Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last and warm greetings for 2011 from Ireland

31 December 11

Good day to you all, family and friends!
Here are some wise advice from Solomon for the New year!
“ Listen my son, accept what I say and the years of your life will be many.
I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths
When you walk your step will not be hampered;
When you run you will not stumble.
Hold on to instruction and do not let it go
Guard it well for it is your life!
Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men
Avoid it, do not travel on it
Turn from it and go on your way
For they cannot sleep until they do evil
They are robbers of slumber until they make some-one fall
They eat the bread of wickedness
And drink the wine of violence”
Paul also give us wonderful guidelines in his letter to the Romans
“Love must be sincere; hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love
Honour one another above yourselves.
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord.
Be joyful in hope
Patient in affliction
Faithful in prayer.
Share with God’s people who are in need.
Practice hospitality”

If we could but keep to one of these for the coming year it will improve whatever you have at this time and place.
Our hope and prayers for all of you are that you will be well, content and richly blessed in 2012.
We were, this afternoon, entertained by Meryl Streepe and Robert Redford in “ Out of Africa” a film you can look at, throughout your lifetime and not get tired of.
It has been raining now for a couple of days, wind not too bad and temperatures very mild- dare not think what the weather may hold for us in the New year.
Tomorrow, the best day of the week for me, brings the start of 2012, life goes on, surely a good start- on the Lords day!
To those who will be travelling, do it safely, remember security where-ever you may find yourselves.
Hope that Werner is feeling better and that he will be able to fight off his illness with strength in our Lord.
Thank you to all who so diligently wrote letters during 2011.
I wish all who are having Birthdays a wonderful year ahead!
Last and warm regards for 2011 from Cranleymore
Barry and Christina

Saturday, December 24, 2011


24 Desember’11
‘n Geseënde Kersfees en ‘n baie Voorspoedige Nuwejaar aan almal!

Goeie dag ook aan jul almal familie en vriende!
Ons is ryklik geseën met wonderlike gematigde winter temperature van 7° vandag –die wind waai met mening en die skaam sonnejie van gister is nog besig om wegkruipertjie met ons te speel! Môre beloof om by 12° ‘n draai te gaan maak, ongelooflik in vergelyking met verlede jaar met sneeu orals om ons maar ons moet nie in die verlede lewe nie want dan het ons vir elke minuut ‘n uur in die toekoms verloor.
Laat gistermiddag het die hospitaal my laat weet dat die laaste pasient huis toe is en ek hoef nie te werk nie, dit was goeie nuus en nou is ek hopelik tuis tot en met Oujaarsdagaand- intussen gaan soveel gebeur.Omdat Kersdag op Sondag val het ons ‘n diens in ons klein gemeentetjie- ander jare gaan ons Mullingar toe vir die diens. Ek sit in die kerkbanke môre en kan my hart uitsing!
‘n Dubbele geskenk ,die beste dag van die week en dan ook nog die herdenking van ons Verlosser se Geboorte!
Ons dink baie spesiaal aan Werner wat onverwags baie siek geword het maar ook innig dankbaar vir vinnige optrede van sy mediese span en waar hy hom ookal môre bevind Werner ons bid vir ‘n spoedige herstel, en tenspyte van ellende, naar wees en die gedagte dat al jou hare gaan uitval,(dit sal weer groei) wens ons jou en Hester en die hele gesin ‘n baie spesiale Kerstyd toe- Ons weet wie jou Geneesheer is en ons vertrou tenvolle op HOM!
Vandag is dit ook Die tweeling van Br Mendel en Anke se verjaardae. Paul dra asb ons beste wense ook aan Jacob oor. Mag die jaar wat voorlê vir julle albei voorspoedig verloop!
Tjaart miskien kan jy vir Br Mendel die brief laat kry!
Almal wat iewers kuier soos bv in Kanada – ook hoop ons dat julle die ervaring van Kerstyd in ‘n ander land –die Noordelike Halfrond met groot blydskap sal ervaar. Aan alle Oumas en Oupa en groot Ouma’s geniet jul kleinkinders.
Onse Lukas kom die 26ste ‘n 2de Kersdag saam met ons vier, môre is dit die Dublin se familie se beurt en dan kom ons aan die beurt! Nie goed vir die figuur om 2 Kersdae te hê nie maar dit is ons plesier in die lewe!
Vir die wat wag vir uitslae- mag dit belowend wees, die wat herstel geestelik en liggamlik van gebeure of ongelukke, mag julle Die Genesende Hand van onse Vader oor julle voel!
Die Parlement het sy deure gesluit vir ‘n paar dae en ek dink die Euro mense rus ook want ek hoor nie baie murmereringe nie.
Dit lyk nie asof dit daar ‘n resessie in die land is as jy na die winkel sentrums kyk nie maar tog is daar baie mense wat baie swaar kry en ons dink ook baie spesiaal aan almal wat in die Philipyne deurgeloop het. Aardbewings in New Zealand. Wat het ons tog baie om voor dankbaar te wees!
Iraq wat op die drumpel van oorlog staan en Iran wat hul mense doodmaak net om dood te maak! Hongersnood en droogte. Tel jul seëninge!
Ons groet hier vanuit Cranleymore waar die voëltjies uit volle bors sing,die bolplante al 6” hoog staan en die dae reeds besig is om langer te word.
Moenie teveel eet nie, ‘n minuut in jou mond ‘n uur in jou maag en vir ewig op jou heupe!
Baie liefde groete
Barry & Christina

