26 September’11
Goeie dag, familie en vriende,
Die briefie is ‘n paar dae laat maar so baie het gebeur dat dit regtig nie saak maak nie. Via Gerlof se brief verneem ons dat die Van Marles nou ook groot ouers is en nou sal hul die vreugdes van Ouma en Oupa beleef! Veels geluk aan Jaco en Stenelle met aankoms van jul baba en dan ook veels geluk aan al die nuwe Oupas en Oumas! Ons hoop om volle besonderhede eersdaags te ontvang!
Gerlof se weermanne en ons weervroue voorspel eienaardige dinge soos vroeë sneeu maar ook ‘n Indiese somer voor die sneeu kom! Temperature van bo 25° word vir die suide van Engeland voorspel en hier by ons netso bo 20° maar as ons moet oordeel aan vandag se temperatuur dan sal daar ‘n wonderwerk in die werkinge moet wees want dit het nie vandag hoër as 12° gestyg nie. Reën as afwisseling is doodgewoon. Die wind is geniepsig en jou hande word sommer gou koud as jy hulle buite los! Die blare val nou vinnig en die kleur skemas is besonders soos dit altyd gedurende herfs is, alle kleure vanaf donker roesbruin tot warm geel.
Ons hanekamme lyk nou mooier as gedurende die hele somer en die helder rooi bring pragtig kleur in die afbrekende somer blomkleure. Die begonias het ons totale bewondering nodig want hulle blom nou 6 mnde en lyk nog steeds mooi! Die rose het so iets van ‘n laat drag rose wat pragtig lyk en ek het seker nou die laaste van die pronkertjies gepluk!
Gister was ons Oes gedenk diens en die hele kerk was vol dalias van wit tot donker rooi byna pers en alles tussenin- ongelooflik mooi! Die kerk het pragtig gelyk en natuurlik was dit die beste dag van my week! Elke hoekie en lysie was gevul met vrugte en groente uit die gemeentelede se tuine-,gerwe van koring gebind soos in die jare her! 110 in getal miskien dink julle dat dit nie juis baie mense is nie maar vir ons gemeente wat hoofsaaklik uit ouer lui bestaan en miskien 20 in getal bereik, is dit ‘n allamintige groot klomp mense. Die orgel diens is deur Joy en myself gehanteer- 4 van my 12 voorgestede Psalme en Gesange was gesing en ek was baie in my skik! Barry het die skrifvoorlesing gedoen en soos altyd word hy vreeslik geprys omdat hy baie duidelik en helder lees-en al die hardhorendes kan hom goed hoor en die feit dat hy deel is van die Protestante kerk bring groot dankbaarheid en maak my baie trots!
Ons het die dankdiens met sang en musiek gevier.Die besoekende predikant het ‘n baie moderne boodskap gebring maar baie indrukwekkend-maar die kersie op die koek naas die heerlike klank wat uit die kerk opgestyg het was die eetgoed! Die ou skool gebou waar meeste van die ouer mense skool gegaan het in die laat 1920’s is gerestoureer in die afgelope 5 mnde met geld wat nagelaat is deur die buurplaas se eienaar-nie eers ‘n lid van die kerk nie maar hulle het altyd na die oes gedenkdiens toe gekom. Nou ja ons het koek vir die res van die jaar maar ek vrees die voeëls sal meeste daarvan verorber!
Ons het ook die wonderlike ervaring gehad van klein voetstappies in die huis,”Opa” soos Lukas, Barry noem, is ‘n diebare klein seuntjie volstreke en slimmer as die houtjie van die galg-skielik klink die uitdrukking baie snaaks, nietemin hy is nie op sy ‘bek’ geval nie en praat aanmekaar, elke woord duidelik uitgespreek bitter min baba woorde en herhaal wat hy foneties hoor. Dit was die eerste keer dat hulle oorgeslaap het en hy het sonder probleem in sy kamp kot gaan slaap en eers die volgende oggend ¼ voor 7 wakker geword! Finbarr kon nie gaan slaap nie want een van hul klante se webblad het die geesgegaf en hy moes deur die nag werk om alles weer in orde te kry- en om nader aan die ellende tewees is hulle toe maar na ‘n vol Ierse ontbyt, huis toe. Dit was nogtans baie lekker om hulle hier te hê. Jy moet oë in jou agterkop hê want alles word ge-inspekteur ,elke kas word oopgemaak en uitgepak- en die wasmasjien het ‘n groot aantrekkinskrag gehad en die klein vingertjies kan so maklik in die knyp kom! Sy ‘Opa’ is die mees wonderlikste ding en as hy hom nie kan sien nie roep hy luid ‘Opa’!!!
Nou ja, die naglewe in Cranleymore het met rasse skrede vergroot. Blackie, Professor, die 2 katte en die 2 jakkalsies het ‘n maatjie bygekry ‘n krimpvarkie-hy is te pragtig en eet alles wat hy as oorskiet op die gras kan vind. Professor en die jakkalsies sit langs mekaar en eet ,dis nou die grys strepies kat maar Blackie is die koning en as hy in die nabyheid is bly al die ander op ‘n afstand!
