Sunday, July 24, 2011

Groete vanuit 'n sonnige Cranleymore

Sondag 24 Julie’11

Goeie dag allemaal, familie en vriende,
So baie wat ek wou sê, dwars deur die week het ek geheue notas gemaak en noudat ek uiteindelik kans kry om te skryf, sal ek seker die helfte vergeet.
Ek begin by die weer. Die begin van die week het maar trietserig begin. Gister het breë glimlagte, vrolike stemme and veel vreugde gebring- dit was seker een van die beste dae van die somer. Gisteroggend net so na ½ 6 (05h35) toe die son sy kop oor die horizon stoot en die vlammende bal swaar in die lug hang –het ek geweet dat dit sekerlik ‘n pragrige dag sou wees. In die son was die temperatuur tussen 25-27° en in die skadu goed 21!‘n Ligte briesie net om jou te herinner dat ons omring is deur see en hier en daar ‘n wolkie om darem nou nie die eiland te warm te laat word nie. Vandag het ons wakker geword met ligte reën wat die aarde effe afgekoel het en net so naby 1uur vanmiddag maak die son toe weer sy verskyning en ons beleef nog steeds ‘n briljante dag!
Gister was ook ‘n baie spesiale dag. Lukas met sy ouers was op besoek ! Ons het die mannetjie 7 weke laas in lewende lywe gesien en mense is daar lewe in die klein mensie-jy het omtrent ‘n energie drankie nodig om by te hou! Nie ’n oomblik gaan verby waarin hy nie beweeg nie- Ons het goeie oefening gehad, jy moet oë in jou agterkop hê anders is hy die rand af. Hy eet alles op aarde wat organies gegroei is en is bo normaal spraaksaam. Sy woordeskat is ongelooflik van umbrella- tot ice-cream en down there –out en up-down en alles tussen-in! Hy roep sy’Oupa’ so hard dat mense omdraai om te sien wie roep so !.
Ons het besluit om na die Longford se Landbou skou toe te gaan, met die weer so goed en om te sien hoe hy reageer en ons was duidelik verras. Die eerste uur was hy heel gelukkig in die stoot karretjie maar toe word die sit teveel en hy roep luid! Out! Out!. Hy het geen vrees vir die vreemde nie.Hy stap flink met jou vinger in sy hand en hy is baie haastig. Nie ‘n bang haar op sy kop nie- het die skaap ‘n knyp gegee en omtrent elke hond omhels- hy was so ingenome met die ponie dat hy byna gehuil het toe die ruiter moes gaan deelneem. Ek het ‘n soutigheidjie in’n pakkie vir hom gehad en as ek nie gou genoeg een aangee nie roep hy ‘Ouma! Ta! Die ongelooflike ooreenkoms met Finbarr toe hy so oud was is skrikwekkend –dit was asof ons 31 jaar terug gevoer was. Tuis het hy heel party stappies op sy eie gegee tot groot vermaak van ons almal. Ek moet sê ek was effe kapoet teen 8nm toe hulle die hek uitry want ek het net 1 ½ uur geslaap voor die sms deurgekom het dat hulle op pad is.
Die wêreld is pragtig- die bome staan dig met blaar bedekking, die velde groen en die blomme in volle kleur. Die rose is asemberowend mooi! Die groente tuin is ‘n totale oerwoud en ons het maar moes begin uitdun, die broccoli is pragtig aan die groei en die uie kon ‘n prys op die skou gewen het as ek ingeskryf het.
Ons het heel week ons eie aartappels ge-eet- jy voel byna skuldig want dis so lekker! Daar gaan nie baie ertjies oorbly om te pluk nie want elke keer wat ons verby loop word daar eers gestop, ‘n paar gepluk en die peul net daar gepop en en die ertjies ge-eet.
Dit het wild gegaan by die werk- 4 nagte agter my blad vir die afgelope week en die komende week weer 4 nagte- Die eerste week in Augustus is die normale teater lyste afwesig want die Drs is met vakansie behalwe die wat op roep is soos ek wat vir 3 nagte op roep is. Die noodgevalle afdeling is oop en as iemand opgeneem moet word en versorg word sal dit my plig wees die eerste helfte van die week en my vriendin werk die volgende 3 nagte en die ander verpleegster kry Sondag nag! Die ‘skoonlug teater’ word geinstalleer gedurende die week en ons betree dan ‘n nuwe era met heup en knie vervangings asook rug operasies.
Ek het nie vandag die orgel gespeel nie en was bevoorregt om vanuit die kerkbank die psalme en gesange te sing! Die sielsvoeding was ongelooflik goed – ons is so bevoorregt met ‘n predikant wat werklik die boodskap uitstekend kan oordra!
Verjaardae; Eckhart Scholtz. ‘n klein nefie- verjaar vandag. Adelbert, ek wonder of jy die gelukwensinge aan hom kan oordra. Die 26ste verjaar Oubaas en die 31ste Frikkie! Veels geluk aan julle almal!Thilo in Saudi- Happy Birthday!!! For the 27th!
Ek wonder nou net hoe die uie sorteerder daar op die plaas hom toe van sy taak gekwyt het- Hessie laat weet asb! Al die familie wat bymekaar kuier vanuit alle oorde van die wêreld- geniet die samesyn!
Ek het genoeg kwyt geraak en hoop dat almal wat siek is beter voel, en dat die wat siek was nou heeltemaal gesond is! Die wat deur sielswroeginge gaan mag julle die seënende hand van ons Hemelse Vader op julle voel.
Wees tog altyd versigtig!
Baie liefde groete vanuit ‘n warm sonnige Cranleymore
Barry en Christina