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Festive winter greetings from Cranleymore

Saturday 17 December’11

Good day every-one, family and friends

Just a Memo today- very seldom that I am busy on a Saturday but with a pot of soup on the stove that needs delivering to the church at 2pm and the disagreement of how to transport it, as well as arranging a time to practice for the solo tomorrow at the Christmas Carol service –time has become difficult to manage. Joy who will accompany me has 3 little children attending the school Aftercare centre Christmas concert and has to fit all sorts into her day as well!
The weather has been fantastic –the sun is at present shining, might not last very long but while it does we are all smiling and the wind is not blowing which put a spring in your step! We had our first snow Thursday night and it was as always very beautiful- everything white and clean! The temperatures have been very mild and we cannot complain!
I am off until next Wednesday and will only work if there are patients admitted via the Emergency Dept. The same with Friday night! Then I am off until New Years Eve! I will only work if there have been admissions which seems to be unlikely as they cannot find a doctor to cover the ED . Our radiographer is also on holiday and it means that we have to find some-one else to do X-Rays. Hopefully the boss will close the hospital and we will all have a rest!
Garden -wise –nothing left except the winter onions and some Brussels sprouts. Flowers and roses nearly gone! The Azalea is still flowering in spite of the snow! The orchids on the windowsills in the big lounge are still in flower and the big orchid might have a flower or 2 open on Christmas day!
We have a gathering of about 200 birds mainly small ones enjoying the seeds and peanuts that are distributed by Barry at 3 eating points all in view from the kitchen windows. The foxes not eager to be viewed but we know they are there as they leave their visiting deposits on the grass. Blackie sleeps sometimes in the shed and arrives every 2nd day for his food and milk! Professor sadly has disappeared!
We are thankfully- both well, I was very worried that I might pick up a cold from the nurse who worked with me the last 3 nights but with high dosages of Vit C and careful exposure to cold I managed to steer clear!
The family in Canada must be enjoying it as we have not heard anything from them! Hope Gerhardus has a safe journey back to SA from Germany. Those who are staying at home- enjoy it as well and those who are travelling please remember the fool around the corner as my Dad used to say!
We praise the Lord for the miracle of Nicole who fell 3 floors from a balcony and apart from cuts and bruises did not have anything else wrong with her- another girl- who I have little information of, was also pushed off a balcony and are now paralysed! This happened somewhere near Umhlanga- the guy who are responsible got away.
Birthdays! Helene in Zambia ‘s birthday is today and our wish for you is a wonderful year filled with blessings
Karen du Toit here in Ireland has her birthday on the 21st Happy Birthday Karen, and Paul en Jacob, my brother Mendel’s twins have their birthday on the 24th! Happy Birthday to you both!
It is the festive season and unfortunately there is very little of the Birth of Christ present in this Country it has become a fight for commercial survival. We hope to have Finbarr, Amanda and the best of all Lukas our grandson here on the 26th. They will have their 1st Christmas in Dublin with Amanda’s family and then we have a 2nd Christmas in Cranleymore!
Just back from the church, the soup is delivered and the church is undergoing a metamorphosis! All very festive! Looking forward to my best day of the week!
To all of you- far away and near- we wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!
Be careful in everything you do, hold safety as a priority in your minds!
Winter greetings from Cranleymore
Barry and Christina

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Groete vanuit 'n koue sonnige dag in Cranleymore