Die swaeltjies het nog gister deur die lug geswiep en hulle vertrek datum is seker baie naby! Die ander deurdiejaar voëltjies begin nou soek na hulle grondboontjies maar hulle sal eers volgende Maandag begin ekstra voedsel kry!
Die verkiesing van ‘n nuwe President vir Ierland is besig om momentum te kry- alles wat onguur is word nou uit die klosset gegrawe en elkeen moet net verdedig- dit is ongelooflik dat ons ‘n verkiesing gehad het en ‘n nuwe politieke party is aan bewind maar, oo weë! Dit is moeilik om te besluit wie is slegter! Sowat van geld mors is ongelooflik! Die gesondheidsdienste is in Chaos. Geld sake dwarsoor die Europese gebied is in groot gevaar en nog steeds gaan hulle voort met ‘gravy train’ salarisse.
Ek is vir 2 weke met vakansie en is dankbaar vir ‘n kans om weer kragte te herwin-net ‘n akkreditassie vergadering môre middag ,net om dinge effe te vertraag- ons beplan om Vrydag Enniskillen toe te gaan , NI, daar is ‘n groot antieke veiling en omdat dit altyd ‘n baie gesellige uitstappie is doen ons dit alles ineen-besigtig die goedere en indien daar iets is waar ons in belangstel sal ons oorbly!
Nou ja ek het geen verdere nuus nie.
Jul veiligheid is altyd vir ons van groot belang!
Hou die deure gesluit en wees altyd versigtig!
Liefde groete vanuit Cranleymore waar die winter met ‘n ompad, nader kruip.
Barry & Christina
Monday, September 26, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Mid September greetings
Saturday 17 Sept’11
Good day to all, family and friends!
Rugby takes the prime spot in my letter today with SA beating Fiji and then the news of all news
Ireland show Australia how to do it 15-6 Wow!
The Irish will do post mortem of their performance for the next 72 hrs intensely and then less frequent for the next 5 days or until the next game.
We have sudden showers with sun in between and when the sun shines it is lovely we cannot complain- the temperatures may drop at night below 10 but overall an average of 15-17 during the day. The nights have become much darker and longer and of course days much shorter. The leaves of some trees have turned within a week’s time into gorgeous autumn colours a feast for the eye. In between the dark green of the other trees are still very vibrant. Most of the fields have been cut for a 2nd time and the grain fields are now only stopples on the ground.
The wind blew last week at some horrific speed, settled a little this week but as we are in the pathway of every tail-end of most weather systems we experienced a very “unsettled” weather patron at present. We also have to get ready for the possible snow predicted for early October.
The chimney has been swept and the fire-lighters have been bought. The shed is full to the brim with natural fuel, turf and wood as well as the oil tank. We are ready for whatever is thrown our way! Have to say I love the sun! But on the other hand the winter has its own beauty!
Garden news. I still picked some sweet-peas yesterday and rescued a few roses from the rain and wind. Some of our flower pots were blown over and off the wall which broke branches off some of our bushes and the poor begonias got hit the hardest as they came tumbling down.
The roses are still in flower and have been now for a good month, for the 2nd time this year. The vegetable garden looks very good, the cabbages are filling out and the Brussels sprouts are forming –so are the cauliflowers.
Our animal visitor population brings us great joy! Blackie and Professor cannot stand each other and every now and again they arrive at the same time- an authoritive Blackie make sure that Professor leaves pretty quick and then remarked the whole territory, while the foxes stay hidden until the boss takes his leave! Hours are spent watching the foxes- you have to have excellent night sight to distinguish these animals from the background vegetation- they arrive usually minutes before darkness fall and their ritual stay the same- we were very surprised as we thought one of the young ones were killed on the road but on Wednesday night both of them arrived- may- be it was the mother that died. They are in peak condition, their fur is shining and their tails magnificent. We feed them with scraps from the table and what- ever is available- while we have changed to tinned cat food for the other two. They used to get tuna but it has become a bit expensive- so they eat the tin food just as happy!
At the hospital the Emergency Dept has taken off and we have had every possible admission under the sun from overdoses to 95yrs olds that stopped eating and drinking with the earnest wish to die! In between the 50 cases for theatre a day continues and the staff works very hard, my last 3 nights were out of this world. I cannot even get out of the car when I eventually arrives home at 09h30 in the morning as I am so stiff after a night full of events-trying to keep an Alzheimer patient who had a prostatectomy from getting out of bed and pulling his catheter out to haughty tauties who thinks they own the hospital- we work without a carer at night and you have to do everything and I mean everything. From doctors rounds to giving them their tea and everything in between! Another 2 years maybe three then I will call it a day! The last night I was on my own with 8 patients- I kicked up some mud but there is no-one that can come and help as we run on short staff as normal.
I still have a job and enjoy my work just sometimes you realize that things could have gone wrong – thank the Lord nothing has so far but still patient safety becomes an issue. There are many people who has no work and I gladly do my share- hopefully for as long as I can!
The Presidential election is near but the nomination of candidates is a circus!
