Saturday, January 18, 2014

Greetings from a cold Cranleymore

Saturday 17 January’14 Good day to all, family and friends, It is with a little bit of hopefulness ,2 ° outside- it is cold and wet, not the usual pattern of warmer weather when it rains, disappointing, and it also means I cannot walk outside and have to use my fly wheel more times today than otherwise! I have a feeling that we have been spoilt this winter as it has not really been cold and when the temperatures do drop we feel it more than before! We are both well and so are our animals, very brave Spottie fighting nearly every night to protect his territory – he is scarred and you can clearly see where the fur has been pulled out! Patches is the timid one and watches from the windowsill! The big visiting black and white cat comes back in spite of being chased and turf thrown at him! One dove is back and that was lovely to see-wondering where its mate is? The doorbell rang and a man from some company request to enter our premises as he has to check the electrical pole standing in our garden, the same one that stood in 6” of water 2 weeks ago. Every tree has a plague on with details of day and date erected and a serial number. The big leaf ivy with white and green leaves must have been winding up that pole since it was erected in 1967. The pole is rotten, you can push your finger right into it- they were forced to remove the Ivy to expose the data and left us with the notice that the pole will have to be replaced in the near future –some-else will come and do that!. Suddenly the garden is bigger as the ivy took a big enough space all around the pole. We will be notified of date and time by post! On the political front we sit with a scandal that is nearly un-over-come-able! The Irish, give them credit , are very good in collecting money for charity and there are many charities that benefit from the good heartedness of the Irish. The HSE also have a centre for remedial care for the hundred if not thousands of children born with some defect or genetic deviation, Downs syndrome ,or autism, many in severe situations of needing care 24hrs a day! The centre is run by a board and directors like everything else and the last CEO left there sometime last year with a handshake of €740,000 which now have come to light, were taken from the charity find for the CRC. Those who were aware of it were sworn to silence and when it came to light it caused many charities to come forward and declaring where their monies were paid into and to whom. It is not the correct way of saying thank you, to a man’s services as the centre needs the money more than him and this has caused tremendous anxious moment the last week in the Erachtus, where the investigation is taking place with all different members of political parties and responsible people for the fraud! This is only one – and it might, for all we know be just the tip of the iceberg! So be careful where and to whom you give your monies! The heat in Australia is frightening , the fires destroying woodland – harshness of the summer temperatures seems to spiral out of all control! I am well aware of areas in SA where the draught is so bad that animals are dying and dams drying up. There is also the national wide issue of electric pilons that will destroy the landscape and the fracking that will destroy everything underneath us! We need power but not in my back yard. We also need alternative energy but also not in my back yard! We are very proud of all the students that did well in their exams and think of those who with renewed energy start a new year or a new model! May it go well with all of you! Those you start new jobs and those who are ready to leave! May it go well with you as well! Birthdays Kylie Du Toit 23rd and Leandra 24th- Happy Birthday to you. The garden is starting to liven up- Hyathins, daffodils, tulips anemones, as well as many of the other plants in the garden are showing green leaves and buts! In another 2 weeks , weather permitting we will start in the vegetable garden, preparing the soil and planting + the pruning of certain bushes! Tomorrow is as always the best day of the week for me and I will be very privilege tomorrow to be back behind the organ! I have been driving since last Sunday! The Physio -Therapist also discharged me from his care will flying colours! Thank you to all of you who wrote such lovely letters of late and continue doing it! I have said before, we devour all the news! Please drive safely, keep safety always in mind home and away! Greetings from a cold Cranleymore Barry & Christina

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