Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunshine greetings from Cranleymore
30 July ‘12
Good day to all, family and friends!
I am late in writing a few lines but I have a good reason, I worked, not like most of the people I know that are all on holiday! The sun shone here today and is surely the most important aspect of the 2nd last day of July.
I can recall about 4 good days during this month and may be 2 very good days that is now with temperatures above 20° C but still lower than 25!
The rain meter has been installed and we will do a weekly rainfall reading and record same.
The satellite dish has brought great viewing to our TV lounge and a picture out of this world! The Olympics are great entertainment. The underwater camera work is really good and I have to admit that the facilities are of the highest standard- has to be of course but never thought that the English will achieve it in time! While watching the swimming there was a glitz with the starter – a technical problem which did not make it any easier on the swimmers!
The garden does not look too bad in spite of the continuous rain, the only problem is that the weeds grow just as fast as the shrubbery.
Our tomato tree has tomatoes on and it seems as if the bunches of grapes will reach a stage where they will ripen. The pip-grown apple tree is doing well outside and I have about 20 orange and grape fruit trees in different stages-I have had such success with pushing the pips of sweet grape fruit and oranges into the ground- it is quite unreal. If they all grow I might just think about marketing them
I, in all fairness need a hothouse but a good one costs money and that tree I have not found yet!
Foxies and birds are in good shape- Blackie is thin and in spite of eating well he seems to stay under weight. He does not mind Barry but I must not come near- we thought we could catch him and take him to the vet but neither do we want to frighten him, so – we keep on feeding him and as long as he comes, we are happy!
The saga with the Quinn family continues, very sad, but...greediness will eventually get the better of you if you indulge in it! On the political front they are fairly well behaved and the excitement of a few weeks ago of Ministers involved in money making schemes are settling down with the Olympics across the waters taking most of the attention.
We had a surprise visit from Finbarr with the family-he bought in bulk some cosmetics which Amanda will be marketing on facebook- The smell in the outside room is heavenly. Little Lukas is a real treat! The boxes were delivered here with us as we have the space!
The Eloff’s from Exeter is already in the ‘boskamp’ and the young couple are getting ready for the big day! Pauli and Mader- hope you enjoy the preparations!
Birthdays: Frik in Vryburg- I have no email address for them but if there is some-one in touch with them please convey my best wishes to him for the 31st. Gert Maritz, our visiting SA doctor fin MIDOC will also be a year older on the same day! Gerlof will have his birthday in the ‘boskamp’ and Renate Br Mendel’s daughter in the Cape-Happy birthday for the 1st. Annarie in Ballymahon’s birthday is on the 4th ! May you have a lovely day! Any-one else Happy birthday if you have a birthday in this coming week!
We specially think and pray for little Christiaan in Pretoria!
I greet ye all from Cranleymore where the sun shone today
Take care on the roads and at home
Barry and Christina
Saturday, July 21, 2012
21 Julie’12
Goeie dag almal, ver en naby!
Dit is droog! Dit het vir 36 uur nie gereën nie! Ongelooflik!
Dis nou nie baie warm nie maar jy kan darem sonder ‘n trui buite toe gaan! Ek dink die hele wêreld se weer patroon is in die war. Het fotos ontvang van die vloede in Port Elizabeth en sneeu op ander plekke in SA. Iets wat hier by ons natuurlik dood gewoon is-ook die vloede veral in laag liggende gedeeltes en naby die kus, arme Cork kry baie swaar! Die mense daar kan nie eers meer versekering vir hul huise kry nie!
Die gras is gesny met die nuutste aankope , ‘n groot enjin- ek is seker ons kan met die ding op vlug gaan moet net vlerke kry!
Al die dooie rose en blomme is uitgesny – ons het voëlsaad gaan bestel en gedurende die week het ons die wonderwerk beleef van Barry wat self die man gebel het om die sateliet kom te kom opsit –en nou kan hy heerlik na ‘n goeie skerm kyk met geen sneeu nie –natuurlik GOLF die Britse Ope!
Daar sal darem sekere items wees wat ons sal na kyk met die Olimpiese spele en hy kan nou al die nuus kyk op BBC en RTE!
Daar is heel party ander kanale ook beskikbaar ,nie dat hy ooit daarna sal kyk nie – maar ......