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Greetings from a cloudy but pleasant Cranleymore

Saturday 16 July’11

Good day to all, Family and friends.
We have had a glorious week filled with bright sun shine, some cloud, no winds and intense warmth, something we lack desperately in our summers!
We are happy, smiling and do not have a care in the world! Thank the Lord! It is somewhat cooler today but still lovely! The Island is green from east to west and north to west!
With the good weather and the dryness Hay making was at the order of the day. The older farmers still turn the hay; pack it under tarpaulin and 100s of old tyres to keep for the winter. The younger and more sophisticated you are the better the machinery. The enormous tractors with the cutter behind comes in and cut the hay, It lies for about 48 hrs and is then gets picked up by another fancy tractor and contraption that bales it and wrap a piece of plastic around it to keep it in place and as it is finished it drops off the back of the platform. The next tractor arrives and with something like a fork lift, pick up all the bales and stack them at the end of the field where another tractor with another fancy machine picks up the bale wrap it neatly in black plastic from side to side up and down and when finished drops same. The next tractor comes with the trailer designed to pick up bales and with the same forklift utensil stack the bales on the trailer and it is taken away to where- ever!
That is all very fancy but not the end of it! Some farmers allow the cattle to come and graze the rest of the field, mostly the sides where the machine COULD NOT CUT FOR ABOUT A WEEK. Remember the weather is still good and then it happens. The slurry that was gathered during the coldest part of the winter in big slurry tanks arrive now by tractor and spreader. The next 48 hrs is nearly unbearable the smell is from an unknown place-far removed from human habitat but then deposited right next to you! The flies comes with it and not just flies but real big “ brommers” You can hardly breath and every vent is closed , you dare it not to go outside or you will be overpowered by the fumes of 6 months fermented manure! It so happened that the Irish have Cemetery Sunday where they beautify every cemetery and honour the dead with a service. In Killoe they were busy with this service in a country church cemetery. THE FARMER WHO OWNS THE LAND RIGHT NEXT TO THE CHURCH AND CEMETRY COULD NOT CARE A HOOT AND WHILE THE PEOPLE WERE HAVING A BARBERQUE HE CAME ALONG AND SPREAD THIS REFINED PERFUME RIGHT NEXT TO WHERE THEY WERE EATING!
The outcry was loud and clear ...but as always no one listens and life continues, and we went through the exact same event- the fumes were of such magnitude that I experienced a broncho spasm and needed to take my inhalers for the 1st time in a year!
The country is once again plummeted into disbelief about the hierarchy of the Catholic Church that allowed the child abuse to continue and where it was reported to cover it up and the ambassador from the Vatican was asked to leave but that is also just talk as the Catholics control the Government in such a way that they are like clay in the evil doers hands! The schools with the exception of the Protestant schools and very new in the country are all in the hands of the Bishops and Cardinals and Priests and Brothers and they all cover up for each other! The Government is in the process to change this but it will take some years, that is for sure. Child abuse is rife, in every aspect of life but it is so sad that where it is the most detestable there it is aloud! They all need a lot of prayer and maybe they do not know that God can see behind doors and in the dark and does not matter how much they deny it –“ I have nothing to apologise for- I did nothing wrong” they will one day stand in front of the Most High Judge and all will be revealed!