The lots seems to be so ignorant of the fact that the President is the 1st Citizen of the country and should be a person of good standing and integrity able to meet any-one and every-one. Some of the candidates make me shiver- I dread the outcome of this election, instead of being proud of your President we might like to dig our heads into a bog! I just hear the voice of Martin Mc Guinness the 1st Minister of NI who has become Sinn Fein’s candidate- now there is hope!
We are both well and enjoy our little estate in the country! The Lord has blessed us in so many ways that my moaning is really not fair. The grass when cut looks like a carpet- the birds sing and the berries are red what more can I say! Last week Barry picked every blackberry and raspberry along the hedge and I cooked jam- there was just a little too much fluid left and I said to Barry when I sat down I must get up in 5 min to check the jam but I started reading my book and the next thing the fire alarm went off! Needless to say - I turned the jam into stone! It took us 3 days to get the pot clean and the stone was given to the birds and bees.
The next lot I treated with great respect and stood over the stove until ready to go into the jam jars! This time we are enjoying our own blackberry jam!
The swallows left their nest and has departed from the donkey house, they have been gathering for some time in great numbers and will soon leave!
Tomorrow is the best day of my week and I will sit in a pew far away from every-one so that I can sing and praise the Lord. Joy is playing the organ and we have tea afterwards. Next week is the event of the year when we have our Harvest Thanksgiving Service. As it will be in the form of Hymns singing Joy and I will share the duty of organ playing. Afterwards we will give tea and cake to all the visitors!
Three of the Potgieter family will be in South Africa in the next couple of weeks and we wish them a safe journey and Christopher that is there since end August- enjoy the hot weather!
Every-one of you are always in our prayers and especially those who are having birthdays. Adelbert on the 20th and any-one else who I do not have a record of! Enjoy your day! Congratulations to Bianca and her husband with their Irish citizenships.
Remember your safety and those of your families.
Take care in every way!
Autumn regards from us in Cranleymore!
Barry & Christina
Good day to all, family and friends!
Rugby takes the prime spot in my letter today with SA beating Fiji and then the news of all news
Ireland show Australia how to do it 15-6 Wow!
The Irish will do post mortem of their performance for the next 72 hrs intensely and then less frequent for the next 5 days or until the next game.
We have sudden showers with sun in between and when the sun shines it is lovely we cannot complain- the temperatures may drop at night below 10 but overall an average of 15-17 during the day. The nights have become much darker and longer and of course days much shorter. The leaves of some trees have turned within a week’s time into gorgeous autumn colours a feast for the eye. In between the dark green of the other trees are still very vibrant. Most of the fields have been cut for a 2nd time and the grain fields are now only stopples on the ground.
The wind blew last week at some horrific speed, settled a little this week but as we are in the pathway of every tail-end of most weather systems we experienced a very “unsettled” weather patron at present. We also have to get ready for the possible snow predicted for early October.
The chimney has been swept and the fire-lighters have been bought. The shed is full to the brim with natural fuel, turf and wood as well as the oil tank. We are ready for whatever is thrown our way! Have to say I love the sun! But on the other hand the winter has its own beauty!
Garden news. I still picked some sweet-peas yesterday and rescued a few roses from the rain and wind. Some of our flower pots were blown over and off the wall which broke branches off some of our bushes and the poor begonias got hit the hardest as they came tumbling down.
The roses are still in flower and have been now for a good month, for the 2nd time this year. The vegetable garden looks very good, the cabbages are filling out and the Brussels sprouts are forming –so are the cauliflowers.
Our animal visitor population brings us great joy! Blackie and Professor cannot stand each other and every now and again they arrive at the same time- an authoritive Blackie make sure that Professor leaves pretty quick and then remarked the whole territory, while the foxes stay hidden until the boss takes his leave! Hours are spent watching the foxes- you have to have excellent night sight to distinguish these animals from the background vegetation- they arrive usually minutes before darkness fall and their ritual stay the same- we were very surprised as we thought one of the young ones were killed on the road but on Wednesday night both of them arrived- may- be it was the mother that died. They are in peak condition, their fur is shining and their tails magnificent. We feed them with scraps from the table and what- ever is available- while we have changed to tinned cat food for the other two. They used to get tuna but it has become a bit expensive- so they eat the tin food just as happy!
At the hospital the Emergency Dept has taken off and we have had every possible admission under the sun from overdoses to 95yrs olds that stopped eating and drinking with the earnest wish to die! In between the 50 cases for theatre a day continues and the staff works very hard, my last 3 nights were out of this world. I cannot even get out of the car when I eventually arrives home at 09h30 in the morning as I am so stiff after a night full of events-trying to keep an Alzheimer patient who had a prostatectomy from getting out of bed and pulling his catheter out to haughty tauties who thinks they own the hospital- we work without a carer at night and you have to do everything and I mean everything. From doctors rounds to giving them their tea and everything in between! Another 2 years maybe three then I will call it a day! The last night I was on my own with 8 patients- I kicked up some mud but there is no-one that can come and help as we run on short staff as normal.
I still have a job and enjoy my work just sometimes you realize that things could have gone wrong – thank the Lord nothing has so far but still patient safety becomes an issue. There are many people who has no work and I gladly do my share- hopefully for as long as I can!