Saterdag 10 Desember’11

Goeie dag allemaal, familie en vriende,
Die winter het gearriveer maar baie sagkens-niks in vergelyking met verlede jaar nie. Woensdagvroeg oggend en sonopkom tyd het hierdie wind wat van orals afgekom het gewaai teen so ‘n hoë spoed dat jy moes vashou anders dra hy jou weg!
Hy het ‘n wilde draai oor ons gemaak en in Scotland die wêreld onderstebo gehad! Ek het almal daar wat sonder elektrisiteit sit baie jammer gekry!Ook al die ellendes wat daarmee saam gaan, huise wat verwoes is en die wilde see!
Gister en vandag skyn die son ewe liefies en daar is net ‘n ligte briesie wat aan jou ore raak,dis koud maar droog ,die nat koue dring deur murg en been!
Temperature wissel tussen -1 tot 4° baie draaglik!
Die gaste van Arnolda moes seker al ge-arriveer het en sal nou effe kan deel in Noordelike halfrond se weersomstandighede- hoop van harte dat julle verblyf in Kanada ‘n groot belewenis sal wees!
Ek het ook nou een van hierdie deftige selfone wat alles kan doen maar dis eintlik ‘n fiasko want jy wou nog dan het dit al –en totaal iets anders as wat jy wou! Dit gaan al beter maar soms gebeur dinge wat jy nie op voorbereid was nie soos die oggend wat ek perongeluk oor ‘n verkeerde plekkie gehuiwer het en ek hoor hoe Finbarr se voicemail antwoord en ek kry die ding nie afgeskakel nie! Verder kan ek nou my hotmail en gmail pos oor die foon lees- om terug teantwoord word snelskrif en baie onpersoonlik want leestekens en gesiggies is min!
Die Europese Euro ellendes eet ons op en nou staan Engeland daar vér, alleen op ‘n eiland want hulle dink anders en doen anders en ons ploeter maar aan. Na die begroting wat oor 2 dae heen gestrek het was daar baie ongelukkigheid op die Ierse Eiland ten spyte van die feit dat hulle geweet het wat gaan kom want alles het uitgelek lank voor dié belangrike dae! Ons het wel besef dat die mense van Ierland op Welsyn pakkies leef. Daar is ‘n pakkie vir alles, veral vir mense wat kinders het maak nie saak of jou salaris 6 figure het nie en of jy jou morsdood werk en 1000€ minder huistoe bring as toe die Celtic Tier aan bewind was nie- jy kry ‘n pakkie vir elke kind, net ondat jy die kind het, en dan nog ‘n pakkie omdat die kind moet skoene dra,en ‘n ander omdat die kind moet skool toe gaan en so gaan dit aan. ‘n Ander pakkie vir brandstof- nie vir jou kar nie maar vir die huis, vir jou elektrisiteits rekening vir jou telefoon rekening vir die apteek en dit gaan aan en aan –ek weet daar is mense wat dit baie nodig het en hulle is die wat met groot liefde kan kry maar daar is ander wat 4 karre het wat in ‘n huis bly met 14 kamers en wie se salarisse vér hoër is as wat iemand kan droom en hulle kry dieslefde pakkies. Aan die naderkant kry die persoon wat inisiatief toon en sy eie besigheid op die been bring en hom ten gronde werk om ‘n lewe te maak , nie ‘n sent van die bank nie- dit word in prinsipe geweier en as die persoon wat 10-15 mense werk gegee het ondergaan kry hy absoluut niks van die welsyn nie want hy het vir homself gewerk en dit is tot daarnatoe! Hierdie persoon, met ‘n huis verband om te betaal en alles wat daarmee saam gaan, sit skielik in die grootste knyp en daar is geen pakkie vir hom nie! Ek kan dit nie begryp nie! Die mense van Nigerieë en ander Afrika lande wat onder die Asylum Act hier woon kry alles-’n huis, kar, brandstof toelaag, kinder toelaag en nog veel meer en hulle doen niks!
Nou het het ek klaar gal gebraak!
Ons is in diepe dankbaarheid hier want ek het ‘n goeie werk, kry ‘n salaris en kan leef sonder om te wonder waar môre se kos vandaan gaan kom.
Ons innige simpatie met Esther en haar familie wat haar moeder gedurende die week verloor het. Ons dink aan julle! En vra die Here vir vertroosting.