Away from the church and its problems – the hospital is moving with speed into being a very well serviced centre of excellence! The Cardiology dept opened last Monday and the new Cardiologist is apparently a man that knows his work, the Emergency department is opening on Monday coming and we are all on standby! The x-ray CT and MRI dept is up and running and a SA person is working there, I have not met her yet but there are many SA Doctors and workers in the field of medicine especially here in the Midlands. Some SA doctors arrived – Cilna and Husband Rina and Husband and Cynthia and Husband! we hope you enjoy your stay!! This country lack common sense in great chunks The numbers of student allowed into the medical school is curtailed to only say 150 per year, may be more but not much more- Only those who achieved the highest point are allowed to apply- they study for 5 years and then when finished leave the country instead of staying and working for the government for at least 2 years( They can specialise in other countries in shorten time than in Ireland) – That means that an enormous drive to find newly qualified doctors has been going on everywhere but mostly in Pakistan to cover the shortage of doctors in the hospitals! On the 11th July the previous lot of Dr’s move on and it left a big hiatus – no new drs to fill the posts! It is a desperate situation but they still do not stop the exit of newly qualified drs in spite of the problem! IDIOTS!
My heart is in the Boskamp with all those eating biltong and having a braai every evening, watching the animals come and drink at the waterhole and listen to the sounds of the bosveld night.
I hope that you all are having a blessed time together!
Tomorrow is the best day of my week and it is my turn to play the organ! We have a visiting preacher and the last time he was there he preached from a book not to be found in our pew Bibles which upset the older people tremendously- this time I was assured it will not happen again as I am the only one that tell this kind of thing to our own minister! May all who attend services on this special day be filled with food for their souls especially those that has been severely traumatised in the last week. Laurel we keep you in our prayers.
Birthdays! 20th Werner Scholtz, slightly older that myself but still young! A very good and blessed year is our prayers for you!
Little Leandri du Toit whose birthday I was just been notified of on 21st- Happy Birthday to you Young lady I will send a special email card to you!
We remember our dear Tante Poppie in love – her birthday would have been on the 23rd.
My Bother Johann who passed away many years ago(1984) would have 71!on the 16th
We are watching the British Open but in the mist as I could not improve the picture from the Analog Channels- will have to get a man out to check a few things. I had hoped to convince Barry to get Sky but he will not bite- Does not matter how I try!
The garden is a feast of colour! The roses against the wall looks exceptionally beautiful a mass of pink roses in the corner the most glorious dark red bush with many roses on The white rose next to the house is so Beautiful- I measured the diameter which is 6” it is so heavy it pulls the whole stem down! Sweet peas are available in every colour and shade! The nasturtiums are lovely – the baskets are passed their beauty but still gives colour! The vegetable garden- outside – not in a tunnel like Biancha’s, is doing well! The cabbage heads are big and solid! Spinach still growing strong, carrots so sweet it tastes more like sweets! The onions are strong and the peas are ready to pick!
The potatoes are standing in full bloom and we will not need any shop potatoes for a while when they are ready!
The apples on the trees are swelling out and sit bright red on the branches! I cooked some black current and raspberry jam – very lovely!
Bird life is very exciting- mamma’s feeding little ones, the red robins fledged yesterday and our cats visiting realize if they wait till it is dark they get nothing so have been arriving much earlier in order to be fed! Spoilt out of this world! The days are much shortened Sun rise was 24 past 5am on Thursday morning! Last night it was darkish by 22h30! The moon too brilliant for words!
I have nothing more to say – those who live in places where their safety is not for granted- please take care !
It just started to drizzle and it is very soothing- not cold at all!
Those who do not want to receive this letter please notify me in order to remove you from the email list! Just thinking that you regard it as tripe and delete it without reading it, saddens me, I rather not send it!
Greetings from a cloudy but lovely day in Cranleymore!
Barry & Christina

Monday, July 11, 2011

Groete uit 'n somerige Ierland

Sondag 10 Julie’11
Goeie dag Allemaal, familie en vriende en baie spesiaal aan die nuwe vriende op my pos lys! Marianne en Lizzie!