The Presidential election is near but the nomination of candidates is a circus!
The lots seems to be so ignorant of the fact that the President is the 1st Citizen of the country and should be a person of good standing and integrity able to meet any-one and every-one. Some of the candidates make me shiver- I dread the outcome of this election, instead of being proud of your President we might like to dig our heads into a bog! I just hear the voice of Martin Mc Guinness the 1st Minister of NI who has become Sinn Fein’s candidate- now there is hope!
We are both well and enjoy our little estate in the country! The Lord has blessed us in so many ways that my moaning is really not fair. The grass when cut looks like a carpet- the birds sing and the berries are red what more can I say! Last week Barry picked every blackberry and raspberry along the hedge and I cooked jam- there was just a little too much fluid left and I said to Barry when I sat down I must get up in 5 min to check the jam but I started reading my book and the next thing the fire alarm went off! Needless to say - I turned the jam into stone! It took us 3 days to get the pot clean and the stone was given to the birds and bees.
The next lot I treated with great respect and stood over the stove until ready to go into the jam jars! This time we are enjoying our own blackberry jam!
The swallows left their nest and has departed from the donkey house, they have been gathering for some time in great numbers and will soon leave!
Tomorrow is the best day of my week and I will sit in a pew far away from every-one so that I can sing and praise the Lord. Joy is playing the organ and we have tea afterwards. Next week is the event of the year when we have our Harvest Thanksgiving Service. As it will be in the form of Hymns singing Joy and I will share the duty of organ playing. Afterwards we will give tea and cake to all the visitors!
Three of the Potgieter family will be in South Africa in the next couple of weeks and we wish them a safe journey and Christopher that is there since end August- enjoy the hot weather!
Every-one of you are always in our prayers and especially those who are having birthdays. Adelbert on the 20th and any-one else who I do not have a record of! Enjoy your day! Congratulations to Bianca and her husband with their Irish citizenships.
Remember your safety and those of your families.
Take care in every way!
Autumn regards from us in Cranleymore!
Barry & Christina
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Groete vanuit 'n windverwaaide Ierland
Saterdag 10 September’11
Goeie dag allemaal! Familie en vriende!
Eerste die goeie nuus, net soos dit soms by Leopold in N Holland/Belgie gaan, ervaar ons vandag sonskyn en effense warmte ongelukkig waai die wind baie onplesierig en kan jy dit nie waag om buite te sit nie, moenie eers praat van koerant lees nie! Ons vat nou maar elke dag soos hy kom, soms heerlike sonskyn wat dan vinnig afgewissel word met ‘n bui stort reën ,of grys en donker en onheilspellend,geen gewaarwording van enige son in die ruimte nie of sommer net blou kolle in die lug met wit opgestappelde wolk lae wat soms ‘n donker onderlagie het en jou heeltyd laat op kyk maar niks gebeur nie- so al asof die lug ruimte jou terg! Die temperature is eintlik baie goed- vandag het ons opgestaan met 12° wat reeds teen 10vm na 16° opgeskuif het en nou is dit naby 19° wat glad nie sleg is vir ons herfs nie!
Nog goeie nuus, wel vir my was dit in elk geval - en dit is die feit dat ek hierdie allamintige ACLS- Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Kursus geslaag het. Daar was 2 dokters saam met ons en een het dit nie gemaak nie- ‘n sjirurg, neem hom nie kwalik nie want dit is nou regtig nie sy area van eksperteuse nie solank hy sy snywerk en toewerk goed doen is daar ander wat na die pasient se welsyn omsien. As hy knoei is daar ‘n probleem maar steeds is daar iemand anders wat die pasient aan die lewe hou!
Dit is die allerlaaste keer wat my in so-iets sal begewe. Ek het my hele lewe aangehou studeer, ek hou nooit op nie maar nie eksamen en prakties nie- nee-nee-nee, My stres vlakke het die hoogte in geskiet en ek dit nie nodig nie!
Tuis gaan dit goed ons het die plesier van ons besoekende katte Professor en Blackie. Lg is die baas- selfs die jakkalsies is bang vir hom. Hy het intussen baie astrant begin raak en sit nou op die vensterbank vir ons en wag, gee niks om vir Barry nie sit by die kos bakkie en wag vir sy melk en wat nogal terwyl Professor met sy wit snorbaarde baie versigtig is, hy kruip weg en dink ons kan hom nie sien nie,sy kleure is so dat hy heeltemaal saam smelt met die grasse en ou takke van die heining. Die jakkalsies het minder geword. Ons verneem van een van die SA dames wat so ‘n week of wat gelede hier verby is dat hulle ‘n jakkalsie dood opgemerk het in die pad. Nou is daar net een oor en hy hardloop nog groter draaie as in die begin om seker te maak niemand sien hom nie! ons staan digby die venster in die kombuis met die lig natuurlik af en hou hom dop- ‘n uur kan sommer verby vlieg op die manier. Hy lyk goed sy jas blink en sy stert is te pragtig!
Ons swaeltjies het hul nes eergister verlaat en vlieg nou rond . Hulle slaap nog in die donkiehuis maar is besig om sterker te word elke dag! As ons buite is swiep hulle graag netso by ons koppe verby!