Die jakkalsies is pragtig ons het hulle nou die aand gesien! Blackie die kat was in ‘n oorlog maar is besig om te heel!
Die rose lyk goed en die begonia hang mandjies lyk pragtig die petunias hou nie van al die reen nie en daardie mandjies het reeds hul fleur verloor!
Die appelboom van pit gegroei skiet die hoogtes in en die tamatie plant het vanself sy takke gebuig en groei nou horisontaal saam met die skuur se dak! Mendel ons wou die stam onder oprol maar dit wou nie! Ons het net 11 appels oor en 1 peer! Elke jaar dryg Barry om die bome uittehaal want so vér het ons nog net die bloeisels geniet! Die aartappels word soos nodig gelig uit die grond en die wortels en ertjies lyk goed. Ek het gister my eerste bossie pronk-ertjies gepluk! Die aarbeie gee my elke dag sowat 10 aarbeie vir ontbeit-heerlik!
By die werk is dit bedags besig met dag pasiente en minder groot gevalle wat oorslaap dus was die nagte heel rustig! Ek is nou af tot volgende Vrydag wat my byna laat voel asof ek met verlof is!
Die kinders was hier Sondag en groot gedeelte van die dag was droog maar ‘n paar buie het ons ingejaag en ons het maar die vleis binne gaar gemaak -ek het ‘n kontrapsie wat byna netso goed soos ‘n vuur werk en binne 15 mintue was die T been stukke vleis gaar asof dit op die vuur was net die rook smaak was nie daar nie!. Lukas praat vlot en hy en sy Oupa het die plante 3x met die gieter water gegee!. Hy was effens olik want 4 groot kiestande was besig om hul verskyning te maak! Ons moes ook inderhaas van buite na binne verhuis vir die eet en het toe sommer in die kombuis ge-eet! Niks deftigs nie!
Een van die besigheids mense wat goed bekend was en groot industrieë uit niks opgebou het nie het gedurende die Celtic tier die klits kwyt geraak en aandele gekoop met geld wat hy by die bank geleen het en toe val al die markte plat en alles is in sy peetjie. Hy skuld die bank Biljoene! Hy het intussen die geld in ander lande belê en toe hy bangkrot verklaar is het hy ooral nes eiertjies gehad om hom aan die gang te hou- nie gedink die klomp stom Iere sal hom uitvang nie maar nou braai sy kieringtjies goed en propper want sy seun sit nou in die tronk en ‘n nefie is aan die hardloop –glo siek -en het nie in die hof gister verskyn nie en die ou man moet praat binne 3 maande –dis nou die waarheid praat, anders gaan hy ook tronk toe!
Almal is hier met vakansie –meestel oorsee want hulle soek die son en hitte na 10 mnde van reën en koue! Ons sal heerlik met Jan tuisbly se karretjie ry en heel gelukkig in Cranleymore ons somer dae wat nog moet kom, verwyl! Ons is nou ook so bevoorregt want Cilna het vir ons ‘n ordentlike reënmeter gebring van SA en ons sal van nou af ook ‘n korrekte reënveslag kan gee!
Môre is die beste dag van my week en ek het weer ‘n kans voor die orgel en het Pslame en Gesange reeds gekies – ons predikant is nog met siek verlof en ons het geen idee wanneer hy weer sy beroep sal kan hervat nie! Intussen het ons besoekende predikers, nie almal opgelei nie, word evangeliste genoem met ‘n paar jaar onderrig! Hulle kwyt hulle heel goed van hul taak- onder die omstandighede en ons is dankbaar dat daar elke Sondag wel iemand opdaag!.
Verjaardae: Herrie Cooper verjaar die 24ste as ek dit reg het, 1 volle jaar Veels Geluk! Oubaas verjaar die 26ste- lekker verjaar!
En die 27ste verjaar Thilo in Saudi, en Megan Josling in Dublin Veels Geluk en mag die jaar voorspopedig wees!
Nou ja ek groet met ‘n ligter hart vanuit Cranleymore met die waarskuwing dat julle almal baie versigtig moet wees!
Barry en Christina( aangeheg ‘n foto van die T been stuk!)
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Upside down summer greeting from Cranleymore
Saturday 14 July ‘12
Good day to all, family and friends
They promised we will have some sunshine today and tomorrow but they forgot to tell us that is just a dream!
