Saturday, August 31, 2013

Mixed greetings from Ireland

Saturday 31 August’13 Good day to all, Family and friends, First and foremost, our deepest sympathy with my brother Mendel and family in the death of Anke his wife, who has been very ill for some time! The Lord is merciful! The last day of summer in this part of the world, the wind is unpleasant but it is 19 ° and the sun shines! There are also some clouds passing by but thankfully with the wind speed they do not get a chance to empty on us! They roll by in quick succession. The swallows are still around and they are so friendly – greets us every morning – the house sparrows are plenty, all through the year present but our special friends are only 6 in number- and for a short few months,visitng our estate in Cranleymore! We have not seen the foxes for some time – they are not mad about dry bread and as I have not been back to the hospital they surely feel neglected. We have a very interesting situation with our own 2 kittens that are very brave and regularly chase the black cat away – he only gets a change to eat the left- overs when the Swapo Terrorists are asleep. Spottie and Patches has grown into beautiful cats, not house cats but estate cats-they know every inch of their territory and defend it proudly- They sleep between the flowers- refused to go into the porch area now for some time and we came to the conclusion that the wild streak in them is too dominant and to be locked up is not conducive to good behaviour! They are so happy, shining coats with very strong muscle development from climbing the trees! The garden has been a wonderful colourful enjoyment; the deep red gladiolas 24 of them are in full flower, in between a bright purple lot- , a feast for the eye! We planted biannual sweat-peas but are disappointed as they all have just one colour –very pale blue- will have to make a plan to get colour back on the trellises. Veggies have been plenty-full. Harvested the peas on Thursday and can say with confidence that it was a good crop! Carrots are now coming to an end and the potatoes are gone now for a good 2 weeks and we have to buy them at a very high price!. The grapes are starting to discolour – 20 bunches in all and we hope that there will be enough heat left during September to ripen them ,the same with the tomatoes! My first week at home absolutely flew and I cannot report on any moments of boredom or frustration up to now- I have so much planned – but some of it will have to wait for the weather to change as I find it difficult to sit in front of the computer hours on end if the sun is shining! Too much of a waste of the best thing in Ireland! SUNSHINE! I have a very fancy tumble dryer with a filter that needs cleaning regularly –if you slip up you run into problems, noticed during the week when I ran in from outside with the towels that the drying process was not up to standard. Yesterday was then the day ideal to clean the filter- the dryer with the filter is on ground-floor level and to be able to extract the filter I have to go down on my knees- now that in itself is not a good idea- but I pulled the little foot carpet nearer and gently kneeled in front of the dryer and took the filter out- disgracefully dirty –kneeling down was still ok but to get up was another story and in the process I twisted my left hip and now I have a left hip and thigh muscles in agony and on the right the knee that has to click into place when- ever I change position! Do not get old!!!! Fortunately I did my walk with Marthie while still in good condition on Thursday afternoon- doubt if I will be able to get out of the car! We also had a day in Dublin, went in by train –free passage – took a taxi to Francis Street –famous for antiques- and attended an auction of jewellery- just to find out what the prices of diamonds etc are in Ireland- it was an education! We did enjoy the day – walked many a mile, browsed in every shop, bought some lovely silver at a good price, Barry can haggle very well! And came home very pleased with ourselves! Saw Finbarr for a few moments on the station and that is always a bonus! There was no opportunity to visit the grandchildren as they were both in play school and crèche. We Skype regularly! Birthdays: Leané, your 8th birthday is on the 2nd, Michael Knight 5th, Cobus van Marle the 6th and Nanette and Brandon on the 