Die tuin lyk nog besonder goed ,die rose het hul 2de drag en lyk mooier as vroër in die somer. 5 jaar gelede het ons ‘n variasie van
Honeysuckle geplant en dit het vir die eerste keer hierdie jaar geblom en lyk te pragtig!
Die pronkertjies het nou die gees gegaf, terwyl die begonias nog pragtig lyk. Die allerhande soort kole in die groente tuin het ongelooflike groei getoon ons hoop dat ons heerlike groente sal he in die winter. Gepraat van die winter- een of ander weervoorspeller het gesê dat ons vroë sneeu gaan hê- dis nou in die eerste 2 weke van Okt en ‘n erger winter as verlede jaar- as ek hom in die hande kry draai ek sy nek om-mense raak al morbied net as hulle so-iets hoor!
By die hospital gaan dinge hulle gang! Die noodgevalle afdeling was baie besig die afgelope week van mense wat moeg gewag was op trollies en iemand het selfs vanaf Cork noorde toe gery –is hier by ons dadelik gesien, gediagnoseer en behandel binne 3 ure ,was opgeneem en is baie gelukkig met die bahandeling. Baie van die gevalle is ouer mense met mediese probleme en dit beteken dat die werklading nou verdubbel het!
Op die politieke front gaan dit vrot verby ,Waterford waar die Kristal fabriek was en toegmaak het, het ‘n 2de groot knou gekry toe een van die telefoon maatskappyeTALK TALK die oproep en diens sentrum aangekondig het dat hulle in 30 dae die plek gaan toemaak en 675 mense sal sonder werk sit!
Intussen vlek hulle almal wat op die ‘gravy’ trein was se verlede oop en vind uit hoe hulle die mense besteel en bedrieg het!
Hulle loop vry rond en die res van die land moet die ellende verduur! Onverstaanbaar!
Hoop dit gaan goed met al die jongelui wat voorbereidings eksamen vir matriek skryf! Nico, Stefan,Nicole! Veels geluk aan die pragtige prestasie van Elaine Kruger met skiet vermoë!
Verlede week het ek totaal en al vergeet van Verjaardae tot my skaamte.
Barend Bornman het die 1ste verjaar.Die 2de het Leané Eloff verjaar, 5de Michael Knight, en Cobus van Marle die 6de.
Veels Geluk aan julle almal! Hoop dat die dag vir elkeen van julle goed afgeloop het!
Volgende week verjaar Finbarr die 13de Ron Starns die 14de saam met Jennifer de Lange. Gwynneth Staples die 15de. Ook aan almal van julle ‘n baie aangename verjaardag jul toegewens!
Ek kry ‘n ekstra kans om hierdie Sondag die orgel te bespeel want dit is katkesasie vir die jonges en Joy help uit met die klas gee.
Ons Oes Dank Fees is die 25ste wat die vorm van ‘n sang diens sal aanneem met heerlike koek en tee daarna! Die kinders kom vir die naweek van die 25ste en ons is baie opgewonde. Ons klein kind is nou ‘n regte klein seuntjie en alte pragtig!
Byna wou ek groet sonder om te vertel van my orgideë wat 8 plante gemaak het in die 2 jaar wat ek die plant gekoop het met totale ander blommetjies aan as wat hulle nou dra! Gister het ek die hele klomp opgedeel en uitplant in spesiale orgideë mengsel. Die 2 de plant moet ook nog onder verdeel word maar die grond is klaar en ek sal eers nog moet gaan koop. Die vensterbank in die gang is nou vol orgideë en my 7 lemoen bome groei ook goed. Die orgideë wat ons gered uit Home Base staan in volle blom in die groot sitkamer! Baie mooi! Dankie MArthie!
Ons pluk elke dag tamaties van die 2 plante wat 7 vt hoog gegroei het en toe dubbel gevou het van swaarheid. Hulle leef nog en produseer die heerlikste tamaties denkbaar!
Ons was vanoggned na ‘n MONSTER VEILING waar die nasionale voetbal en hurling assosiasie geld bymekaar maak – ons is daar weg met 20 boeke onder andere ‘n splinternuwe wêreld atlas wat nog nooit eers oopgemaak is nie. Ons het ook besoek afgelê by Marthie waar sy haar stalletjie in die opemark in Longford het – baie interessant maar ondankbare werk en soms gaan dit goed en ander kere minder goed- ons wens haar alles van die beste toe!
O ja die rugby het begin en nou is alles in rep en roer! Weet nie so mooi van die Iere nie maar ek glo die Springbokke behoort goed te vaar!
Nou het ek alles kwytegeraak wat ek opgegaar het in die onthou boksie!
Ek kan nie genoeg op jul harte druk dat julle tog altyd versigtig moet wees nie! Vertrou niemand nie- en sluit julle deure.
Ek groet uit Cranleymore waar die son skyn en die wind waai.
Barry en Christina
Goeie dag allemaal! Familie en vriende!