The clouds are layer upon layer -you can cut it with a knife and will need a real good carving knife with a long blade to get through all the layers.
One thing I have to admit there is water in the air but it is not raining!
Many things happened this past week. Tuesday we brought the front wheel driven lawn mower back to the shop where they graciously gave us a refund.
Then the search for another lawn mower started-in Home Base we could not find what Barry wanted and after visiting 3 more places we still could not make up our minds. After a cup of African tea we felt more refreshed and returned to a provider that we promise we will not entertain again as we previously found their spares dept for our stove (boiler) unreliable but if they now have the best machine then you overlook and forget.
The washing mashing has been making the most terrible noise when it starts spinning- 7 years later one would expect something to give notice and I imagine it must be a bearing somewhere in the deepest part of the machines’ digestive system. It would cost more to get some-one to come and have a look, quote and fix than a new one- that we also established. So with that in mind we did a double deal and got the lawn mower and washing machine at the same place with a discount on top of the discount already on the washing machine- all in all a good Tuesday. Delivery will take place the next day which suites us fine and no delivery charge as we did buy 2 items which is not something that happens every day in any shop now a days. We could do it as we got the refund for the other machine and we planned for the washing machine for some time! Every cent before spending it, is turned over and over to make sure that what you spend it on is value for money!
Wednesday just before my rest period the lot arrived and the man was very good he brought the washing machine right into the kitchen for Barry!
It stood there until this morning –and now it is installed and the first wash was done! Perfect- noiseless! I am very happy!
The sun came out for a while on Thursday and Barry took this opportunity to make mincemeat of the grass in the garden, the lower field’s pathway and outside in the road! It looks good again!
I worked 2 extra nights 2 weeks ago and instead of payment I got it back in time owing and worked only one night this week – that was a bonus!
Barry eventually decided that a dish on the roof will improve his TV life and leave him with fewer headaches- as we have to look through a thick layer of mist to the BBC channels. The digital viewing which comes into operation 24 October provides us with 8 channels in Ireland but nothing more and we have been spoiled with the BBC channels and he will not be able to watch the OPEN next week in the mist- I tuned the lot to the best of my ability according to direction for analogue channels but my knowledge is not enough for complicated new world equipment. None of my working though but thanks to GOLF!.We will be able to enjoy a better picture, Just hope the man arrives before Thursday!
The children are visiting tomorrow and we are looking forward to it. The plan is to have a braai and we had to laugh at the butcher in town’s face when we asked him if he does not have bigger T –bone steaks than those on the tray. He then produced a proper piece of meat and we told him 1” thick please! X4. Wow it looked good and I hope it will braai well!
Lukas has also got a sandpit which can close with a lid to prevent rain and animal intruders to spoil it. Last time he played in the building sand that was left –not very hygienic and left him unpleasantly dirty and he is not fond of dirty hands!
On Thursday with the sun shining the farmer behind us Jimmy O’Shaughnessy started cutting the grass and so my suffering started- No amount of anti-histamine tables, inhalers, nose drops/sprays and tissues could assist me in the sneezing sessions that followed and still continues! I hope they will finish today as the sneezing is very tiring and at time 4 sneezes come at once and there is no time to breathe in between! Dangerous for older people – I thought one outgrows things like Hay-fever! The only thing that helps is to drink very cold water- but that means I drink an enormous amount of water during the sneezing times>
Blackie stayed away for a few days and we got worried but yesterday he arrived. Eating so fast that he nearly choked!. Our visiting grey doves are timid birds and very peaceful. The foxies are cute! Professor we have not seen now for 3 months or longer and we suspect that he is no more.
The swallows took their time and fledged after 3 weeks in the nest also on Thursday they return there every night and still sleeps in the nest! They do not all fit in anymore- and it is very funny!
The tomato plants were reaching the ceiling and had to be moved they are now parked outside next to the grapevine and the apple tree. Still looking good and we might have to get on the roof of the shed to pick the tomatoes!
My orchids that I divided a year ago started to flower during the week and I feel good about the product!
Birthdays: Leandri du Toit has a birthday on the 21st, Hope you will have a lovely day! We remember Werner in the 20th, who sadly passed away earlier in the year!
Never a dull moment in Irish politics! The Min. Of Health’s name appeared in the gazette of people owing money – bad debts- he was away and on his arrival here had to please explain what, how, why and what is next? Could become very interesting.