8th! Happy Birthday to you all! We do remember those who are not well, all of you who have had operations, falls ,accidents, fractures and difficult recovery periods, Attie, dr & Rina Herbst, Cilna ‘s father, Brandon and Nanette and all those that I do not know about! Tomorrow is the best day of my week and it is my turn to play the organ after one Sunday‘s rest- I love it and put everything I have into rejoicing with Paul Jesus Christ crucified! I hope that Gerlof and Sandra ‘s return journey will be good and others that were away from home over the holiday period- will return home safely!” We greet you with a reminder that safety is surely one of the most important aspects of your daily lives- take care and protect yourselves and your families! With Sunny periods, intermittent cloud cover and scattered drops of rain We wish you well Barry & Christina

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bewolkte groete vanaf Cranleymore

Saterdag 24 Augustus’13 Goeie dag allemaal, familie en vriende, Ek wil eerstens om verskoning vra vir my laat skrywe en ook omdat ek in vorige briewe nagelaat het om baie siek mense te noem, ek doen dit nie met opset nie en hoop dat diegene wat daardeur geraak was my sal vergewe. Dit is nou laat somer hier in Ierland en gelukkig nog nie koud nie alhoewel ons nag temperature nou onder 10° sal val in die volgende week, Die dae is natterig maar daar is darem elke dag ‘n blerts sonskyn wat ons harte verheug en die temperature is nog steeds 18-20° so saam met die wolke massa! Die wereld is nog pragtig en groen, weelderig en ruig, blomme nog in talle kleure en geure oral om ons! Heelwat later! Ons moes eers Mullingar toe ry want gister het ons die gebreekte deel van die ‘weedeater’ wat reeds 2 jr gelede gebreek het, ingeneem om ‘n nuwe te kry –hulle moes dit van iewers af kry en nou het ons dit – intussen het die blou lug verander in’n grys oortreksel, die wind het opgekom en ek moes ‘n ekstra oorbloesie aantrek. Barry dra al lankal sy trui. Ek dra nog steeds my sandale en somer klere want ek reken so ,die winter is lank genoeg en ek wil die somer uitrek tot daar absoluut niks van hom oor is voor ek ingee en warmer aantrek! Daarna het ek eers my naweek take in die tuin verrig- die tamatie se blaardos uitsny sodat die vrugte die son kan kry as dié skyn en het ook moes tamatie kos gee- die tamaties hang maar wil nie ryp word nie!, het ook al die dooie rose uitgeknip en pronkertjies gepluk. Die dooie swaardlelie blommetjies afgesny, die pere getel en die appels met hul rooi wangetjies met trots beskou! Die ertjies is reg vir pluk en ons het reeds in die tuin gestaan en peul na peul oopgebreek en gesmul! Diere verslag: Ons twee rampokkers, Spottie en Patches is dierbaar en baie oulik! Barry roep net “Come,come” dan hardloop hulle vir ‘n vale om bytekom- hulle loop, hardloop al spelende saam met hom om die onderveld, sit op die rant van die water tenk ,gelukkig kan hulle nou hulle balans beter beheer en het hulle nog nie weer ingeval nie! Hulle is maer katte met geweldige spier ontwikkeling van boom klim en al die gehardloop. Patches het ons grys hare gegee saans want hulle het nog in die voorpotaal geslaap tot verlede Vrydagaand toe Patches dood eenvoudig nie daar in wou gaan nie en moes toe buite bly sonder kos en alleen want Spottie was binne en het heerlik ge-eet en gaan slaap! Sedertdien hou ons die portaal deur effe oop en hulle het vrye gang – weet waar om heen te hardloop as dit reen en as hulle warm wil slaap! Wat hulle nou snag doen is hulle saak – soggens wag hulle vir ons op die kombuis versterbank,weet natuurlik die kos kom uit die kombuis! Hulle kom nie die huis in nie want hulle spring op die tafel en Barry wil hulle verpletter- hulle moet eers die katteflap kan gebruik voor hulle in die huis toegelaat sal word. Jet is nou ‘n yslike groot kat maar ken sy plak steel kos wat oorbly maar bly op ‘n afstand! Stompie- ,dink ons is oorlede- was baie siek en ons het probeer so goed as wat ons kon om haar te versorg maar uiteindelik moes sy maar bos toe getrek het om daar doodtegaan! Ons het die foxies lank laas gesien en so-ook die krimpvarkie – hy is iewers, maar kruip weg! Die voëls tart die 2 katte uit en hulle besef telkens hulle kannie vlieg nie! Ja, ek is nou amptelik ‘n pensionaris met die hoop van ‘n skof as hulle my nodig het by die hospitaal. Die hele bestuur