Eerste die goeie nuus, net soos dit soms by Leopold in N Holland/Belgie gaan, ervaar ons vandag sonskyn en effense warmte ongelukkig waai die wind baie onplesierig en kan jy dit nie waag om buite te sit nie, moenie eers praat van koerant lees nie! Ons vat nou maar elke dag soos hy kom, soms heerlike sonskyn wat dan vinnig afgewissel word met ‘n bui stort reën ,of grys en donker en onheilspellend,geen gewaarwording van enige son in die ruimte nie of sommer net blou kolle in die lug met wit opgestappelde wolk lae wat soms ‘n donker onderlagie het en jou heeltyd laat op kyk maar niks gebeur nie- so al asof die lug ruimte jou terg! Die temperature is eintlik baie goed- vandag het ons opgestaan met 12° wat reeds teen 10vm na 16° opgeskuif het en nou is dit naby 19° wat glad nie sleg is vir ons herfs nie!
Nog goeie nuus, wel vir my was dit in elk geval - en dit is die feit dat ek hierdie allamintige ACLS- Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Kursus geslaag het. Daar was 2 dokters saam met ons en een het dit nie gemaak nie- ‘n sjirurg, neem hom nie kwalik nie want dit is nou regtig nie sy area van eksperteuse nie solank hy sy snywerk en toewerk goed doen is daar ander wat na die pasient se welsyn omsien. As hy knoei is daar ‘n probleem maar steeds is daar iemand anders wat die pasient aan die lewe hou!
Dit is die allerlaaste keer wat my in so-iets sal begewe. Ek het my hele lewe aangehou studeer, ek hou nooit op nie maar nie eksamen en prakties nie- nee-nee-nee, My stres vlakke het die hoogte in geskiet en ek dit nie nodig nie!
Tuis gaan dit goed ons het die plesier van ons besoekende katte Professor en Blackie. Lg is die baas- selfs die jakkalsies is bang vir hom. Hy het intussen baie astrant begin raak en sit nou op die vensterbank vir ons en wag, gee niks om vir Barry nie sit by die kos bakkie en wag vir sy melk en wat nogal terwyl Professor met sy wit snorbaarde baie versigtig is, hy kruip weg en dink ons kan hom nie sien nie,sy kleure is so dat hy heeltemaal saam smelt met die grasse en ou takke van die heining. Die jakkalsies het minder geword. Ons verneem van een van die SA dames wat so ‘n week of wat gelede hier verby is dat hulle ‘n jakkalsie dood opgemerk het in die pad. Nou is daar net een oor en hy hardloop nog groter draaie as in die begin om seker te maak niemand sien hom nie! ons staan digby die venster in die kombuis met die lig natuurlik af en hou hom dop- ‘n uur kan sommer verby vlieg op die manier. Hy lyk goed sy jas blink en sy stert is te pragtig!
Ons swaeltjies het hul nes eergister verlaat en vlieg nou rond . Hulle slaap nog in die donkiehuis maar is besig om sterker te word elke dag! As ons buite is swiep hulle graag netso by ons koppe verby!
Die tuin lyk nog besonder goed ,die rose het hul 2de drag en lyk mooier as vroër in die somer. 5 jaar gelede het ons ‘n variasie van
Honeysuckle geplant en dit het vir die eerste keer hierdie jaar geblom en lyk te pragtig!
Die pronkertjies het nou die gees gegaf, terwyl die begonias nog pragtig lyk. Die allerhande soort kole in die groente tuin het ongelooflike groei getoon ons hoop dat ons heerlike groente sal he in die winter. Gepraat van die winter- een of ander weervoorspeller het gesê dat ons vroë sneeu gaan hê- dis nou in die eerste 2 weke van Okt en ‘n erger winter as verlede jaar- as ek hom in die hande kry draai ek sy nek om-mense raak al morbied net as hulle so-iets hoor!
By die hospital gaan dinge hulle gang! Die noodgevalle afdeling was baie besig die afgelope week van mense wat moeg gewag was op trollies en iemand het selfs vanaf Cork noorde toe gery –is hier by ons dadelik gesien, gediagnoseer en behandel binne 3 ure ,was opgeneem en is baie gelukkig met die bahandeling. Baie van die gevalle is ouer mense met mediese probleme en dit beteken dat die werklading nou verdubbel het!
Op die politieke front gaan dit vrot verby ,Waterford waar die Kristal fabriek was en toegmaak het, het ‘n 2de groot knou gekry toe een van die telefoon maatskappyeTALK TALK die oproep en diens sentrum aangekondig het dat hulle in 30 dae die plek gaan toemaak en 675 mense sal sonder werk sit!
Intussen vlek hulle almal wat op die ‘gravy’ trein was se verlede oop en vind uit hoe hulle die mense besteel en bedrieg het!
Hulle loop vry rond en die res van die land moet die ellende verduur! Onverstaanbaar!
Hoop dit gaan goed met al die jongelui wat voorbereidings eksamen vir matriek skryf! Nico, Stefan,Nicole! Veels geluk aan die pragtige prestasie van Elaine Kruger met skiet vermoë!
Verlede week het ek totaal en al vergeet van Verjaardae tot my skaamte.