Gelukkig dat ek vandag kan skryf- die hospital het 3nm gesluit en ek hoef nie vannag te werk nie! More aand is ek weer terug aan diens.
Ek is nou goed wakker en kan met vreugde sé dat die buie, dis nou reën word gereeld afgewissel met wonderlike warm welkom sonskyn! Julle moet verstaan dat temperature in Finland was gister 32! En hoe dit moontlik is weet ek nie maar hier het dit net so 20-22 geraak op sekere plekke en dan skrik hierdie klomp Iere hulle skoon katswink vir die donderweer.
Kyk nou net na die beelde van die ellendes in Belfast- daar is mense wat so hard probeer om vrede in die punt van hierdie eiland te bring maar die afgelope 3 weke het nou gewys dat dit nog lank nie verby is nie- dit is so jammer want toerisme wat so brood nodig is word erg befoeter deur die spul ontevrede onredelike idiote, die Protestante inwoners die keer, wat geen rede will verstaan nie en soos Barry se die toekoms van Noord Ierland se ellendes is nog nie gebore nie. Mense is bang en vrees vir hul lewens- karre is uitgebrand en polisie beseer! Petrolbomme is die wapen van die dag. Gaan oor vlae wat gestryk is in plekke naby kerke en mense word uit hul huise gedryf. Groot massiewe ‘bon fires’ word aan die brand gesteek. Dis oorlog in die Noorde van vooraf!
Hier by ons is die gort gar. Die Feinne Gael party wat nou aan bewind is het met die voor verkiesing veldtog baie beloftes gemaak wat nou totaal in al in die modder vasgeval is- Die Taiseach het ontken dat hy die beloftes gemaak maar hier is ‘big brother’ wat jou dophou en alles hoor en opneem wat jy sê en nou speel hulle sy besoek aan die hospital waar die Ongevalle afd. Van Roscommon Hospitaal more oggend om 8vm toegmaak word, terug en Hy skud die personeel se hande en beloof plegtig dat die behoud van die hospitaal dienste ten alle koste behou sal word. Hy sal nou sy trap moet ken want die valletjie is uit!
Mense is woedend en voel dat vals beloftes was gemaak om die stem van die mense te kry- ons is wel bekend met die metode in SA!
Gedurende die week was ons as SA vroue in Ierland se Midlands bymekaar om koffie te drink en in ons eie taal te praat- dit klink baie soos die gegons van die bye!
Ek het nog 2 SA dames ontmoet en soos altyd is dit altyd baie spesiaal. Daar is nou byna meer SAfrikaners in Die middel van Ierland as in die Vrystaat!
Gister wat seker een van die besigste dae in die lewe van die hospitaal sedert ek daar begin werk bet 7 jaar gelede! Dink julle net in- 26 kindertjies tussen 4-15jr met elk ‘n ouer n ‘n saal met 32 beddens plus 4 volwassenes almal behalwe een se mangels wat verwyder is! Dit was besiger as Heathrow die dag voor Kersfees!
