!

Mooi bly en groete
Vanuit ‘n baie mooi natuurskone eiland!
Barry & Christina(Stien)
Goeie dag aan familie en vriende,
Hierdie week is Englels and dus moet julle maar bietjie verder lees om die nuus te kry. Hier gaan dit goed ..dit reen alweer, na soos hieronder beskryf ,3 pragtige dae van sonskyn, blou lug en geen wind nie!!
Verjaardae in my boekie is min, Martie in
Kempton verjaar 26ste en ons bid haar toe ‘n geseende jaar met susksesvolle studies!!!
Gerlof dra ons gelukwensinge oor aan Marie Janke… ‘nevermind’ die 4 B’s ek dink sy was uiters dapper om die jaar te herhaal !!

Ons het ook jou reis verhaal geniet, Gerlof en bly julle is veilig tuis.
Nine is alweer op pad en ons hoop sy geniet haar kuier in Natal.hessie hoop jy voel al heelwat beter! Haya werk jou gmail adres?Gerhard en Gerda in Mazibuku …moed hou met Afrika!
Bly Leopold is weer terug op die lug!
Ek werk hard en ten spyte van ‘n heerlike vakansie…geniet ek dit weer om die siekes en ellendiges te help.!
Sal graag wil weet wie skryf matriek eksamens of enige belangrike toets of prakties!
Baie groete

Monday 25 July 2008

Good day to all,

Just put away the ironing board…hoping to write a few lines before I have to go to bed again..the only thing about working night duty is that you seems to be more in bed than otherwise..Going back to work after nearly 3weeks of leisure and spoiling was not easy but within the hour the holiday was long forgotten. The hospital has been very busy at times .thing seems to be improving slightly recession and all.
I came home yesterday ,had a cup of tea , got ready and left for church, played the organ and had an excellent sermon sang to God’s glory and came home. With the closing of the Olympics I decided to stay and watch ..napped in between but saw most of it..played 2 games of scrabble and watched a movie went to bed after 32 marathon hours of being awake!!!!
After nearly 5 weeks of the most unsettled weather and plenty of rain and disasters of flooding we woke on the 20th with sun shining brightly, it was too good to be true!!
As the morning grew the weather forecast became brighter and brighter and soon we were on the road to another agricultural show , one of the biggest in this part of the country drove through spectacular scenery with lakes on both sides of the road and even mountains in the distance,
The show in Virginia(not the Free state) was held in the middle of town, unreal!!
Most difficult part was finding parking but with patience in hand we drove very slowly with the other 20 thousand visitors towards the allocated parking plot also in the middle of town. The usual stalls held by the travellers and the Pakistani’s were not allowed inside the grounds and filled both sides of the main road, quite festive with balloons and music blaring loud and clear.
Entry fee was cut because Barry boasts always that we came from SA to watch the show and I got in ½ price! Hundreds of horses cattle sheep and other 4 legged creatures were to be seen. One bull was so enormous his backside was the size of an elephant as black as the aces of night but beautiful!!! It took a while to get to the hall where the hobbies, food, flowers and vegetables were displayed and that was an education in itself. Carrots the size of walking sticks, parsnips not far shorter…the cabbage heads were 3ft(1meter) in diameter. There must have been 40 kinds of potatoes all cooked and cut because it is in the cooking and tasting that the prize lies.
Farm machinery beyond description, so enormous that you have to have a ladder to get into the tractor. The mechanism of the milking cows in working right in front of you a tanker for the milk parked next to the stalls and the milk going directly into the tanker via tubes etc. fascinating. while the cows could not be bothered. Being poked and washed and combed at the same time
Every possible instrument for making farming easier was there, remembering that the farmer in this country is usually one man operations, there are no labour force here.

As it was a special day I was treated to farm made ice-cream velvet and as I long as I was licking I was thinking of Gerhardus,who LOVES icecream.

The Clydesdale horses was specially exhibited because of the part it played in the farming history of the country..they are so big but so good natured.