Barend Bornman het die 1ste verjaar.Die 2de het Leané Eloff verjaar, 5de Michael Knight, en Cobus van Marle die 6de.
Veels Geluk aan julle almal! Hoop dat die dag vir elkeen van julle goed afgeloop het!
Volgende week verjaar Finbarr die 13de Ron Starns die 14de saam met Jennifer de Lange. Gwynneth Staples die 15de. Ook aan almal van julle ‘n baie aangename verjaardag jul toegewens!
Ek kry ‘n ekstra kans om hierdie Sondag die orgel te bespeel want dit is katkesasie vir die jonges en Joy help uit met die klas gee.
Ons Oes Dank Fees is die 25ste wat die vorm van ‘n sang diens sal aanneem met heerlike koek en tee daarna! Die kinders kom vir die naweek van die 25ste en ons is baie opgewonde. Ons klein kind is nou ‘n regte klein seuntjie en alte pragtig!
Byna wou ek groet sonder om te vertel van my orgideë wat 8 plante gemaak het in die 2 jaar wat ek die plant gekoop het met totale ander blommetjies aan as wat hulle nou dra! Gister het ek die hele klomp opgedeel en uitplant in spesiale orgideë mengsel. Die 2 de plant moet ook nog onder verdeel word maar die grond is klaar en ek sal eers nog moet gaan koop. Die vensterbank in die gang is nou vol orgideë en my 7 lemoen bome groei ook goed. Die orgideë wat ons gered uit Home Base staan in volle blom in die groot sitkamer! Baie mooi! Dankie MArthie!
Ons pluk elke dag tamaties van die 2 plante wat 7 vt hoog gegroei het en toe dubbel gevou het van swaarheid. Hulle leef nog en produseer die heerlikste tamaties denkbaar!
Ons was vanoggned na ‘n MONSTER VEILING waar die nasionale voetbal en hurling assosiasie geld bymekaar maak – ons is daar weg met 20 boeke onder andere ‘n splinternuwe wêreld atlas wat nog nooit eers oopgemaak is nie. Ons het ook besoek afgelê by Marthie waar sy haar stalletjie in die opemark in Longford het – baie interessant maar ondankbare werk en soms gaan dit goed en ander kere minder goed- ons wens haar alles van die beste toe!
O ja die rugby het begin en nou is alles in rep en roer! Weet nie so mooi van die Iere nie maar ek glo die Springbokke behoort goed te vaar!
Nou het ek alles kwytegeraak wat ek opgegaar het in die onthou boksie!
Ek kan nie genoeg op jul harte druk dat julle tog altyd versigtig moet wees nie! Vertrou niemand nie- en sluit julle deure.
Ek groet uit Cranleymore waar die son skyn en die wind waai.
Barry en Christina
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Early September greetings from Cranleymore
Saturday 3 Sept’11
Good day to all, far and near, family and friends!
You had a good break from me and this is just a short reminder that I still exist even though it is just about........
As Spring arrived in SA with temperatures above 20° so we came to end of our summer which in the 3 months only reached temperatures higher than 24° on 6 occasions and as it is the 3rd day into Autumn we have once again been deprived of a proper summer. The sun is struggling to break through the clouds and it is 5pm here! The sun sets now much earlier and it is dark at 9pm, it is still dark at 6 am and I predict that we are on an express metrological train speeding towards winter with no stops ahead!
Lovely to have read Gerlof’s holiday review, Botswana, the Boskamp and Zebula all included. You must have had a tremendous time all together! Arnolda’s photo album was wonderful! Back to school for teachers and new faces everywhere! The young people in SA are preparing themselves for their Prelims – everything of the best for you! Here the Leaving cert pupils are getting ready for university or college. Many very young ones went to school for the 1st time on Thursday and the parents were very brave! Other had to put night hours in to get presentations ready for job interviews, and herewith congratulations to Jeanne who will start as Assistant Manager in LIDL soon!
I envy any-one that is young and full of grey matter which is still functioning superbly- it is extremely hard to accept ,that as you get a bit older the ability of the remember cell to reproduce has slowed down. Things I learnt 40 years ago is as clear as a bell in my head even stupid things like telephone numbers pop up in my head but the facts of last week seems far removed. I am still trying to get this ACLS under my belt.
We have had the tremendous joy of watching the 2 little foxes grow up – yes I know that they could be a menace to some farmers but there is no sheep or lambs, chickens, ducks, geese or any other kind of fowl in the vicinity and they are lovely!
The 2 cats had a show down on Sunday night which lasted nearly an hour. Fascinating to watch their postures during this display of power the tails slap every now again the ground- just like a lion, the front paw in the air for long periods and they open and close their mouths like they are gasping for air! The hair on their backs up in the air, staring at each other from under their eyebrows! The black cat seems to have the upper-hand and the grey stripe cat slips away eventually without a sound. Blackie and Professor – our names for them have developed beautiful shiny coats since frequenting the Dunne’s residence.
Then I think of Retha and family who lost their 2 dogs in 4 days time! Hope that you have replaced them by now with 2 new little pups!
The baby swallows are slow in their effort of leaving the nest and we doubt if they will be able to fly even to Capistrano never mind to Africa!