Gelukkig het hulle hierdie keer pasient veiligheid laat seëvier en ons was 2 verpleegsters en ‘n helper met 1 verpleegster wat die man met die grootste operasie ‘ge-special’ het. Teen 1vm was almal aan die slaap en ons kon ‘n kopiie tee drink vir die 1ste keer. Dit het vroeg(04h45) gister oggend begin toe ons reeds 14 pasiente in die saal gehad het van die vorige dag. Hulle moes almal wakker gemaak word ,pyn verligting en antibiotika gegee word, al die mammies se beddens opgemaak word van wie daar aan my kant alleen 7 was , en die saal moes aan die kant wees teen ¼ voor 7 vir die 1ste opnames vir die dag se groot teater lys!
Dit was geen grap nie!
Die ou, MG (die baas) het darem die ordentlikheid gehad om te skakel van England waar hy deel van die naweek met sy gesin deurbring, om te hoor hoe die dag verloop het en of ons dit darem gemaak het! Ongewone gedrag vir hom, maar hy het ook ‘n spesiale operasie dag gehad vir mense met nierstene wat met laser flenters geblaas word en 11 pasiente was in die ander saal waar hierdie prosedure plaas gevind het- masjien en tegnoloog en spesialis oorgebring vna Engeland! Die kadiologie dept maak môre-oggend oop en ek is dankbaar ek werk gedurende die nag!
My tuin: Die groente tuin is in chaos, total oorgroei en onbeheerbaar! Het alles te naby aanmekaar geplant en met die gans mis in die grond het alles dubbel so groot gegroei! Die aartappels is nou in blom en die ons sal die week ertjies kan pluk. Die wortels is heerlik en die spinasie is nou op ‘n einde die duitse pers wortels(kan nou glad nie onthou wat dit genoem word nie)RADYSE is groter as die wortels en nou wonder ek hoe ons dit moet eet? Net opsny in slaai of kan mens die kook?
Die rose is buitegewoon mooi- die muur is pink, pers en bloedrooi en jou oog rus op die wonder van natuur!
My tamatie plant in die voorportaal staan nou 6vt hoog en ons het die 1ste tamaties vanmiddag gepluk!
Ons het kerk gemis want ek het geslaap- groot verlies vir sielskos maar ons sal opmaak met ekstra Bybel studie!
Verjaardae: Die nuwe lede van my adreslys word versoek om verjaardae deurtestuur sodat goeie wense julle kan bereik op jul belangrike dag ook die van kinders. Hier die week stuur ek gelukwensinge aan Esther Kroon Veels Geluk vriendin- mag dit ‘n pragtige jaar vir jou wees! Pauli Eloff in Engeland- ook goeie wense vir jou! Geniet jou besoek aan SA.
Nou ja my nuus is op en as ek die brief wil uitstuur voor die nag my oorval moet ek nou end kry! Gerlof vertrek môre na SA veilige reis en geniet! Baie dankie vir al die lekker lees briefies- dit is so welkom!
Hierdie keer groet ek vanuit Cranleymore waar daar tans geen reën val nie en die son besig is om onder te gaan en waar dit lekker warm was vir die hele dag!
Wees altyd versigtig!
Liefde groete
Barry en Christina
NS : Ons het ook ‘n Nuwe TV gekoop om by tehou met tegnologie want die ou TV sou obsoluut gewees het aan die einde van die jaar! Na groot ellende het ek uiteindelik toe al die Analog kanale ook ingstel gekry!(die digitale kanale was ‘self-tuning’) Daarvoor moet ek gelukwensinge ontvang!( Hoe klap ek myself nou op die rug!)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Greetings from Cranleymore