is in die pad gesteek en ons sit sonder ‘n HR bestuurder en al sou ek my P45 wou hê sou ek dit nie kan kry nie want daar is niemand wat dit kan uitryk nie- hulle het my darem in kennis gestel dat ek binne 2 weke sal weet wat gaan vir wat! Intussen hoop en bid ons maar geduldig! Ek het Woensdag die orrel by ‘n groot begrafnis gespeel vir 3½ uur. Daar was meer as 500 mense –Victor was ‘n welbekende geskiedkundige, die president van die lanbou skou en ‘n boer in die omgewing sedert voor die oorlog. Hy was Saterdag 90 jr oud , baie siek en is 2 dae later oorlede! Sondag is soos altyd die beste dag van my week en verlede week het ons Stephen terug in die preekstoel gehad en dit was weereens ‘n belewenis! Ek het die laaste 4 weke die orgel bespeel maar môre sit ek in die kerkbank! Dit is Joy se beurt! Ons dra al die siek mense in gebed aan die Here op, ons dink baie spesiaal aan Anke wat nou in die siekeboeg opgeneem is en aan Mendel wat nou tuis alleen is, Ons dink baie spesiaal aan Attie en bid vir volkome hertsel en geduld en dink aan almal wat help op die plaas! Moed en ondersteuning vir Hester- Ons dink ook aan Cilna se pa wat nou by hulle aan huis is en aan die Herbst familie Rina en die Dr wat baie groot rug probleme het en moes weer van voor af leer loop het en Rina wat geval het en haar pols gebreek het. Ons dink aan Hennie en Martie, ons wonder so hoe dit met hom gaan? Ander lesers wat nie gesond is nie en ek nie van weet nie- ons hoop en bid dat dit gou beter sal gaan! Aan almal wat nie lekker voel nie- Jong Jaco in Roodepoort- my dierbare kind ons hoop jy word gou gesond! Dit was so lekker om julle almal te kon sien en hoor op SKYPE! Dan aan almal wat so dierbaar, goeie wense gestuur het, dit word baie gewaardeer! VERJAARDAE: SJP Eloff van Australie wat 20ste verjaar het- Rachelle wat vandag verjaar Martie Redelinghuys wat die 26ste verjaar, hoop dat dit ‘n goeie dag was en sal wees, gevul met al die mooi dinge waarvan julle gedroom het! Ons klein kinders is pragtig en baie oulik! Lukas het ‘n regte Dublin aksent- te oulik! Ons vrees die toestand in die midde Ooste is besig om baie lelik te raak- Egipte en Sirië- Die brande in Amerika, die ellende in Japan waar daar nog steeds lekke is in die Kern reaktor- vloede in die Philipine- hier by ons waar veiligheid van geen waarde is nie en gisteraand 6nm val ‘n seun van14jr van ‘n trekker af en sterf. ‘nKlien seuntjie van twee wat in die see verdrink het gisteraand 7uur- hoe dit kan gebeur gaan my verstand te bowe! Op die politieke front gaan daar groot ontploffings wees wanneer hierdie regering weer hul plekke inneem na die vakansie! Die hele wêreld is op sy kop! Baie dankie ook aan almal wat so gereeld skryf – dit word alles veslind en erg gewaardeer! Dis nou genoeg, mag die wat regmaak om lewensveranderinge te maak –dit geniet en mag dit goed gaan met al jou reelings Georg, Gerlof en Sandra wat nog in SA is en al die ander wat met vakansie is- veilige terugkeer en wees altyd versigtig en op jul hoede! Wees gegroet vanuit ‘n erg bewolkte Cranleymore Barry & Christina

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Overcast summer greetings

SATURDAY 10 AUGUST’13 Good day to all, family and friends, It is overcast and fairly thick dark clouds are hanging over us but they have done no pouring yet- , my washing is on line and it has to be dry before it can rain! Temperature between 18-20 and quite pleasant- you are not dying from the heat and humidity low and breathing comes easily It has been a good week I worked only one night and had prematurely been put on annual leave to accommodate the many days the hospital has been closed over this holiday period! It is an idyllic situation when it feels as if you are on holiday in your own home! There is no hurry, you do what you want to do when you want to and enjoy being at rest! There are other times that you really work hard for a few hours- cleaning the house, washing the windows and there is always washing to be done- the garden is low maintenance at present and I only cut out the dead roses every day to keep it in flower. Clematis, jasmine, and honey suckle are in full bloom and a lovely aroma meets you when walking through! The gladiolas are filling out and should open in about a week! My hands smell wonderfully of tomato- just broke all the extra leaves off the plants that grow at the bottom as