The flower section of the garden is now nearly something of the past although the sweet-peas are still doing well and the begonias have been wonderfully resilient in their effort to keep out garden colourful!
The baskets have been emptied only one still hanging! The roses have their 2nd doss of flowers and look lovely!
The daffodils and tulips have been put to ground and we hope that we will have a good display of beauty in Feb!
The vegetable garden has winter cabbages, cauliflowers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts in and is growing well! We are enjoying our own potatoes and onions.
Just back from taking in some fresh autumn air and enjoy a bit of sun shine picking some raspberries which will turn into jam after supper!
Tomorrow-Sunday the best day of my week gives me a turn at the organ- many weeks I did not play as work demanded my attention.
Our harvest Festival is coming up and we hope to have the children here in full force! Staying the weekend as we have to accommodate 2 birthdays 13 days apart!
I lost track of the countries politics as they( The
parlimentarians) were on holiday
while the facts of the fat cats, past and present, livings, are
exposed on a daily base
and causes severe nausea.
The priests and the Vatican deny all wrong doing in child abuse cases and makes me miss the news when ever I can! I get so mad- and it is not good for the blood pressure!
I have to return to the books and will not linger any longer in my fare-wells!
Hope you are all well, thank you Althea for your lovely letter!
Keep safety uppermost in your minds!
Autumn regards from us in Cranleymore
Barry & Christina
Good day to all, far and near, family and friends!
You had a good break from me and this is just a short reminder that I still exist even though it is just about........
As Spring arrived in SA with temperatures above 20° so we came to end of our summer which in the 3 months only reached temperatures higher than 24° on 6 occasions and as it is the 3rd day into Autumn we have once again been deprived of a proper summer. The sun is struggling to break through the clouds and it is 5pm here! The sun sets now much earlier and it is dark at 9pm, it is still dark at 6 am and I predict that we are on an express metrological train speeding towards winter with no stops ahead!
Lovely to have read Gerlof’s holiday review, Botswana, the Boskamp and Zebula all included. You must have had a tremendous time all together! Arnolda’s photo album was wonderful! Back to school for teachers and new faces everywhere! The young people in SA are preparing themselves for their Prelims – everything of the best for you! Here the Leaving cert pupils are getting ready for university or college. Many very young ones went to school for the 1st time on Thursday and the parents were very brave! Other had to put night hours in to get presentations ready for job interviews, and herewith congratulations to Jeanne who will start as Assistant Manager in LIDL soon!
I envy any-one that is young and full of grey matter which is still functioning superbly- it is extremely hard to accept ,that as you get a bit older the ability of the remember cell to reproduce has slowed down. Things I learnt 40 years ago is as clear as a bell in my head even stupid things like telephone numbers pop up in my head but the facts of last week seems far removed. I am still trying to get this ACLS under my belt.
We have had the tremendous joy of watching the 2 little foxes grow up – yes I know that they could be a menace to some farmers but there is no sheep or lambs, chickens, ducks, geese or any other kind of fowl in the vicinity and they are lovely!
The 2 cats had a show down on Sunday night which lasted nearly an hour. Fascinating to watch their postures during this display of power the tails slap every now again the ground- just like a lion, the front paw in the air for long periods and they open and close their mouths like they are gasping for air! The hair on their backs up in the air, staring at each other from under their eyebrows! The black cat seems to have the upper-hand and the grey stripe cat slips away eventually without a sound. Blackie and Professor – our names for them have developed beautiful shiny coats since frequenting the Dunne’s residence.
Then I think of Retha and family who lost their 2 dogs in 4 days time! Hope that you have replaced them by now with 2 new little pups!
The baby swallows are slow in their effort of leaving the nest and we doubt if they will be able to fly even to Capistrano never mind to Africa!
The flower section of the garden is now nearly something of the past although the sweet-peas are still doing well and the begonias have been wonderfully resilient in their effort to keep out garden colourful!
The baskets have been emptied only one still hanging! The roses have their 2nd doss of flowers and look lovely!
The daffodils and tulips have been put to ground and we hope that we will have a good display of beauty in Feb!
The vegetable garden has winter cabbages, cauliflowers, broccoli and Brussels sprouts in and is growing well! We are enjoying our own potatoes and onions.
Just back from taking in some fresh autumn air and enjoy a bit of sun shine picking some raspberries which will turn into jam after supper!
Tomorrow-Sunday the best day of my week gives me a turn at the organ- many weeks I did not play as work demanded my attention.
Our harvest Festival is coming up and we hope to have the children here in full force! Staying the weekend as we have to accommodate 2 birthdays 13 days apart!
I lost track of the countries politics as they( The
parlimentarians) were on holiday
while the facts of the fat cats, past and present, livings, are
exposed on a daily base
and causes severe nausea.
The priests and the Vatican deny all wrong doing in child abuse cases and makes me miss the news when ever I can! I get so mad- and it is not good for the blood pressure!
I have to return to the books and will not linger any longer in my fare-wells!
Hope you are all well, thank you Althea for your lovely letter!
Keep safety uppermost in your minds!
Autumn regards from us in Cranleymore
Barry & Christina
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