The poultry was also very well attended and we saw chickens we did not know existed. We were specially interested in geese as we have an idea of turning part of the lower field into free ranging 2 legged non flying bird enjoyment!

After 4 hours of intensive looking and admiring and listening to Irish country music we took to the main road. In a very smart hotel we had lunch..the whole works…garlic rolls, roast beef with roast potatoes and trifle with special coffee to end this celebration…we had to walk miles back to the car which was a good idea as I would have fallen asleep behind the wheel.
As was our habit we took a different route home which always turns out to be a delight. Well the sun shone and the day turned out to be the best we had in August in every way.

My vegetable garden has been mowed down as it seemed to be the best way of handling the situation of overgrown spinach eaten by slugs and weeds waist high. The only things left is the raspberries which is only starting to bear fruit now.
The flowers has had it in every way and with the weather deteriorating I am not going to venture into any thing new for the last weeks of autumn.

The good weather lasted 3 days and today has been grey and wet.!

I have been summoned to attend to lunch
Thank you for the letters and pictures I just love it all.

Hope you will take care of yourselves.

Irish regards
Barry & Christina( Stien etc….)
Nou ja alles van die beste vir die Scholtz kinders en kleinkinders wat hierdie week jul ma en ouma se 100ste verjaardag vier! Wat is julle ‘n bevoorregte familie!!! Geniet elke oomblik! Ons is in gedagte met julle!

Ons groet

19 July 2008

Dear friends,

As always I will start with the weather report .those who finds it boring can skip the first paragraph!9 Julie

Goeie dag allemaal,
Al die mees belangrikke nuus is in ‘ingels’ hieronder aangegee

Barry is vasgenael aan die TV want dit is ‘the Open’ golf toernooi van die jaar in England Liverpool se kant en hulle het gure weer gehad..die wind het omtrent havock gespeel met die balletjie…goeie verskoning vir slegte spel.
Arme Ernie het die klits kwyt geraak alreeds op die eerste dag en maak nou die agterstewe uit van ‘n klomp ellendige golfers.
Retief het op ‘n stadium belowend gelyk maar geen SAfirkaner in sig op hierdie stadium nie miskien skyn die son more en almal ontdooi..en wie weet wat gaan dan gebeur!
Ek dink my komper staan op sy laaste bene en ek wil die briefie uitkry voor hy die gees gaf.Die deskundige is met vakansie in Spanje en ek worstel om die ellendige ding aan die gang te hou so bang ek verloor wat daar is in fotos ens.Sal moet begin ‘backups ‘ doen ..nee wat ek is nou nie ‘n komper vrou nie !!!Barry is woedend want hy kannie sy daaglike nuus berigte van SA te lese kry nie ..en voel sleg verlore daarsonder! Maak nie ssak watter dryfenjin ek gebruik nie net sodra ons vra vir SA Nuus gaan hang hierdie ding!!

Today the best day of the week so has been raining most of every day and night..temperatures hardly reaches above 17degrees and that is high…thick masses of dark clouds hang over us at the moment while the sun is out it is hot! And then suddenly a breeze appear from now-where very cold and then the drops fall…this might last for 10 min and the process stars all over again… really not ideal summer conditions!!!

We are well!.Counting our blessings every day..Barry still able to do so much and I keep going with this holiday job I have( still feeling as if I am on holiday)…very intense at the moment as accreditation day is nearing…who will know what will happen .in my mind they should have postponed it for at least another 6 months as we are definitely not ready…still found some electrical wires hanging from the roof this morning and where they removed a partition and never replaced it the roof slate is still open and it is weekend ..that leaves Monday to do a million things…and as I look at it …not good!
I have been working 4 night every week and will do so until my leave in August , can’t wait…will be well deserved. We hope to take it easy as Barry has finished painting the house..and started doing the plastering of the wall by himself..trial patch looks excellent better that what the plasterer did on the house last here we go another feather in his cap!
Grath..a young Polish student that helped him last year arrived at the door announcing that he is here to work ..after 1 week Barry phoned him ( always feeling this sense of responsibility)and he started on Monday..and they moved the earth…the hedge has been clipped! This has not been done since Barry did it 3 years ago and landed with chest looks good.and would have cost us a pretty penny to get some-one to do it. The difficult part of painting the dash on the front of the house he did, and without arguing or saying anything he does what Barry wants him to do and all goes smoothly.