well as in between to allow sun and air to the fruit. The bunches of grapes are fantastic, about 20 in all, apples are getting red cheeks and the pears are holding on! Our kittens Patches and Spottie have doubled in size and are a great joy! Barry calls “Come, come” and they run with him all round the estate ( ha-ha) they enjoy every moment, play hide and seek and eat like little pigs. Climbing high into the top of the trees and then do not know how to get down! The food costing an arm and a leg seems to suit them well, we do make it little bit more interesting by adding very finely sliced ham and cooked chicken and Jelly sachets of all kinds- if it starts raining they run for the porch where they are stationed as well as at evening time- Patches – true to the saying ‘curiosity kills the cat’ wanted to see what is in the water tank. Spottie was already on the rim and drank some water when master jumped up lost his footing and landed in the tank – never have you seen a cat move so fast out of the water over the edge and gone- we tried to catch him to dry him but he would have nothing to do with us- fortunately the sun was shining lovely and hot and while he continuously groomed himself in the sun he eventually looked like a cat again- now they both stay away from the tank! Their favourite spot is on top of the oil tank in the sun or under the car- I have to be so careful and ref the engine well before I move! The vegetable garden with the loose ground is also a good place to play-the other wild cats have disappeared from the scene and only come when the other 2 have gone to bed. The foxes have not been for a while and the birds are also less in numbers- the swallows are still around and started to build a nest under the roof on the front wall of the house but might have abandoned it- have not seen any new mud on it for a few days! With the politicians on holiday we do have some peace – for how long I do not know- some are still around stirring the pot every now and again- They have plans to start putting in water meters in the country but those appose to it will stop the diggers from digging the holes, they say! There is an abundance of water in the country with no management and to pay off the money owned to IMF they are trying every possible way to get money out of the people, House charges, septic tank charges and now the water meters. Road accidents have been escalating and so many young people have lost their lives through high speeds and always in the early hours of the morning. The reason why we had to fix the ceilings in the house was because of the leak we had last Christmas, water coming through the roof tiles. Little bit back to front but Barry has spent now several days on the roof doing the right thing- ROOF 7 the Solution to the problem. It means that he has to bend and straighten up ever so often and it makes him very tired but at nearly 77 he is still doing a great job- he is not allowed on the roof without me being present – so safety is a priority! We hope sincerely that the problem will be solved forever! Thank you to all of you who so diligently write back and the history letter from Leopold was absolutely wonderful- thank you Leopold for your very interesting news letters. To all those who are waiting for results- may your dreams come true and for those who live in the Southern half studying in earnest now is on the cards for you! Tomorrow is the best day of my week and I will be in front of the organ- and it will also be the last Sunday of a visiting preacher! Birthdays!! Marjorie the 11th, Gerhard jnr 12th, happy birthday to you both! May you enjoy a lovely day! If any-one else are having a birthday and is not mentioned- Enjoy your day! We also remember those who are not well, special thoughts for Anke who has improved tremendously, courage for Mendel, Hennie and those who care for him and for Martie strength, Attie who is recovering at home, strength to Hester- the last letter to Hester and Attie came back undelivered- may be the email address I have is wrong – can some-one please help! Nanette and Brandon! Any-one else that is not feeling well or is sick, we sincerely hope that you will feel better soon! Our grandchildren are growing fast and as always are very lovely! Remember the importance of safety, at home- where-ever you may find yourselves- on holiday or on the roads! Warm, overcast skies but pleasant summer greetings from Cranleymore Barry & Christina

