Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring greetings from Cranleymore

Saturday 10 March’12

Good day to you all, family and friends!
It is a lovely day with no sun- thick clouds, little wind, temperatures between 12-14° - the sun did try to break through , I have to admit but the layers of cloud formation is just too thick, but...... We do not moan, every bit of warmth is appreciated and after a round in the garden and giving the car a wash I am happy to announce that the azaleas are flowering the daffodils are gorgeous and the roses said thank you for the fertilizer I gave them 2 weeks ago the new leaves looks good!
In the vegetable garden some progress were made –the last part of the patch has been dug and tilted and within 2 weeks it should be ready to be planted- we also worked some fertilizer into the patch just to make sure that the compost of last year gets a boost!
The apples and pear trees are ready to burst out in blossoms and we sincerely hope that we will have some fruit! The rhubarb is healthy and it will not be long and I will be able to cook some for pudding!
We holding back this year and will not plant spring baskets as they do not last very long and then you have to spent an enormous amount of money again to get summer flowers in and this year we will wait and plant every possible basket and window box with begonias, they seems to be the hardiest of all the plants and their flower time extends into the very late summer!
The slugs are having a ball of a time with all the fresh stems of the tulips and we have picked several severed stems off the ground- I have to say I do not easily say I hate something but these slugs I do not love!
The birds are there, but not in their hundreds anymore, as the bag of peanuts as well as the wild bird feed has come to an end and they now have to find their own food! We noticed lots of bumble bees and other kinds of bees around and hope that the bottom field will provide a great habitat for them in the summer months!
The other visiting animals come and go as they please! Sometime we are fortunate to sea then other times they just leave there greeting cards.
The rugby is on and the Irish is playing against the Scots- it was a draw against France last Sunday-so this seems to be an important event.
We inspected the local Home Base to see how their vegetable seedlings are coming along but found none-the colours of the pansies and primroses are very beautiful-we looked and looked but did not buy although it was very tempting. Shelves and shelves of new plants, very colourful and lovely !
We will pay a visit to our own Larry in Abbey Lara to see what he can provide!
Our little grandson Lukas is growing up too fast and he will not be little much longer- he counts perfectly up to 10 and can hand you the amount you ask for in small balls or apples- so he has a good concept of how much 5 or 7 is. After a chat to him this morning on the phone he says: “ Bye Ouma, see you soon” !
So Oumas and Oupas out there- I know I should not boast but it comes naturally!
Barry passed his visit to the clinic on Monday as follow-up on the episode of severe head ache, with flying colours. I visited my GP and got the all clear to go back to work and I will do my 1st shift on Monday night! Looking forward to work again!
Thank you so much to every-one that do write letters even if it is just now and again. Birthdays coming up is. Nicola Josling in Dublin tomorrow, Jaco Eloff in Roodepoort on the 14th , Georg the 18th and Arnolda the 19th! Happy Birthday to you all! Hope you have a wonderful blessed day!
To those who study and have to write exams everything of the best!
We do think of those who are having difficult times with their health! Johann Reinecke who had a back operation and also a minor heart attack, recovering at home -Haya and her torn heel muscles and the swollen leg, Hanlie who has trouble with her neck – Werner who are in remission- Thank the Lord! and then we ask those who do pray for the sick to remember our nephew in Cork -Nicholas who had the brain aneurism last year February- the last scan showed an aneurism within the old aneurism and it could not be solved without open brain surgery- Sharon his mom, will be notified on Monday for the date of the operation- some comfort is that the Neurologist is South African, Mr O’Sullivan- Nicholas is 16 years old.
On the political front the government plods on and I am not sure what the criteria for a Banana Republic is, but this Irish Republic surpasses that!
The unemployment reaches near the ½ million and although Canada and Australia are trying their best to get people employed in their respective countries –it never ends and we heard this week that one of the banks that needed to be bailed out during the deep and dark days of the recession is to let 2,500 people go- hopefully voluntary redundancies- I do not know where it is going to end. I thank the Lord every day that I still have a job.
Away from all the depressing facts of living through a recession – tomorrow is the BEST day of the week and as Joy is still in Lanzerotti I will be in front of the organ and with Stephen away –I can choose the Hymns! I hope that you all will have a blessed Sunday!
Laurel who is at present in Belgium- we hope that you have a successful trip.
Please be diligent in safety matters-do not trust any-one and be careful on the roads!
Spring greetings from a cloudy but lovely day in Cranleymore
Barry & Christina

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