Welkom terug ook aan Marthie wat net terug is van SA waar sy haar moeder verloor het. Julle word almal aan die Here opgedra.!
Ons dink ook Laurel se dogter wat ‘n ongeluk gehad het ,feite onbekend aan my, maar sy is oor ‘n balkon gestoot,
Ons hoop en bid Laurel dat Nicole sal herstel van wat sy ook al oorgekom het.
Veels Geluk aan Brandon wat goed gepresteer het en onder baie slegte omstandighede tog na die volgende ?standard gaan- Nanette ons is saam met jou dankbaar vir die goeie nuus! Ook dat dit geestelik beter gaan! Geluk aan Devlin wat goed gepresteer het Jaco en klein Gerhard- Ouma Isabel het bietjie gespog en ons is saam bly veral as dit kom by Wiskunde pryse!
Al die kinders wat nou matriek geskryf het, is nou skielik jongmense en ‘n nuwe lewe staar julle in die gesig –so baie dinge omte doen so baie omte ervaar- as julle maar onthou as motto” As ek Jesus nie saam kan nooi nie dan gaan ek nie!” Die hele wêreld is in bedryging van alkohol en allerhande drugs wat brein skade kan veroorsaak en die ellendes wat daarmee saam gaan sien ons daagliks- hier ‘n pa wat sy 4 dogters vanaf hul 5de jaar aangerand het en hulle ma het hom aangemoedig – hy sit nou vir die res van sy lewe in die tronk maar die kinders het die letsels!Die ma is vir 8 jaar tronk toegestuur!
Klaar gepreek!
Môre is my beste dag van die week en ek sit in die kerkbank môre en kan sing! Tot eer en verheerliking van ons Grote God!
Verjaardae- niks aangeteken in my boekie vir die komende week nie maar sou daar wel iemand ‘n verjaardag of herdenking wees- Veels Geluk!
Ons groente tuin is nou byna leeg- ons het die kool koppe gepluk en verorber! Die brusselse spruite kom volgende aan die beurt! Die arme bol plante het almal uitgeloop en staan ten minste 4” hoog en ons hoop hulle oorleef die nagte wat daar ryp gaan kom! Die nuwe uitloopsels van die rose oorleef nog so vér.
Professor ons besoekende kat het ons nou 3 weke laas gesien en ons vermoed dat hy dood is . Die swart kat Blackie wat ook in die skuur op die strooi slaap, dink dié is die beste katte hotel op aarde! Hy arriveer soms vroeg in die oggend of saans sit hy op die vensterbank en wag geduldig vir sy kos en melk! Die jakkalsies kry ons so nou en dan ‘n kykie van maar julle kom nou laat nag! Ons het behoorlik 100e voëltjies op besoek! Hulle kry grondboontjies ,wilde voëlsaad en ook droë hawermout om te eet! Met die kinders gaan dit goed, het vanmôre vinnig ge-Skype en het ons Lukas gesien- hy is te pragtig! Kathleen en Tim moet hulle hande vol hê met 2 kleintjies!
Hy is gaande oor sy Oupa!
Nou ja dis Kerstyd en ons stuur geen kaarte uit nie – en sal nader aan die dag ons goeie wense via die epos oordra! Baie dankie vir die kaarte wat reeds ge-arriveer het! Baie dankie vir die lieflike fotos Gerhardus ons geniet jou Duisburg besoek netsoveel as jy! Hoop jy neem mooi fotos van Holland oor die naweek! Baie dankie Arnolda vir fotos albums – het dit baie geneit! Baie dankie ook vir al die briefies- soos altyd word hulle met groot apteit verslint. Cilna ek hoop julle het veilig gereis! En dat Gert ‘n bietjie sal rus voor hy daar weer begin werk! Dit was wonderlik om julle albei te kon sien al was dit net ‘n paar minute!
Wees baie versigtig en hou veiligheid in gedagte met alles wat julle doen! Op die paaie, by die huis en in die winkels!
Ons groet vanuit Cranleymore waar die son vanoggend om 10 voor 9 sy verskyning gemaak het en nou effe agter ‘n wolkie rus! Saans net na 4nm verdwyn hy agter die horison, dit is helder lig buite snags want die maan gee baie weerkaatste lig terug en ons kan alles duidelik buite sien - anders is dit erg donker!
Ook is daar nog net ‘n paar dae oor en dan draai die wêreld in ons guns! Sons gewys!
Barry en Christina

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mild Winter Greetings from Cranleymore