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Warm bewolkte groete

3 Augustus 13 Goeiedag allemaal, familie en vriende, Dit is baie eienaardig maar terwyl ek in my bed slaap reen dit telkens maar sodra ek opstaan begin die son skyn – en dit is wonderlik! Ons erge hitte is weg maar dit is nog heerlik warm al reen dit meer ure as wat daar daglig is! Dit is natuurlik spesifiek in die middel van die eiland ,vér weg van stede en hoof weë, maar ‘n plekkie iewers in die middel van die land! Ons het een middag na ons slagter gery ,met die agter paaadjies wat nou groen tonnels geword het, dit voel asof hy deur feëtjie woud ry, varings wat ruig die banke van paadjies, wat net breed genoeg is vir een kar, skouer, ongelooflik mooi.Dit laat jou in bewonderring luister na die stilte van natuur met net voëlsang wat die stilte verbreek. Hier is geen sonbeiseis nie! Ons rose en tuin staan is glorie, met blomme en struike ,’n lus vir die oog! Die groente tuin het gedurende die afgelope 6 weke ons van heerlike groente voorsien, uie, aartappels en wortels. Die trossies druiwe word groot en die tamaties en ertjies staan in blom, hoop net daar is genoeg hitte oor om die tamaties te laat ryp word. Ons het heel party appels en pere en ons hoop hulle word groot en sal eetbaar wees! Ons katjies het agtergekom dat hulle oor die ogies draad kan klim en dit was die einde van hul beskerming-Barry het die ogies draad onder aan die hek gesit sodat daar darem bietjie weerstand is hulle hardloop van die een kant na die ander kant van die erf deur die heining in Jimmy se veld in, op in elke boom ,een ding is seker hulle het agtergekom hulle kan nie vlieg nie! Saans is hulle so dood moeg dat hulle dwarsdeur die nag slaap! Patches was siek en ons is vee-arts toe en nou is hulle op nuwe kos wat die waarde het van goud, net die allerbeste vir hierdie twee jakkers! Hulle groei vinnig en is baie gelukkig en ‘n groot plesier! Op die politieke front het die Lepricorn die regulasie oor die aborsie besigheid geteken en meer mense het die heersende politieke party verlaat – stem net nie saam met wat hulle gedoen het nie en dan om mense te skors uit die party omdat hulle ‘n ander siening is boeli-ing verby! ‘n Pakistanie man wat met ‘n Ierse vrou getrou het, het blykbaar geld van die publike gesteel , het moeilikheid met sy vrou opgetel, en om haar seer te maak het hy die kinders 10jr en ?6 jr ontvoer en hulle vermoor- hy veroorsaak toe ‘n ongeluk met die lykies van die kinders in die kattebak –hy is nie dood soos hy seker gehoop het nie en staan nou in die hof met die moord van sy 2 kinders op sy hande! Geldelike sake is natuurlik altyd in die nuus en ons gaan hierdie jaar ‘n vroee begroting hê- reeds in Oktober en ‘n mens vrees wat dit na vore sal bring. By die hospitaal is dit baie stil , ons het vanmore toegemaak tot Woensdag oggend – dit is bank vakansie Maandag , al die dokters is met vakansie en ek dink elkeen want mangels gehad het, is uit! Net die uroloog en ortopeed bly werk maar hulle het ook die naweek vakansie geneem! Môre is die beste dag van my week en ek het die voorreg om voor die orgel te sit en ons gaan more die kerk se dak lig in ons lof sange! Ons het weer ‘n besoekende prediker en mag dit tot seën van ons siele wees! Die aftrede besigheid het my gryser gemaak as wat ek was- daar is geen vreugde in aftrede in hierdie land nie want as dit nie hier te lank is nie is dit daar te kort en niks is ooit reg nie- die hopsitaal hou my aan vir eksstra staf lid en ek sal skofte kry soos hulle my nodig het-ons hoop en bid dat dit goed sal uitwerk! Verjaardae: Môre is dit Annarie se verjaardag en ek is nie seker of daar iemand anders die week verjaar nie- geluk Annarie en mag die jaar geseënd wees. Ons dink baie spesiaal aan almal wat siek is en aansterk, Attie en Hester en familie, julle bly in ons gebede vir volkome herstel, baie spesiale dra ons Mendel en Anke op aan die genade van ons hemelse Vader. Vir Mendel vir sterkte en geduld en krag en vir Anke dat sy deur hierdie moeilike tyd in haar lewe die genade van God sal ervaar. Ons dink ook aan almal wat met vakansie in SA is, ry asb vesigtig en vir die wat daar woon onthou veiligheid tuis en elders is van uiterste belang! Ons groet vanuit ‘n bewolkte maar warm Cranleymore! Barry & Christina