Saturday 2 July’11

Good day to all Family and friends,
At least it is not cold today and yesterday was hot, but I could not enjoy it as I was teaching CPR, although this period of time is called summer and you expect it to be warm, sunny, with bright skies, it does not apply to Cranleymore. We have our own weather here which differs from that in the town of Edgeworthstown as well as that of the county Longford and even of that of the Midlands.
The day started perfectly, gorgeous and we were so excited- it is now 11.30 and the clouds have made space for shadows where you do not want it and the possibility of rain is not far off!
Just back from outside as I wanted to hang to washing on the line but..... I am not Irish enough to do that-they leave the washing on the line for days until it eventually is dry , through the showers and whatever may happen in between- and it looks dark and ominous outside.
I always try to preserve energy but decided against it and have put the washing in the drier as it is my day off and I do not want to run in and out with the washing until.......!
The vegetable garden is totally overgrown and the goose manure has caused the plants to grow extra big and high.
We enjoyed broccoli and cauliflower during the week from our own garden and that was very special. The tomato plants on the porch are now 1.5 m high.
The roses are lovely and a rose that never grew and was really thrown out and put into the corner is now the most beautiful, dark red and sweet smelling rose thinkable. The sweet-peas are colourful and the petunias lovely- the baskets are passed their flowering time and are going down quickly now, maybe another 2 weeks and they will be gone.
The lower field is divided into 2, the pathway Barry cut for us to walk round and the inner part where the grasses were left growing for the enjoyment of the small birds and insects as well as the bees! The baby swallows do not fit into the nest anymore and reside now on the rafters of the donkey house until they depart.
Suddenly we have 3-4 cats visiting. The old cat that was coming to us for the last 2 years must be dead but the children now frequent the Dunnes hospitality. Two of her children visits now, as well as 2 black cats- the one is surely from a house around here as it sits and wait on the wall at the back door for Barry to bring something out! We recognise him as the one with the white spot on his chest. He does not even run away any-more. The other black cat does not look as well fed and is pitch black and very frightened.
The children of the matriarch arrives any time of the day and wait patiently under the hedge until Barry eventually bring something out- carefully check the surroundings out for danger and crawl then to the wall and devour all in no time everything that is available! We just love our visitors! The birds are also off course fed but only with old bread and oats! Mamma black bird is doing the feeding of the young all by herself, we have not seen the male for over 2 weeks- might have been killed as they would both be picking up worms to feed the young and he is no more.
The country itself is as beautiful as ever, lush green foliage on the trees and the farmers are cutting hay- very busy time of the year and our neighbour cut his fields behind is on Thursday evening – it has to lie for a couple of days and then the bailing starts, which he said he hope to do this afternoon- Ray, who does the cutting and bailing is from our church and he always have a minute to say good day to us which is lovely! The whole procedure has to be observed from inside the walls of our house where I am concerned as I get bad hay-fever from all the pollen- red watery eyes and non-stop sneezing, 20-30x in one go is nothing.
My knee gave final notice and I cannot walk on my treadmill at all anymore and we have decided to sell it- and buy a new TV we still have an old fashioned TV and hopefully we will now fit into the modern times.
At work the morale is low and this man MG as I call him may be a good businessman but there it ends! The new Emergency department is opening on the 18th and the Cardiology Dept on the 11th. There is a tremendous backlog of National Health patients waiting for operation for over 3 years and the hospital did a deal with the HSE and the consultants will work through the backlog at a lesser price and the hospital will give a special tariff- the package must be good as there is no money in the health sector and for the HSE to accept the deal means that it must be to their advantage. With that in mind the ENT surgeons are going to work like mad and the theatre staff as well as us in the ward for the next 3 weeks, we have been scheduled for extra shifts, instead for 3 nights a week we will be working 4 nights and then have the 1st week in August off- as the theatres will be closed for revamping and the installation of a clean air theatre where hip and knee replacements will be done!
I also did some teaching yesterday BLS (CPR) basic Life Support and another 40 still needs to be trained.
I lost track of what the politicians are up to accept for the one TD (member of parliament) who won a celebrity contest in 2007 for charity and now it came to the front that over 3,600 calls were made from the government building to vote for him and to prevent him being asked to resign, he decided to pay the account. They, the Taoiseach and Tánaiste (Prime minister and deputy with the Min of Finance) are still trying their best to get the interest rate down for the bailout moneys from the IMF but who knows what goes for what- I doubt if they themselves know what they are doing!
Birthday! Annemaria (Haya) on the 5th and Hester her sister the 6th, Happy Birthday to both of you! May it be a joyful year full of wonderful experiences and surprises.
Some results of exams have been coming forth and Jeanne Potgieter my friend Marthie’s daughter passed her year doing Law with Cum Laude! Wonderful and congratulations!
Tomorrow is the best day of my week and as I have to work next weekend Joy will play for me and I will do her Sunday-tomorrow! Soul food and Praise is at the order of the day.
Sincerely hope that every-one will have a blessed Sunday and week!
Finbarr, Amanda and Lukas should be at their destination in the Canary Islands where they will spend the next 7 days!
They both worked extremely hard and deserve a rest- we will just miss talking to Lukas!

We read about the many farm murders and would just like to re-iterate the importance of being diligent with your own safety.
It started to rain and I greet you then from Cranleymore where things are always different than anywhere else!
Barry and Christina