Saturday 3 Dec’11
Good day to all, family and friends,
Since the 1st Dec it is officially W I N T E R in Ireland!
Last year we were under the snow just trying to survive and this year we have broken all records for the month of November as it has been the warmest November since records began! Some places have also reported that the daffodils are in flower!
The day started gloriously with temperatures of 5° and bright beautiful sunshine – but as the morning progress so did the dark clouds started to roll in from the south west-ominously dark, 7° with a strong wind!
The azaleas are in full bloom and looks lovely I am afraid for the lovely new growth in the rose trees and everywhere else-what a confused time! We had a quick count this morning and it could have exceeded a 100 little birds frequenting the peanuts and the wild bird seed. Blackie, the visiting cat, comes every 2nd day and eat then like a horse, as I have not been working, there is little scrap food available and he has to be satisfied with only milk some days. Tuesday was wet and cold and we brewed a pot of soup that lasted us 3 days and the older the soup got the better it tasted we kept on adding veggies and titbits- the very last lot left I froze so that I have something to take to work next week!
Professor, our other visiting cat came only once in the last week and looked thin but the limp is much better! The foxes are now too big to be observed as they are as clever as what the saying says:” Slinks soos ‘n jakkals” they do not mind dry bread – every morning everything is gone!
We also attended an Antique auction in a castle which was fascinating- it is enormous and very old built somewhere around the 15th century Tullynally Castle in Castlepollard. We stayed to the end and bought a gorgeous gilt framed mirror for nothing as every-one was tired and cold and lost interest!
I enjoyed my time off and feel like a human being again after being depleted of all strength and energy last week!
Who knows what is waiting for me on Monday night but at least I will be strong again! I enjoyed Leopold’s letter tremendously and thank you as well to Nine, Hessie en Gerlof, Arnolda , Haya,Isabel as well as my friend Joy in Brisbane who had a bad fall and now experienced difficulty with the fracture and needed pins and plates inserted- I hope and pray that you are now on the mend! Our thoughts and prayers have been with Marthie who lost her Mom last Saturday most probably while I was writing my letter and I did not mention anything then. Our sympathies to her and her family here and in SA. She was very fortunate to be there.
Our political situation is in dire straits and the whole of Europe as well as England are struggling in this treacherous economical dilemma. Our budget day is the 6th and everyone is scared. There are many things that should be changed in this lovely island but the politician’s eagerness to get votes especially the previous government who increased every possible social welfare payment to the extreme and the new Government now found that it is a disaster beyond recovery –are now going to cut these same payment that once got them their votes.
In my mind all these social payment should be means tested. The millionaires do not need child allowances and people who are members of a Health insurance scheme should not have the option to use the free service from the HSE. I am well aware that there are cases that need more attention than others but the people of the Island are draining every cent there is and then they are worried and angry! I should be careful what I say as ‘Big Brother’ might be reading my emails- who knows!
Tomorrow is as always the best day of my week and I am on organ duty and look forward to it-as well as the wonderful series of sermons” What is the big deal about Jesus?” Stephen our Church Minister came to visit and we did convey our thanks to his wonderful ability to explain difficult concepts so wonderfully!
We had a tremendous amount of rain during the week the lower field of Jimmy the neighbour looked like lakes- we noticed this morning that the water has drained well- we also looked with big eyes at the river of water that passed by the front of our house as well as at the back, being on a slant protects us from being flooded but all the water from above passes by us to the stream below us!
Arnolda, I spoke to Barry about the carpet, the best would be to send it via DHL otherwise by cargo ship-plane which might be a bit costly but without a hassle- but if the costs exceed the value- do not do it!
Birthdays! Exams etc! I would say that the matriculants have now done their bit in SA and the results are now in the making! We wish each and every-one of you just the very best! Any-one else at university, college or otherwise- to you also just the very best! Young and Old alike!
The week ahead has no names in for Birthdays but if there is somebody having a birthday and I do not know about it – best wishes!
We have our “State of the Nation” speech on Sunday night after the news from our Taoiseach and wonder what will be revealed in it!
I greet you with great thankfulness in my heart that we receive blessing upon blessing everyday of our lives from the Lord above in very turbulent economical times
Look after yourselves- be vigilant in safety aspects, Oumas and Oupas must enjoy their grand children and those who are preparing to take a trip to Canada we hope the snow lasts! Safe Journey!
Winter greetings from us in Cranleymore
Barry & Christina