I just came in from the garden …picking the strawberries just as they turn white ..even before they change colour…as the snales/slugs are watching and the strawberries seems to be very sweet just at change of colour .but I am getting the better of them and the mould…every day I shake off the rain from the leaves and expose the fruit as best I can to the air sunshine would have been ideal but in the absence of same we have to make the best of it.
I also picked my first crop of peas and we will have it tonight with the shoulder of lamb and sweet potato….

Tomorrow is Sunday and the best day of the week! We have the assistant evangelist taking the service and the Hymns have been practised ..are all is ready! I sincerely hope that all who have the privilege to attend a church service tomorrow will be richly blessed!
Retha my cousin living in Vryheid Natal went to visit her daughter in Stellenbosh and had the privilege to see our aunt who is turning 100years on 23rd. She is still well able to take care of herself in many ways is amazing!
My brother living in the same province will do the well wishing on behalf of the 2 of us … from my mother’s side(3 of my brothers passed away already) ..but she will have all her children around her!

It seems as if the tank is empty and I am free wheeling down the road and wish you all well.

Take care
Warm regards to all
Barry& Christina(Stien…etc)

Greetings from Ireland

4 July 2008


Dear family and friends

Just as we thought that summer has disappeared altogether ..the sun came back today after 4 days of rain and wind. In short we had a glorious day!!!...but the weather man says that the next few days are going to be very unstable…it sounds more like angina to me than bad weather!

On Monday we visited our favourite garden centre in Abbeylara and got some rambling roses for the new wall! Far behind our pine wind breaker on the north side we discovered a very lovely sweet smelling pink rose and that was transplanted this morning but I am afraid that the shock was severe and all the roses heads are hanging…the leafs looks fine though ..we hope that there will be a revival soon…

We also have a Poplar specie in the middle of the garden of whom the top branches were all dead well almost all and only here and there was a sprig. That was cut down to half the tree and it loved it… everywhere little branches made their appearance since.

5 July

Another day….the rain came pelting down all morning and then suddenly the heaven exposed blue skies and beautiful sunshine…but that was too late and we started a fire today..the house does not generate any heat and it becomes colder and colder..until you feel the chill in your bone ..but now we have to take off our jumpers… the house has got its warmth back…

We rose bush of yesterday seemed to have survived - the heads of flowers that hung were cut off and the ones left seemed to lift their little heads…

The doom and gloom spoken about on all our news channels are very depressing… seems to be everywhere the same..except in the poorest of the poor countries there it makes no difference….they have nothing to loose but the Irish lived the lives of very prosperous people and far above their means…and unfortunately the poor man suffers more and they, the affluent , just buy their cigarettes across the border..

I am working this weekend and will not be able to go to church but will be there in spirit….one of our youngest members little Emma 2 yrs old was diagnosed with Type II diabetes and is now on Insulin in the paediatric unit…the mother noticed that she drank a lot more than the other children on Monday and she passed a lot of urine for such a little one and took her to the outpatients where the child was admitted ….some Dr told the parents that the child has got an underlying virus infection and that has caused the diabetes????? He could not tell them which virus though…terrible things for them to cope with. Florrie our previous organist is still fighting valiantly against her bone-marrow cancer ..we gave up all hope there 6-7 weeks ago and now she is going strong again!
Now to all family members…on the 23 July our oldest living family members will be 100jrs old and I sincerely hope that those who can will make an effort to contact either tant Poppie’s sons or the nursing home she is in.
Adelbert, Werner of Leopold …..their email addresses are as follows (Werner)

Haya and Hessie are getting older today and tomorrow …
Happy many returns of this day and God’s richest blessings we pray for you!!!

I greet and wave goodbye
Take care and drive safely

Barry + Christina(Stien…etc)