The outcome of the murder case in Mauritius last year of the Irish girl Mc Creevey was very sad- People here do not understand the mentality of other races as I think we do who come from SA..
We watch the dilemmas unveil there in London with the Olympics about 2 weeks away! They had 8 years to prepare and still all is not in place!
I am back in front of the organ tomorrow after 2 weeks of absence and a need to praise the Lord with song and music! My best day of the week.
We think also of Jeanne who has nearly 3 weeks behind her in SA-hope you are getting used to the cold!
To those who have to travel please be careful and never forget safety at home!
Summer in hiding greetings from Cranleymore
Barry & Christina
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Groete vanuit Cranleymore
Saterdag 7 Julie’12
Goeie dag allemaal,
Weereens is die weer ons slegste bate en Junie was die natste maand sedert 1910! Julie is goed op pad om ook ‘n rekord te breek,die son kom darem so nou en dan uit en dan hardloop ons omtrent buite toe om 10 minute later byna sopnat weer die huis in te hardloop.
Die wêreld is groen en ruig en pragtig maar die arme boere kom die slegste daarvan af met gras wat reeds platgeval het en nou begin vrot en om dit dan as voer te sny en te bêre word ook nie aanbeveel nie- die grane en gewasse kan nie ryp word nie want daar is nie genoeg son nie! Meeste van die diere staan op stal want hulle sak weg in die modder op die lande.
My rose lyk goed ,die groente tuin floreer en ons eet ons eie uie wat heerlik soet is. Ons het die appelboom wat ek van ‘n pit af gegroei het ook buite toe geneem en die kom goed aan!
Ek kry Barry nie so ver om ‘n blikkie bier te koop vir die slakke nie- jy gooi glo bietjie bier in ‘n piering waar hulle graag gaan eet snags Hulle is glo ook mal oor bier en drink hulle kehoeks en versuip dan in die piering. Ons deftige voorwielaangedrewe grassnyer wat van die begin af moeilikheid gegee het het nou finaal geknak en Home Base het ons tegemoet gekom en sal die masjien terug neem , ons was daar om te sien of ons een van die ander grassnyers kan koop maar Barry is so presies en dié word weer ‘n moeilike besluit!
Ek het ‘n paar dae af gehad na 2 maraton werksweke en voel effe beter ,werk vanaand en môre aand alleen met ‘n helper!
Ons eerste heup vervanging het goed afgeloop en die 81jarige ou omie is heel in sy skik! Hy het wel die 2de nag effe negatief gereageer op die Morfienpomp en dinge begin ervaar- Ek kom in hy sluimer so weg- elke keer –maak hom goed wakker en verduidelik dat ek hom ‘n spuitjie onder die vel-liefs op sy maag moet gee en skielik dink die ou oom in sy beneweldheid ek het ‘n mes in my hand en ek gaan hom vermoor en hy begin aan alles pluk en trek en probeer uit die bed kom- gelukkig was die huis dokter net agter my en het die saak beredder maar dinge kon sleg verkeerd geloop het!
Verder is dit net tennis op RTE kry nie eers kans om na Tour de France te kyk nie . Ek geniet dit baie om die roete te volg en Frankryk en ander dele vanuit ‘n fietssaal te bekyk!
Op die politieke front is daar stilte vir ‘n keer,onderlangse struwelling is altyd daar maar op die stadium maak hulle reg om met vakansie te gaan en dit bring gemoedere tot rus.
Ons hoop dat Jeanne nou ingeburger is in Dapper straat Fleurhof BFN!
Honderde voëltjies kom eet van vroeg tot laat en ons geniet die versameling van vliegende wesentjies baie- die kat eet goed ,dit is nou Blackie maar sy jas is nou rooi bruin en nie meer swart nie! Die jakkalsies groei mooi maar ons het gister oggend ‘n krimvarkie langs die pad gesien naby aan die huis en hoop maar dit is nie een van ons s’n nie.
Verjaardae: Esther verjaar 13de Veels geluk vriendin Ons hoop en bid dat die jaar met rasse skrede beter sal wees as die end van die jaar wat verby is! Sonja in SA verjaar ook die 13de Hoor niks van jou nie- wonder nou maar net? Mooi verjaardag vir jou!
Pauli die aanstaande bruidegom verjaar ook die 13de. Veels geluk jongman! Net die beste jou toegewens!
Ek mis ongelukkig weer kerk more want ek kom te laat tuis maar sal opmaak vanaf volgende week!
Veels geluk aan almal wat eksamens geslaag het en die wat alweer begin studeer vir hul eind eksamens
Baie dankie aan almal wat ‘n briefie gestuur het en al was dit net ‘n paar lyntjies weet ons nou dat Arnolda nog leef! Mooi fotos van Paul gekry.
Almal wat op die pad gaan wees - veilige reise en die wat tuis bly onthou veiligheid in en om die huis en julle self!
Groete uit Cranleymore waar dit bewolk is maar darem nie koud nie! 17°
Barry en Christina
Monday, July 2, 2012
Wet greetings from Cranleymore
Monday 2 July ’12
Good day to all family and friends,
I am late but have good reason for it as I worked from Thursday night to Sunday night and woke up about an hour and half ago. The weather consists of relentless rain, rain and a little more rain. We are literally floating. The wettest June since recordings started. July started in unison with June and it has only one focus point and that is to make Ireland wetter every day.
I do not mind so much but Barry gets very depressed if he cannot go outside and do what he wants to. At least we do not have to water the garden. For the famers it is a devastating state of affairs as the grass is too wet to cut for silage and the wheat cannot be cut for the same reason- very sad situation.
The swallow babies are 2 weeks old tomorrow but will surely not fledge until the sun comes out.
We are the proud observers of a pr of doves- they call to each other and come and eat the wheat on the grass that the other birds throw out of the feeder
The other animal are growing well the foxes are in excellent condition and Blackie thinks he owns us allow Barry near him but runs when I come too near, sleeps in the shed and travels miles in between meals! Hundreds of birds avail of the large feeder in the back garden and we enjoy the singing in the hedge.
As I have been sleeping most of last week I am behind on news and political development except for the fact that the Min for Social Welfare said that PRSI might increase as there is not enough money to pay the unemployed. How ironic that those who work has to suffer to accommodate a Social Welfare system that favours those who do not work. Instead of cutting some the allowances given to people that earn more than €100,000 for children, school books , school shoes ,1st Community etc and every weekend they have jumping castles in their back gardens at my expense.
The grass has taken over as there are just not enough dry moments to venture in with the lawn mower. We are looking at tennis and the rain has reached there as well. Some bad tempered player with surname that you cannot pronounce is playing, having terrible tantrums. The referee has been very patient, I would have given him a warning. Youzhny who knows from where!(Russia)
As I have not much news I will let you go and do your work and close with Birthdays.
5th July Haya, 6th Hester, many happy returns!
I missed church and always feel half deprived of soul food-but I just cannot make it and will miss it again next weekend as I am working all next weekend again.
Congratulations to those who passed their exams and all those that are now on holidays- enjoy.
To Jeanne who worked her 1st day in BFN doing her articles we want to say Well done! She made a decision and moved back to SA and we wish her everything of the very best.
Here is my last contribution:
Irish Brack ( something like a date loaf but not , ? fruit cake but not, it is mainly eaten here with tea as a snack)
{Blackie just arrived sopping wet from the rain- and in need of sustenance- lovely to hear Barry talk to the cat! I was called outside to assess the cat as he has lost a lot of weight and looks wasted- might have to get worm powder from the vet- and put it over his food –but .....}
2 measures ( you can decide what size- cups, mugs or 250gram but 2 of whatever measure you decide on)
[2 coffee mugs as a measure fill a large bread tin]
All bran- high bulk or flakes
Brown sugar (I only use one measure of sugar)
Sultanas (you can use any other fruit mix)
Leave the above ingredients with the milk covering it over night.
Next morning work 2 measures of self raising flour through the mix and bake in a pre heated oven of 180° for 1 hour or as long as needed –test with cooking needle –
Leave to cool and enjoy with tea-as is or with a scrape of butter.
I do not bake but for the 1st time in my life I can proudly say that any-one can bake this as I did so now 2x very successfully!
Hope you enjoy!
To those who are not well- we hope that recovery is near, those who are travelling please take care and those who stay behind remember that safety is essential.
Time flies and Gerlof’s countdown has begun! Very busy time ahead!
Rainy regards from a very wet Cranleymore
Barry and Christina
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